
Angel's wings

A new word?

Ch ar tie not lie          Harry, Ron, Kate.

Which word I Anna very sure about it?  Your father's name.....

You have not 1 friend, 1 classmate, 1 person to talk to, and even ask? Is this secret heavy?

You can only learn


Harry Potter's age in the invitation time was 11.

Ocean 11,   12    13

It is 8, not 0

Its 2 up down 0

"Upside Down", again U D, not U 0

That girl is the spider man's neighbor, again, your brother's Drew's gf.

MJ. You check it, there is no neighbor has MJ.

The grade math we learn 1 2 3 and the multiplication table. You want to talk about it to Shane, this 1 paper you written since 25 years ago....this numerical mathematical calculation is not Anna my invention scheme, it was the biology codon chart.

You knew Kryon .....when I Anna says it. Or that rumor if your brother remembered or Kate, when you hear that for the first time. Olaf is a O, but the cartoon was a


An egg. 

You only written things down, if that is very very sure. Correct? 

Is that plagiarism? 

Harry ! I will not care about that paper, I am going to Shane, you want to talk to the Westlife this paper right next by the neighbor?! Ireland is your adjacent neighbors.

You should have talk to them about that 20 years ago. Ocean 13 in 2007.

My lunch time.

Movie: Duplicity

Your brother on the phone, you looking at all the data screen.

The 21th floor.

She needs an instruction. Julia Roberts (Ocean 11) 

You do have this sheet written .....

I have to eat something...your heart goes hoovering, that is what you did, jump up or down. This guy says he didn't take the chemistry class, the other guy.

That is mention's King, Cinderella blue dress, SMCH ?!  When he wears the eye glasses. He has another high tech Pixel movie, the red dress girl like 26, to Keanu's Matrix 1.

That is why you told Meghan.....? or you make her realize you really cared about my UB those classmate all combine together? If they combine to find those things on their own, together....I am happy for them, but most movies are more negative than the positive I can tell you that.

That is not what I said in my lawsuit? 


But you know the movies are mostly negative, uh ha?! 


But that is not written sounds? 

It is.

Harry, you always tell your palace people no matter what. You must have 1 contact any time a movie or you written this sheet or the paper for 25 years long or something else starting 30 years included all movies "title". I have the first or the second lawsuit just on that movie title. I remember, Harry. Not that.....you always tell your brother or your personal staffs. That sheet....whichever that sheet to sound like a professor.

The Earth Stands Still.

That will be: The High School Musical" this same time shows up.

You afraid someone stole your paper, right? You went to investigate, or you got something else to hide? 

No, not that.

You want to evoke the judge in my UB classmates their dying sequence if that origin points you flying in with the England raffle marine units. If my brother was the origin points, and replace that Simon to say Iron Man, not the high school musical.

Fatima, Dean, Scott (next to Bill )

                                              Bill is a blur line.

Dr. Black Jack from Japan cartoon. 黑傑克

Bill and near him military that Scott as the X-Man (the first movie starting), you remember all that....so you do really really cared about the inside movie people turning real in my UB facebook. Scott is not from UB.

What if the origin point is at Tina, the Wall Street? All the way to Ireland Shane their side and you must have checked their court room behind and all him and his TV wife's interview. None of them know? 

Hugh becomes the high school musical.

Isn't your book I heard from the news were 20 millions they given you the royalty in advance ?

These runner runner's sheet .....I wrote them myself. The sweet couple of the 2 otters yesterday, you were performing art for Hugh, between you and this Meghan. She is much older human, so she reads any sheet from me, you ever forbidden her?

Her personality....I assuming. A housewife like her, to be worried, or concerned, or married to a boy, to say drama acting to hurt Hugh and Olivia, if that situation has any other factors in it in the head like your brother. She was a sorority herself, she cares she does that with you, those small petty things acting like a loving couple, parenting somewhere else?

Me and Shane (or Me and Eben those?)

Meghan she knew about that?

A scientific convention center, a 1893 science photo used to be, all that glory was just a main career if were telling your father, so there is a side career......anything I written economically wise, it wasn't that many paragraph. Its enchanting to the ears.

What do you think I know, your per heart beat at your heart muscle at that chest, you can hear almost your heart every beat at your head? No one knows....that glory. 

Meghan shouldn't be new to Asia, "Hi!" The fire stairs usually....are those fireman uses. The fire lane would be you might have heard of....about where I am. But Harry is in Japan. Yesterday I kinda mis-place the points between the escalator or the elevator, because he kept going back to the City emergency those stairs for the fireman department.  Maybe you should be informed. No, its not out of the fashion means. Its he out of the ways, away from them rushing in those Fire Department, the real City emergency unit. 

Back to you Harry

So....you wish to be next by Meghan to do these news say Netflix, about 3 months ago she was on the news those cups or the plates something something. I can only hear 1 thing, and think for about 3 months. The home, the kids, the nanny, not your mouth zip in 1 line, very sunglasses glare to drive home with a brown bag. She prepares something for you to feel home. America doesn't have a line up people to encourage you, those garden all party feeling like the same height, the same air the British royal, the same black tie, the same interior design. You been to so many, this America all these years kinda colder all that noise...you are still the King of the jungle in your own houses: 2 smaller kids + 1 strong Meghan.

Are they still in Breeze, Kate there, and she just side by. 

These several months all these typhoon never ends. 

You want to drop anything you ever done, and just wait on Meghan, help her at home with the 2 kids, she goes to work on her own this Netflix, she talks, and you side by, and you wish both of you can get through that part of the life together, and you Harry has no more agenda this far, whatever this sheet, or something else, to say, co-exist together with your brother, or your father?

Kate goes on her own, with your brother looks like he does care about how to settle her and takes the kid back, it was George staying home, now they are all here!

Your father always think it gets back to him, he always knows that part, or your brother now needs to think of, or he always imagine is him, and then.....you are on one research sheet, just in case. Pierre and Meghan, that Peer Review journal sheet. 

If you ever wonder he wrote anything? The Taiwan youtuber, a professor he might know? You hate these things. 

Taiwan Youtuber that Pierre

No. He doesn't have that sheet whatever this written at the beginning, if that is you have goes back 40 years not just 20 years or when Ocean 13 shows up.

I swear?

I think he knows a professor, or he knows what is a peer review journal the basic format. I don't think he uses YOUR sheet to say Contact (1997), a Ken means Kryon, mine stuffs 2014. If he is the only reason why you end up here with Meghan, you can just find your brother solve that immediately. I say NO! His brain has more than that sheet how to justify your father's name with Ch or your mother, or you care about it to vocalize her on the CNN 2 years ago.

You still cared about it.

You want to do that today? They give you the answer back, you and Meghan can immediately take off to this Netflix things, she finished with you, or you just staying home, let her work on anything else, you all far away from home for nearly a summer.

Yeah, go back to America.

You and her going back to America, I explain to you these you wish to occupy the Taipei court room is not valid to your lawsuit anything from here, to say any points or the O, or anything. You and her takes those flight back. You 2 have 2 kids, stay home, rest, chill, and focus on your side of America again with her. Build that life correctly.

You been to the American Congress or you know the England Parliament or the PM. Right?

You don't need to be here to WIN! You get back to a life you two were building up together.

Is a dispute in Taipei or America the same?


Is that the correct format?

Yes, any dispute.

Just that 2 forms?


But if the movie title, the lawsuit you Anna wrote....that is? If I found something in the accidents that derive me the cash ideas, or should.....that is mine stuffs....how do you say that?

You wish to sue the movie industry for all that disturbs you, but you got very excited that things might be yours, because it was you waited these 20 years or 15 years (up to Ocean 13) or when you get back from the mliitary, you knew you have any other intention but you tell most time to your father earlier on in your life, or suspect, or just more back end to think, not to do much. You going along that doesn't mean you forget, you might have that profile somewhere.

So I cannot file that, because I am ....what?


So there is nothing here, just waiting in Hollywood?

You want to go back to England, is that can or cannot? When you all playing all these things, Meghan want to save the security fees and you all be back to England?

The movie waiting is in Hollywood.

No, you can wait anywhere on the Earth. But I would rather tell you the next 5 years, wait or don't wait, raise the kids like they told you, or how they plan your life, its either in America or in England. I thought the news saying back to England. After that, so confused. I thought I read once that and think about...now 3 months pass by.

What do you mean you can wait anywhere on Earth, can you file anywhere immediate the local court?

Yes. The democracy world, yes.

So there is no difference where I supposed to be?

No, if you want to resolve that dispute.

Like I found out the cash isn't mine, I truly knowing it, I sue the movie industry.



How long you wish to wait and keep researching that? 

If I file in America, and I go back to England, do I fly back to America when they call me?

Yes. You could just file in the UK, you tell the American side, I thought about it.....I re-file that in UK maybe, I have something else wish to add. Is here the simple local court the same like the UK, so I don't need to flying in back and forth?

When you say the simple court room local court......I don't understand.

You have a theory, or MANY theory, right? They are all that movie makes you think, or deviate you always in the mind of the anxiety, and not well, and home you don't dare to tell your wife, or you hate to be laughed at, or you did tell someone, and everyone is laughing, or you just don't like to talk about it anymore. They are all derived from the bad movie to the bad movie content imply, hurting you, hurting you to everyone, they are all hurting that is all around you.


But you have some agenda. You wasn't all that being honest until you get caught, or this book published, or the investigator, or the drug usage and all that. I personally think you go by your Father King or your brother together at this time, more custom to what had happened, to give you some supports in their time, helping you and Meghan this 4 people family to move back, when the school season starts. Right now the kids are smaller.

I want to win at the court room fight, that isn't working out in UK.

It will never happen in America. You are not feeling it from any grocery store, that isn't in the air for the last 250 years long.

I just want to talk through to get through something.

So this would be the court room procedure. Your local court to California, or UK or Taipei you plan to spend flying tickets in the next 30-40 years doing it when they call you.

No ! Can I combine?


I pay the fee, they investigate it right?


But it didn't trigger anything else in the movie on the movie, next by the movie?


I will feel like if that kinds of the explaination?

I know. You calling the legal justice department to wish them to find out the movie content, not just the movie title. And that investigation you wish its they lean on your purpose, or your imagination that is what the movie meant but they tell you no probably. 

But when you hear me on the explanation to Ola them, you freak out about that movie formats, or the legal documents formats 10 years ago, so you gone to the lawyer, and they tell you, that is true. What I can tell you would be......you mix up your motive its you wish that 2 hours movies "content" be the justify reason harming you and your family, or anyone else to get the compensate, BUT you wish to trigger the formating to say hurting Taiwan or America, because those location were the movie producers at. I will tell you, that is none relevant, because you really really really wish to find out, its how much they harm you in 2 hours 30 mins in all the movie content to imply all over the world. You will not give up, no matter which initiated the lawsuit format, until you clear out that movie content 2 hours and 30 mins to be justified. That will be the overall lawsuit for everyone.

Correct, but they say no.

Right, you wait another 20 years at least.

They seriously investigate?


And they will compensate to me and my family. all UK those?


UK or US?

You can just tell US you quit, and waiting on UK. You say, the funny feeling would be, if all the court room on Earth is the same, that hurting part UK will do the simple "local" court room procedure just like the American court room procedure, am I right?

They will tell you, Yes.

You say, because I want my family to move back, and no more traveling for this I cannot wait another 40 years and the UK is the same local court room structure. If I ask you that, you think that is correct? 

They will answer, true. Your brother them will find all out and compensate you all.

Call Meghan?!

You both can book the tickets by tomorrow when the lawyer telling you, this is true!

You are very sure these simple court room procedure, right?


My lawyers will know that, too, right?


That is redundant, you mean

Truth? Yes.

My country they....

Then close it there, you just be like Ron for the rest of your life like that. Your father your brother, don't talk. Keep quiet, for many years with Meghan raise up that family. Not winning or losing anymore. No talking. Be around them, however the time last with your family. Stop chatting those things or talking in between those party. Stay home, you have a beautiful home.

Your parents in the court room?

No, it was over. But they are all liking it the idea about the democracy. They like to talk, or saying you mean hating each other is not enough, if were, still they were the family left behind, how many times can really see them. If the court room group them to yell at each other. Its their happiest time and the kid me staying home, watch the home, the windows, the door. They be happy because, all that means to them here.

I will be like you, doing nothing but stay home?

Sleep, rest, watch the kids, let the Meghan on her happy time, she knows what not to say, or watch for her, you all cherish to hold to raise this 1 family up together.

I want to talk.

Don't talk.

Why not?

I think you ruin enough for everyone and you yourself. You didn't trust your royal army, or the groups near by, they will find out for all of you. You suppose to just behave like you trusting them forever, never put your 2 cents in it. never talk, never question. Bring the family up and grow correctly everyone.

I want to talk at home, those dinner party, between each other.


I ask you some question yesterday.

You gonna do that in England.

Hugh's wall is knocking..... he got the new apartment done yet?

To your own kids and the family kids, you are their uncle. You think in 5 years you have anything difference this mode how you doing things? With the sun glasses behind to hide, or unhappy anything that doesn't go on your way?

You make your family a bad name, and you decide that is how you go alone in the movie scene to where in the real life, there is a book. Or they make you write a book and all that....You have no direction turn in life, you feeling that?

You can continue to do that, and align to all those the young couples they all producing the kids, and running about, and as long as everyone just like you screwing up the life, you watching them from your PC, and you know so, everyone is as negative, as the bad and bad life, and bad in anything, just like you. That is your attitude? 

Decide now, that is your next 5 years look out, you perfect to pointing your wand, anyone and everyone has no quality in life since 1928, every world zone die, is your only purpose, because that is a great felt, you don't get your way, let's continue this methods how to live and die.

Say it, that is not a prayers. Feeling good? 

Vision I see the cake, the pastry, the Square' white, no more red....glows.

The wall keep knocking. Maybe I fallen sleep good.....if its a nightmare I can wake up, I don't sleep deep enough ! She has an intention to feed the vegan crowd to drink the wine....the vision telling me, that is about you Harry? You stepping everywhere in America or coming near and you say no one welcoming you on the street. No one does that other than in UK.

Another 5 years its another 10 years mean. You are not planning to grow mature, aren't you? What you suppose to be doing?

You stepping on Harry Potter in when, then step in Frozen 1

You mean each people, we never talk about it, or I never talk about it. Every single one of us have no good feeling with any you Harry royal degree to say D in IQ, or F in character? You step to your father's throne, or your brother, and then mine, or anyone else all the movies, you are just the watcher, watcher, watcher, you mean.....to admin on everybody.

Not everyone in a different time frames over this 25 years, it is every human doing nothing but throw you Harry out. You are not welcomed anywhere. You justify your existing reason. You feel you can pee all over, that is what it means. 

I talk to your brother, remember I try to describe you William, Harry does this with his boat.

Not any of your kid's name related. Its all Harry's fault. How much that time you hear, you understand? 60%? I gonna describe to you one more time. He tie his boat, that is more like a boat, not a taller yarht. In a very horror movie, it was about 5 or 7 people fallen in the water, tie up the naked all clothing trying to hook that very tall boat on the very top to come up.

So I say Geogina's movie, that boat keep going out and in, going out and in. Tickets to the Paradise. Last time I told you, I thought you William understood, that means Harry. So I tell you what happened to his boat, when he tie that at ...let's say from his points, its the left side, from my points, its the dead end. my right side there is a hook, the boat is on the left, and his head coming out and see...

From his side, he is lowering his body to tie that boat, and fallen in that water gaze, similar to Frodo to the water in the Lords of Rings. He just fallen in the water, that dead ends means, the wooden walkway....straight suppose to be on his right, but from behind, no one sees a human. He fallen into the water of that boat below that side. Anything on the deck is usually the human can see, going straight to the end. If someone walk straight to the end of the deck, no one can see Harry. He is at the boat, below that water. (on the left, that is the boat, in the water, near the tie wood place)

That is very very scary. He is with the sunglasses, and no one knows he is right there. He comes up because his 2 arms this time still have the strength, and those boat level height, its where his muscle can push up to get in the boat to get back the deck.

No one seeing those movie?

1) The horror movies, were between the guys and the girls, they collect about 7 piece of the clothing tight like a rope, trying to swing up, that is about 5 feet that tall ship / boat, they all jump at the same time.

2) Jump at the same time if you extract all those boat scene in the Ticket to the Paradise. "If all jump at the same time" - you William is the last to jump, its a girl I think, you = a girl? Right....

3) So the last scene of that movie, its 2 parents jump as the ending at the same time.

If that time the movie was extracted....that is exactly....the dead corner of that Harry's boat, no one will see him, if he has no strength in 10 mins, he is dead in the water. 

We are a basin here = far away to the edge on the real map to ANY sea level. 

But we have the river. So when Olivia, or Hugh......Kate and Meghan, they dress normal to SIT in the Breeze. I am very very very sure, no one is moving. So are you Prince William with your kid. But you know where is Harry? He got a boat in Japan?

And.....how is or where he is ....exit Japan those training was not Mably aware?

If Hugh, Kate, Meghan sits on the bench none moving all week, its we are the basin, no trees surround, no forest even up around, NO SEA.

Every family is the problem !

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