
You lady (Trump's kids, Annie Hallaway)



Are these animals gonna stop?

💝💖🥣🥧🧁 If you like Nicky or Kian, call them.  💝💖🥣🥧🧁

For some reason, we cannot reach a phone, I have to flood Shane's facebook, he imagines how I doing things, these message boxes are nothing but the words.



⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is still good morning, Sydney. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Not Vartan, I didn't talk to him anymore. He and Dean's name is the same. Michael, Ronan.

Good morning, Ronan.

Good morning, Kate !!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️



Happy New Year, to you. ⭐⭐⭐Melonpan, that is your name? ⭐⭐⭐ Its one year you doing this, someone falls, and someone rises in America. Too many of you, where you all from if were not in Japan. ⭐ You want me to talk to him a bit? 1 year passes....my birds scream. All right, he probably can guess himself. When the big fame of your own alternative media. You think he understands, you understand? ⭐⭐⭐



Are you seeing the correct chiropractor? At all?

20 session, from 10-15 sessions, your entire body skeleton, I say that many times. You tell her, or convince her to take you to see the chiropractor, or your words stuck at your own throat? I told you about 20 things, and you done like 20%? The most important thing is your celtric belt orange juice 1:1, L-lysine 1:1 with Vitamin C, and warm your 4 liimbs 5 mins, and this chiropractor.

That is  0 0 0 0 0, you didn't do anything of one thing I ever said, Mark?!



You want to go dancing, Mark LOTR?



The Red Panda, and the Otter

What we gonna do, Ronan?

You cannot have the holy music or the gospel music, next by are these? How many species are these all together, right now?  200 my border lines, not sure the police are told, or the fire department. 200x10= 2000 of them with the 2000 monitor, the modern technology. 

China Expo 2010, Shanghai. We are 15 years later...Ronan. These otters are on a different technology?


Do you want some eye drops? 🍎🥭🍊🥟🥗🥣🥣🥣🍅🍑🍐💝💖💟❣️


I cannot find where Hugh and his father decision (here to Japan), and this one Kate (Japan)....she is buying the whole closet, or imagine that money for the later uses, right here. I already know.

I need to drag Shane, right now....seriously ! 

Too many image files.

I gonna move to some new album, maybe. Not all in Shane's album. (The current one cannot be moved. )

YES, I fix my phone !!!

台灣講中文的 …. ㄐㄧㄟㄣㄐㄧㄟㄣ




我應該怎麼陳述所謂台灣只有的文化,不確定其他亞洲班級,忠孝仁愛信義和平 ….禮義廉恥,所謂班長跟班代,不是講前三志願的儀隊那些,在亞洲存在,籃球隊,排球隊位置,裡面並不是真正聽說過的東西,意思?所有電視的合併

來~ 這你們500 人在 20 年的文書處理清海無上師講整個世界的, Power

這其實第一個故事在的網頁是我們拿出來討論的 ….關於兔子的存在!



你們只會一輩子講中文,最快樂就是臺灣北邊玩到南部同學會做,旅遊團,說: 是!


很多公眾人物的點,這個 Ronan 有公眾的代表,台灣則是有些人有官階


當年大直共修,只有共修跟回家、台灣是資本主義包括你們去教堂!並沒有人在講古代,是你們土生土長應該最靠近,貼切知道的一件事情!電視只是電視故事,跟你們以為國外陰謀論或是警察論、或是軍事、或是英美的哪個哪個,你們永遠碰不到,因為一個越南矮子向日葵的妓女去染成金頭髮,可以靠近哪?你們只要每一個染成金髮就是等於進入歐美英美軍事,12345678910 …. 來說,可能不可能?





但是這法蘭克,金星或是這一個 WWII 介面,是你們總統每四年跟你們訓練跟栽培的!




在台灣,所謂 Youtuber, 其實你們應該非常清楚什麼是土生土長南部的一片天,地主那類!我既然不需要跟他們金錢成正比,其實我根本就沒時間土生土長,但是你們說只是一種台語的問題~我從來沒有説零危授命,會有什麼問題?


當一個領導的位置靠近另一個,歌喉戰(電影: Pitch Perfect 123, (2012, 2015, 2017))

柯南的絕對音感,Full Scores of Fear.

這兩個詞英文單字!反過來~ Perfect Pitch, 看的到?


講完? Good.

[  重寫重點,下面用尺劃 ]

當一個領導的位置靠近另一個,歌喉戰(電影: Pitch Perfect 123, (2012, 2015, 2017))

柯南的絕對音感,Full Scores of Fear.

這兩個詞英文單字!反過來~ Perfect Pitch, 看的到?



一個領導的位置靠近另一個,歌喉戰(電影: Pitch Perfect 1      2 3, (2012, 2015, 2017))




                                              柯南的電影版: 戰慄的樂譜______

柯南的絕對音感,Full Scores of Fear 戰慄的樂譜.

這兩個詞英文單字!反過來~ Perfect Pitch, 看的到?




他還在敲打, swing door 蠻嚴重,其實他並沒有馬上門口要幹嘛!他看不到~是岳父是閃電(爸爸)

ㄐ一 ㄟㄣ

小孩 A    性!中學長高變聲






Good morning Ronan, (morning Shane )

Ronan I got bitten, it’s raining here. (He does light knocking everywhere) 

Knee, shin bones upper, right and right

Left thigh, right heel.

Left foot top.

Zawanna the very last sheet you got, Ronan. That throne Zawanna has an Ola’s image, he is my best friend or you cared about the magic parts ?

Until it’s very Heaven restrict Land and Space, any physical universe dimension, anything outside the Earth is not the best friend.

But in Heaven, it’s very best friend to each other that day comes.

(The facet up, lower sound)

Human has to put down a lot a lot knee to beg me.

Horay, rise up and clap a min, finally dead !! The ice skater …I talk the first seconds no one does a thing !! The first second to the very last min….clap clap clap !! Woo woo woo like SMCH, sing a vain song, clap clap clap !! Louder and louder and louder !~~

It’s the air generate a TV !! Woo woo woo ~~

It’s a water closing system, thousand tiny home Elon Musk out of the compassion from South Africa military draft sup through Canada !

Dr Strange, what’s that Purna’s mind to say the little finger 430 scientology of a David, to between The pity and compassion difference ? Woo woo so, say it, Horay Ella Enchanted ~~ 

Ronan, you have 10 body guard background. 

Why don’t you take them to come here through these 3 people outside the house ….the money the fame the power for ? The first second the last min?





我先溜出去比較好 ~ 但是我在插電 ~因為飛機,你們知道有新聞,手上一個電話,我媽看新聞這樣! 你們知道情況,我走來走去 ! 

我換袋子,洗一下 !

我一天到晚都在講華航跟長榮,每一個細節,他家東西 ! 講了很多天,昨天不是第一天給你們看~我在跟尚恩講細節,昨天是順便問過尚恩,我還是跟賈斯汀他們,或是好萊屋,有個打個招呼,他們要不要進來~我家對面一張照片這樣。

我手機....記憶體,我昨天在清 !

是不是跟貼照片有關? 這我在翻東西,他們第一個男朋友女朋友,的每一個照面,就是我這所有我的電影,魔法灰姑娘是第一個男朋友這樣? Adam? 我照片裡面再 UK 變成 UB,有個印度 Tamang?

Dean 迪恩

Tamang (Stephen Tamang)

Dr. Steven Hairfield 有一本書 旁邊就是這溫掌門? Dr. Gabriel? 很巨型的高度?

這所有時間卡在這邊是要講浪漫這樣 .....起烘是埃本這樣,旁邊有個 Craig 這樣,就是這電影裡面的真正情節這樣? 超人 ( Smallville )。


Dean 迪恩  vs  Tamang (Stephen Tamang)

就是超人的節目 2001-2011 叫做 Smallville, 比較我們年代的超人

所以莎白有個 Man of Steel 聽起來像偷東西的意思,這個人是記者?

所以有個 Kosku 我在講故事,這 Zawanna Morning Glory 走森林小路有個記者,但是因為這些故事太旁邊了 ...其實是在講超人,或是誰誰誰長的像在電視電影裡面?

五年過去了 ... 疫情結尾時三年前這樣。

Okay 那你們要不要全部很多人,自己處理這種戀愛學這樣 ....這其實不需要我講個什麼!


這是期待之中,還是亞洲人不是真的長的很出色這樣 !

我在洗東西才能出門 !

我其實不太看電視已經,修行之後,這是我剛去美國的電視上的其中的一個節目,這很多節目,不一定要這一個 Smallville 節目,但是我大概懂 !

我在跟 Ronan 講一下 ! 

關於巴巴基 ~我其實只能活在地球上的簡單心理學,你覺得這些有心理學嗎 ? 我只在課堂裏面,上課、學校教學生,你說哪種職業,貼在旁邊,正常的人,沒有要心有靈犀一點通跟其他雜七雜八的東西混在一起 ~一個尚恩 ! 我只能活在這種地球年紀呀~類似朋友,附近,男孩子女孩子~沒有叫做最真的東西,那有一天這巴巴基講的跟我一樣呢?


你學習成長不是每一件事情都是好,但是這教理跟自己的習性的關係 ! 做人只能這樣~還有年紀呀 ~自己的事業呀 ~人群對你的觀點呀 ! 不是講宗教,每一個人都知道那不是在講宗教定義下的....道德規範、還是事業領域、還是關於物質身體,宗教裡面講講講關於,假如說打坐



功德只有從打坐叫做打在心有靈犀一點通 ! 那只有一種辦法,真的弄隊的辦法,你閉起眼睛來,哪一件事情正確~但是在工商業現在要很多事情,處理呀~電視呀 ! 電影呀 ~都是速成,解決事情,等等等!

所以有沒有宗教,有 ! 

但是每一個人~~~講說 我其實最近講了關於,天界只是多了一個人出現沒有人需要討論戒律 !

智商、金錢、世俗之間人際關係! 沒有很重要~只是需要一個人天界代表 !

這個人想幹嘛~不需要有任何背景,只是這樣,那你們要怎麼辦? 我自己想辦法的意思~~~

好~先這樣 ! 沒有需要講到這麼絕....只是每一個人對每一個人 !




I think my mother knows his sleeping time, so...

I rest a bit, I put the cold water on his bathroom top, its the kitchen or my bathroom, and the La news, see if that keep going as a roll.

I put 劉配的聲音在窗戶的旁邊,放水~~~廚房!

I put Pierre voice next by the windows, and fill up the water dump......~~

+Westlife has so many this playlist in the bathroom.

LA Fire





In Chinese 中文



PDF 就是說你可以直接列印的意思 !

發傳單 ~~

Good morning, Shane ~~!!!



Good night ~ Prince you all are growing up princess ~~!!!




⭐ I was on the phone ! ⭐

Yeah, the whole afternoon ~~~!

You guys are the yellow chicken? One of you need me to push you where, these 3 yellow ducking?


That guy has a son, just changed his voice, about to grow tall ~~ they can soon both to die, I am telling you. I remembered...these.

NJ in the Height? That is toward the South America.

The movie: In the Height !!!!

oh ~ okay.

This is where you supposed to be comparing to your own church people, another side of another world their group efforts ends on the TV monitor, and which countries they go and digging out another movie? ? 

比花千骨、烈火如歌 ( 銀雪武打 ...),有些事情我其實叫你們去死完就永遠不會變成我掛在電視上 ....

Compare to Flower Thousand Bones, or the Flaming Daughter ( that guy martial art), some fo these stuffs, I actually just tell you to go dying on your own, it will never be me hanging on the TV, hanging cross that kinds.

王一搏 有翡

These are you some Youtubers, Ancient Chinese, that kinds?

  1. If you tie your hair to walk....
  2. I look younger if that is what it looks like from the outside. The bang still on the front.
  3. The minimum the hair look-out.
  4. I have the things on the metro since 7 years ago, the city supposed to know that.
  5. And you all each arrived to be notified in the last 5 years since after the pandemic subsides, and you all slow down your life to keep your family life, the upper parents or the kids come to your new family life on the camera.
I have a life with that phone, so I dedicate to it.

I don't know what to tell you. Move you head to see where you all going, strolling with your parents or the husband (the wife), or the baby with some friends you all invited to each other's home I guess....the Chinese New Year, the north or the southern Taiwan. 

I live here, so I know where I am going with Shane. How to be with a guy, so I tell him.

You are all being with a guy. My lunch box is for Shane, the baby wiper or the alochol wipe, and the laundry.....the washing machine or the electronic appliance. Actually Westlife all hearing that when Hugh got here. Maybe they hear that the second times. In person with the phone, its right in front of the face. I do call him to stay on the phone. I told him to call me when he is done.

I used to be more dedicating to my outfit on the photo. When I finished the 2 years, that's it ! I spent some money enough ~~~

I do know Michael Smith. He has a daughter name Anna.

He is known for a lot of the people in KY or TN they are.

Anna.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbaKsmAAhmw

Ella Enchanted, a song.

Michael Smith

Faith Hill


There You'll Be

Where Are you Christmas


Lee Ann Womack

I Hope You Dance

The country singer, I do sing those songs. Not just I know them.



A lot of the known singers are starting at the country singer.

5 Major religion, you go to those near you to compete with those TV fame.

Near to your age, or that quality, some people....I don't know what to tell you. Its me and Shane's life and here I have a mother. I didn't think anything of that TV other than, some other legal people to go and sorting any of that.

My left head behind is hurting.....

Last night, they put a 1000 gun shot outside on the fireworks. He didn't do what he used to do getting worse to do, but still every wall of the building hitting.

I need my notebook back. Whatever he stolen.

No, he does that whole day I used to say. He just pretending its his job, every wall every side, and especially the kitchen he is at, he is keep doing it.

2) Every shower room, or she is away, he demonstrate he will do the otherwise, the swing door, or slam door to pretend he goes out. Push that elevator bottom. 

3) This sound is coming from the ceiling steel those pieces, I used to thought it was the windy, and its very very often around this house.

4) I am not sure I should go out, but I feel better it is not keep hitting on my head, every 15 mins, he doing nothing but playing that games with the steps inside the house, walking, or swing the squeezy door, or the water facet, or the top ceiling all these wall around my room.

5) I stop my mother to keep hitting those kitchen to hurt my head.

You guys need to stop every single thing I said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Immediately !!!

He is not using the water to go to the bathroom, or the kitchen water to cook.

He just keep playing that water facet opens and closes.

My mother laughing to eat, he will swing the parents main bedroom. That door (other than the bathroom door), in English its the swing door. 

My father doesn't sleep in that room.

When I go out to talk to her, like the video, he just step out to swing the outside metal door and get the elevator going to hurt my head while I am coming back to my room.

He does this kind of the threatening all the time.

(  I must look extremely cute....I care about them on swing door....he does that swing squeezy door very very often. I never understood what that is. The swing means...swing door. )

He is sending out this kind of the message, just every time he is doing that all day, all night every hour he is on his calculating move. (the camera on), he might be able to know a phone has a camera I guess. In the morning is most active this morning, very very frequent in knocking this building all around. Maybe the birds are retiring the afternoon sun. Tomorrow morning resume that.

The elevator is on going.

Sakura Clear Cards


Frank and I don't know each other.


I need to watch my neighbor, because me and my mother is the first time have to communicate. He has a particular doing hiding behind her, running out of the door when she takes a shower, or the cloth hanging...he does a particular thing in the house, and I have to tell her per step.

Repeated that every single time. A very bad guy, next by this Meghan in the video.

When each of you occurring these problems in front of all Taipei people, or the foreigners here, they should talk to your both parents on the top, best.

I forget my phone every time I comes home. Me and Shane has to talk.

I cannot understand all those Chinese.

Your video is not clear. I cannot understand, now...you are to impress someone you are amazing?

Your father both side jealous over you all....

  • You are busy as the youtuber.
  • You all have a different age bracket.
  • You all have your perfect friend circle back in the US or coming towards each other's circle in the Taiwan Youtuber's niches.

These are about the 90s boybands, and you don't have any other boybands, or those Shawn Mendz or Justin Bieber those or the girl....VS singing the high pitches, here we have one met Simon. The dolphin voice girl. China those competition to come up to top.

The Ashram's name.

西湖印象 ....

A bug passing by my screen, the before video  = the photography...


LA fireman in the rain is next video, I am currently working on it. I haven't' get out of the house for some reason, these neighbor. I need to...my mother saying, but my period got hurt.

I need to tell my mother each per step....not our life immediate....and I had some discomforter, I need to be dragged to rest a bit, and call Shane a bit. Today we didn't stay on the phone outside.

He hitting people from behind their head. 

You are in the middle of everyone's peripheral and no one talking to you, or asking you, what you are all Mormom so white to talk about....Elizabeth to kill, or you and Adam putting a knife through Wal-mart.....how Bill Gates we used to didn't know each other, right under his nose and the Apple Watch on your hand wrist !!

You knowing that to do that, you are not knowing that to do that.

The Man of Steel, a journalist.   Is Ronan seeing as a journalist, or the boyband? 

If you telling your parents what you are doing, I am sure everyone has asking you, you thorny out with your height, or with your video all those new found weaponary in America.

So going back is a choice, just other family moving out throughout the years....no one says anything.

There are a lot of the things you don't know. Carrying a conversation is not one of those faint heart the boy or the girls talk.....and I am sure those Chinese New Year message, I sent out very clear. Not every year I show up in the public, at least I am on the run something new, something old.

Tell me what is 101 for?

You taken one spiritual chi, that is unlimited fallen, Babaji will tell you that, I will tell you that. When you finish fallen, the blind the fume, the eye sight you see how long this fallen, its just a physical body, any of your mormom dreams of...to put inside your mouth.

Where that God means, its the eternal glory.


Until then....keep smile-ing this mortal realm. They seeing you have a value, for that petty face and the giant skeleton, fucking up the sound like a horn will sound like the far away police, you just didn't know whom We are at all....

My notebook was stolen, or my Elsa seal was color stolen, What do I really want?

Where are my stuffs?

None of you trying to do one thing correct. Keep smile-ing,.....its when the human race dying out, you seeing your age wane down with the moon or tide.

One of us or all of us, no one tolerance one thing from any of you.

Cooking for the Chinese New Year

Yesterday I flush my phone with the food, so its only food. No more Shane....?!

The hotel....you running away on anything in LA or here, that is on the parents trips.

Your hotel counter is always a dark wood, right? If you put this on, and put a thin, carried way of the cutting board. You can process anything on the top with a traveling knife. That is an actually Japanese knife I used to have. 

The ACE bread, the French baugette.

A creme cheese or a sour creme or Veganaise or Tofutti. 

+ some onion, some olives, some slice of tomato.

+ Avocado.
+ if you finding those artichoke jar, and wash away those too acidic solution. 

Your room temperature butter can leave it on the top. They can eat the butter with the bread. Any dinner roll, meaning a smaller roll of the bread.

For the corn soup, those dinner roll bread. You can see in the bakery?

If you don't have any electric set up equipment, the kitchen utensil even.

The apple, the orange, the kiwi, or the can pineapples or the cocktail fruits + those birthday cherry.    You make it fun, so you got a plate, got a bowl, and with some yogurt, any fruits can blend in.

The apple, the pear, the kiwi, the blue berry washed, soaked with the salt.

+ the yogurt  +some orange juice + cereal you can blend in.

I am arranging with Shane, to see where his parents are. So we were talking about the phone plans, where to get the phone, and each has an account, that is pays as you go, and the internet in the hotel is free. The in-line phone is free in the hotel room. 3C store, that is 3 additional phone over 280-300 US dollars for Iphone 12. They can install a lot of the things in there.

And then I video tap him the Shangri La's bus line, and the bakery store. We were talking, with the birds in the park. 

The cooking like the French bread, + the avocado, or I am home, I cook these chickpeas, or anything he eats. A lunch box or 7-11 those food containers, he can microwave them. I show him where the Family Mart, or the telephone company is next by.

Per video make is a long afternoon ~~~

Of course his parents can eat it. The potato marinated, I told him. The rosemarry or the paprika, some butter some bread, some parsley washed and sort +some pasta.

The pasta can be a very simple butter + the parsley + some tomato diced + some garlic.

Yesterday, did I video taps per road, per street, per vendor, per showing. Looking at the price and the bag, you don't feel to just grab all of that, and start washing and processing?

They don't need to eat every meal with me, let's say Shane is busy with his own parents, or his company people.

All of that?!

Any of that?

The red chilly pepper?!

LA fire over the weekend...2.5 cm rain falls.


How do they measure the 2.5 cm do you find out? the whole North area of the highway fire burn demographic? or just a water den on the top of the up stream to catch the rain water?

Any difference?

Buffalo NY, that Arendale place is 180 cm SNOW falls. (Keanu's height ) last year 2024.

Or Hailey's height 181 cm.

Your flood.....is not yet in Feb, that is the river rising up to come up the lower ground to enter any house basement, if they enter, WE here the reason they are ruined, its because of the sea water got flush in the land, the southern Taiwan with the yellow mud water. They ruin the car, or the motorcycle. 

CA is rain from the sky, that is the fresh water, any difference, if the basement got flooded?

No, I am not very sure.

The sea water flush in, that I am sure. They are salt.

2 more days its the Feb.

The England King

So how much in Europe the social cost I did look up for Ireland, but Shane is in CA, we staying on the phone, or he is free right now processing the whole day yesterday the phone. I didn't talk to him anymore right now. He is on his own doing.

You feel better William settle some of his karma account physically, his whole life through. They always talk like that.

You think I believe that kinds of the garbage right now? 

I didn't check on Kate. You all don't really taken the vitamin weekly, I think. I lack, I will see things, but if I can intake the vitamin, I just keep taking it. The Vitamin C and L-lysine, my arm here. I go to those plastic clinic, they can clean this whole arm away. Right now, its everyday the external medicine wipe on it. From the ....one of those eye creme hospital, that is for the whole skin body works, too.

Chemo does works, just how much per treatment. The localize that body when the cancer cells generating...and shift or migrant to another parts of the body. 

The cell got mutated, that is why its malice

If you were younger those time, about 40 years ago those time starting, your vitamin C, your circulation system, and taken enough these nutrition including on your dating life, you would have felt a little bit different right now on aging...its WIlliam gonna go first? 

Things too many to hide, that's why you both get like that.....your mother, too.  She did ...

You go with them, I think when they clear it out, you go back with William these warm water bath, lay down, hydrate, and every week must be on your vitamin C. The chemo kills the regular health cells, too.

I saw William have the 2 physician near by, that's good. The 2 additional one, so I won't be near by for now, he finished his 20 weeks with them, he knows some of this routine, and he heard anything from Mark, because Mark LOTR he got a lot more free time, and he can solidy to be stuck inside that one or 2 room. Never really leave his foot too far from too exhausted his attention other than that overall circulation and that lymph system.

William he is stress at his son, or his daily routine. I don't know why he cannot let go some of that, but when he can, I am sure he just reading on Mark LOTR materials, he can get those funding for his doctors, its a lot better, and he gets used to 2 or 3 (that on-site) doctors to trust them. I think no matter what, that is a lot finer.

You, the England King.

I forgot....I about to die....with this neighbors. oh my God.

No, I let William gets on his professional a little bit. I think if he finds out and be more intuitive, or motivated, that he is a part of the medical profession, I let him playing around a bit. But correct, I stay more on the Mark LOTR.  

Your son has to like about this profession, and learn about his body, he will go a long way with this, and so he puts his will in his life to learn about it. So I didn't talk to him as clear or as straight.

When your mother died, King, you know....your palace that entire strategic human in planning called the last 70 years that time, can really watch 1 you. 

I cannot be that super Ella Enchanted, seriously. One Will, one Kate ends here, and you sent in 2 more, and now look at these....+1.

I think Kate is dragging her feet.
Will are getting to know his physician or the career in them. He done those his arm thing on himself?

Drag.....to her memory what if, what if not that 2 weeks. 

She is a girl, she felt she let you 2 down, or the spirits all that 2 weeks UK stays, keep revolving in her head, what if ......all those guards are the male, or the guys.

(  I look at my President here, she was a female here..... )

Kate got her hotel bills, you King paying for it, or Will?  I never asked her the period pads all of that. I need some re-new, thanks to this neighbor, I think I run down a lot of this all at the similar time. 

She gets nervous every time she opens her mouth !!

I try to see which civil groups can show up, its the Japan them..... ( I have to bounce away ) I don't really know this is for the diplomat them, and no organization to get near her more personal life, I guess.

1. Her 10 weeks period pad, where the containers are.
2. Her pasta container.
3. The towels container  (they can all be plastic, and this be cloth from Muji )

The less I talk to her, the little bit I found out where she was the 5 weeks ago.

She cannot pick 10 things in her hands, to walk out of any store.....you all credit cards limits.

She does eat better on her own, she can eat or the warmer soup for her stomach any time she is home. 

It will never be Me and Shane, or that Nicky or Kian...or Hugh, to become her best friends, and not that Meghan if they do come back.....I am blind right now, so they should all moving on when Will 20 weeks, or 25 weeks settle more down his new awareness or his new routine.

Too many things, so I didn't do anything.

You with your kids, and Camellia with her kids. I saw the earlier video.  I have a red panda, that old dog. So angry about something.

Shane ....we don't really communicate that well.

But....he got some routine says, not sure he or they are busy at. 
I am not really talking to Ronan. I wasn't planning to talk to him, not his facebook but I did talk to him. His news disappear, you notice? The entire column the whole Google directory is gone !

Is this person real....even.  He is famous in Europe back in days?

Shane's luggage, the LA things. I did. Last week or that before? When the LA fires started.....after the birds. But yesterday it will be a lot more thorough details, he can fly to, or fly somewhere. Irvine around has another airport or Los Vegas has another world there. I told him the 4 luggage + 1 carried on. He air shipping 2 luggage.

2 weeks ago.

Then I called Justin a bit. Probably the airport, too. The valley, no, its just only 1 highway there. Of course not. I asked him, if he lives in LA, from LA? Silicon Valley is 8 hours by driving, that is 2 places burn down on the same highway, so stop all that. That is the Silicon Valley the only highway on the map to Hollywood, Southern California. 

I think so.

The only highway? Yes.

什麼? What?

I am even real....to play this Asia, you all flatting to wish Chinese New Year Games, to talk about...how to kiss games with this Tina Jojo ABC the accent English, Hailey their father, with Frank, not being the doctors? These clinic diagnosis, between the space and time, they 2 ever thought, which space and time, its just the feeling and the sensation, their own father having a career....that kinds.

Their Space and Time....this Time will almost arrived?

我還真的在亞洲跟你們玩拜年遊戲講訴,怎麼玩玩親親跟緹娜這種遛口音的的 ABC,莫踩曦的爸爸跟法蘭克不是做醫生的嗎 ?

這種診斷診所的時間跟空間,他們倆個曾經認為,哪種時間跟空間,在只是感覺跟感受,自己爸爸的職業這樣 ...

他們時間空間....這時間快到了嗎 ?

Love love you ~~~~ being cute, being adorable. Wash your hands, to eat? You are saying whom? Not Neo anymore.....Shane is around ! ❤💖💝🥭🥃🥃🧁

The king and the prince has no date: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PL4MM2aMliA

oh ~ Blondie and Carolina.  Bloody Mary, lady gaga....https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GKQh_8CCO1s

Hugh needs a date !!! Disney land.....the amusement park ~~~ that is the resort I am sure he knows his register those tickets and the survivor shops confine in one world never comes out of it. 

Lords of All 

There is a religious book, on......meeting. 

有一本宗教的書,準備 ....遇見會場 !

Why I cannot sing in Chinese New Year? 


They didn't know the time, because they cannot read it in English, right? You want me to tell them in Chinese, what time? It was...starting before Christmas or at Christmas everything stopped at New Year (Eve, movie). I think its called 101 what....
You know whom?
Atlantis going down before, the song, the same like Titanic !

他們不知道時間,因為他們不能看英文,是嗎 ? 你要我告訴他們嗎 中文,什麼時間? 這一開始是在聖誕節,或是在聖誕節直到停止在,新年(前夕,電影),好像叫做 101 什麼

( 電影:  101次新年快樂 New Year's Eve   )
認識嗎 ?

These books in this short time notice, gonna finish reading it?

這些書本在這麼短的時間內,要瞬間看完嗎 ?

That song doesn't finish yet.....I don't think its to finish the song, isn't it??

那首歌沒有結束耶 ~~我沒有覺得是結束這首歌,不是嗎 ?

Yesterday the make-up on my left eye below.....no, not on purpose. Of course not.

昨天化妝的左眼下方,不是故意的,當然不是 !

The Formula One

Have you notice ...this website is not org. If this world operates by one page, that is amazing, isn't it?  You are not sure what this means?  Read the books and finished first.

你有沒有發現... 這個網頁不是 org. 如果這整個世界可以只用一張網頁,這很奇特,不是嗎 ? 你不確定這是什麼意思? 先把書給看了,看完再說。

Have you notice someone comes in for 6 months.....he did spent a little bit a lot more money, not sure his father given him, he has gone to the taxi, the bus, and one K or even if he been to one Star Buck, not the 7-11 behind. Near he finally stays before the typhoon comes. He even knows how to get around the taxi....because anyone comes in, 1 PC, 1 box of the 50 phone. he never done it, but he been there. its all safe, the neighborhood, but he talks through, or been through more when he is living in the new place. Still running back and forth, these routes.

你有沒有發現有人在這裡六個月,他是花了比較多錢,不確定他爸給他,他只是做了計程車,公車,還有一個 K 或是他曾經去過一個星巴克,不是 7-11 在那之後,他最終到了這些颱風抵達待的地方,如何用計程車,...因為任何人只要進來,只要一個電腦,一個 50 電話的箱子,他從來沒有做過,但是他去過,這都很安全,這附近區域,但是他講過話,或是他現在待的地方新的地區,這跑來跑去,這所有路線。


Mark LOTR, you looking for something?


Your current. The winter defines is when the sun goes to the  south equator, that is until the end of Feb. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DglSs6iAmtU

You don't need to feel bad about the water. That is just a water bill. every 30  mins, or every hour, that's fine. The reason you don't squeeze your stomach with your hands and your feet....together, like bending down, it hurts your stomach. Your sink, if you wash them, you can fill up that water when you soak your feet in the "water facet" keep filling it up for 5 mins? So you jump out in 30 seconds, and put your hands in that water sink, for 20 seconds. You rush out.


You feel sleepy like this otter, you ever thought your whole life, just sleep through the problems to be a brand new person? So lay down often, per hour, close your eyes without that eye glasses. Getting rid of your eye glasses, in most term.

You are not moving too much, if you get back to that cubical, ask them if you can have those inside basin, stand, even small, you just fill up, and stand in there for 30 seconds. Stand, it doesn't look like a remedy, you just stand in the warm water for 30 seconds, every hour in 5 mins the water filling, and drain. Its not wasting the water. Just keep water facet running on the hot water with you standing, in that wood basin, it doesn't need to bath tubs. It just allow your 2 foot stand in there. In that small bathroom. You don't have too much term. 

When you going back? You ready to just sleep through every hour? You don't need to walk too much, just lay back down. Check your white-out. You will need to do that every hour.

The white out means:  You stand up you faint about 5 seconds until you can see in front of you the color. Fainting a bit, when you get up too quickly from the ground.

You just stretch in that confine room, your 2 feet open, that is enough the room, another month. And see your progress. No, in that room, you have no bathing facility, you just stand in that small wooden bucket, not sitting down, same showering method, just....lacking a lot of the comfort, and you stand in there every hour 5 mins filling (30 seconds to get out).

You feel the poor statues of that one confine room. Stretch between your 2 foot, and they will continue to take you to see your chiropractor and getting you the distilled water, you drink your bathroom, pee and poo, and the vitamin C and the orange juice 1:1, until those doctor figure it out this one cut.

Everything is still staying the same, except, you will lay down, to keep your eye close a lot more, and you almost just moving without that eye glasse from your bed to that bathroom, you cannot see, try to see.

Move with your hands touching in front of you. Practice in that one room. You go back, get up, lay down. Close your eyes, open your eyes. 

The water steam will at your eyes. And you take your eyes glasses away. In this room, you just almost blind, about 3 or 4 steps from that bed, is your bathroom, that's it.

One day you put your eye glasses back on.

Only the mechanical routine and your will to make it through.

Other than saving me the money....

These food menu, you should hire truly all these people, per store checking. If I were you....


What is Karma Tea next by Coco Bar, the Green Tea, Square's wife, in front of the church with the Jewish Hat, at her store front (church), to have 1 photo taken. Breeze next by 101, B2. Both door entrance.

"Lillly= every bites of the small bubble, its in front of your eyes."

Is that counting the Ancient Chinese?

什麼是因果茶在 Coco Bar 旁邊,這綠茶,方方的太太,在教堂的正前方,方方有一個猶太人的帽子,在餐廳的前面 (教堂對面),一張照片,微風在 101 隔壁的 B2,兩個門出口。


這算中文古文嗎 ?

The monks are 450 precepts
The nuns are 250 precepts.
和尚有 450 戒律
尼姑有 250 戒律

All religion on Earth must all bankrupt and cease to exist, or you will see all Cosmo of every mortal in every re-born, this one whip, its per planet, slap, slash, whip, and killed. Per planetary movement, per celestial movement, you don't think what Mega Power meant I am That I Am.


His name Nividia chairman is Jansen 輝達的執行長叫做黃仁勳

是吧 ?? 大年初一李登輝的灰,我爸爸的公司叫做大達

輝達 !

有人存在的地方叫做愛家的勳煇長什麼樣子? 橘色藥局在這鋼鐵人的對面 

等等 .... 發送檔案政府 + 方方在日本的 Consumer report 關於這 Ryoya 的時間,有人需要跟他說一聲? 應該是在七年 (六年前),還是五年前,我有收到 ...還是乾脆看看 Google Map 的功能,走路也不需要走 ~~~

這些東西應該不是凱特王妃需要的一條街 ....對吧 ?

要不,我們回到這記憶的回朔小路,來看看,這拉娜小路 (超人的節目)

關鍵字 Google map:  

康是美 安和門市


如果你知道如何運用這 Google 方法拉這小人在這條路,過去這路,繼續走一小路右轉,這就是當初我如何帶著他 (你們的爸爸上一次),他好像在他手機,他並沒有在聆聽....其中一件事情??



美國總統 Trump 跟一把劍 !

當你們要在哪種場合見面這 Hugh or Grosvenor 家族的時候,看看彼此的脖子呀 ~~~




可愛嗎 ? 


還在敲 ~~~IRS.

要選正確的一小段路呀 ~

Real? The 1st day of this....President Lee last word Grey, my father's company called Big Da.....Harry Potter's step brother's name.


Where some of you, existence places...called finding the Loving Hut Insiginia looks like?  This orange pharmacy across the Iron man .....

Wait.....The file-ing dates of this to government + Square's Japanese's Consumer report about this Ryoya's time, anyone want to tell him by the way? It should be 7 years (6 years ago), or this is 5 years ago, I have received....or, after all, we use this Google function on the map, walking doesn't even required ~~~~

These things shouldn't be Duchtress Kates will ever need, this one street road walkway.....Right?

Then, we go back to that one memory lane, to see.....Not just Lana Lane (Smallville).

Keyword, Google Map

康是美 安和門市

See it? 

If you know how to use this Google function dragging this human on the road to cross that road and kept going one small lane, turn right...its exactly how I taken him (or all your father the last time), he was on his phone, he wasn't on listeniing....one of those?

Between the yellow and the green, follow the yellow that side, down one lane........This is where it started and will end?


Trump with the Sword !!! 

When you all meeting at the occasion Hugh or his Family Last name the Family that time, look at each other's neck.

Do you want to see the food menu? 

When I say Jesus



Still knocking ~~~IRS.

Needs to find the correct small segament road.




I need to download these photo and be organized.

I talking to Shane more ~~ 

Did you guys see this one otter is moving that last second, the care taker's camera to Ireland? 2 otter dragging me the otter to Japan on that life boat?

When does the birds talk about.....LA fire, and I was singing...I don't sing in the house.

Happy Birthday, Justin and Joey !

Checking the photo. Waiting my phone to charge.....

I didn't buy anything.

我剛剛夜市一件東西都沒有買 !!! 車輪餅 ~走一段 !

今天我們過年,我很久沒過年,我連聖誕節都沒有好好過,不是小孩就是其他事情 ~~

還是肥 .. 我最近也吃了很多東西 ! 貝果 ~跟麵包 ~

你們喜歡西城男孩? 去哪裡 ...101 那邊都有開耶 ~~~麥當勞也有 !


講了一點中文 ~~除夕快樂 !

過年、新年快樂 !

我媽說可以出去~~她自己去跟他談,我跟她講過了 ! 

新年快樂~我跟 Shane 在講電話~~~你們的食物跟他們的都在臉書上~~你們 ABC 的職業~要待在美國,乖 ! ( 我講的是英文,跟你們爸媽說一下 ~翻一下譯,你們在幻想回家的關係 ! 你們做任何事情除了待在美國這樣...  )

我跟尚恩在講,怎麼再一起,他有演唱會,他想要我去可能,我在猜~但是兩邊都是很多事情,他一整年都在跑~去跟他準備食物 ...我媽先清掉這邊好了, 還有你們總統上去一年沒? 跟台北市長是一樣,你們穩定好了,這很多東西我兩年前好像就可以動了 ! 這邊很多問題,他打打打四周的建築物,不是只是我的牆壁,整片四周~

台灣過年至少五天,一個禮拜、 15 天,有人 ABC 到一個月這樣 ~~國外還是政府機關是一樣時間 ! 新年快樂,萬事如意,心想事成、恭喜恭喜恭喜恭喜你~~~恭喜發財 !




You don't like Celine Dion's video?

I haven't washed my hair for 3 days......eat something. My vitamin.

You don't have that concept the Chinese New Year, you just eat the 7-11 and Family Mart, by the second day, I think the basement they are all opens. You want me to tell you the menu?


The pig ...that word.


When they say 4, that is 4 sweet and sour soup.

3 below, light boiled cabbages.

I know its the stars, but you all getting so much on the dishes.

If I am with Shane, i order exactly what I tell him !!!

I put these in the containers, those glasses-ware, any of these can be throw out, but in the fridge, just heat it up with the kitchen, or the microwave in 7-11.

The dragon beard veggie (2 oclock)

The fried rice.

The middle is the wonton soup.

I ate that day would be 炸醬麵 !

This is what they got? You can have the Danish cookies on another side, and Denmark chocolate on that same corner inside, its where all the chocolate is. And Royce's Chocolate potato chips. The gifts, but required to freezer at. 

See it, here.

They design like that ! oh, Frank ~~ isn't Frank he is right at Shangri La which floor almost all the way Top, next by Copenhegon and Titto.

Wait.....you supposed to be inside your hotel, that lobby, has the 2 LED long screen, on their per day schedule next by the circular those elevator going up. You need to take that schedule, any time, and arrow, to the floor next by shopping mall. Can you walk?

That is 5 floor going up escalator, per line on the ground searching what they say these schedule book !!!  Your entry point is front or the back where Muji would be the immediate, right?

The water fountain at night has the light benearth. ....2 side of that entrance. In front, those are the giant flags. Your Christmas, their T Christmas Tree?

⭐⭐⭐ Shane doesn't get the habits to shut off the phone when I called. Talk a little bit, how he will quit doing that. I can just call Nicky or Kian.

His newspaper name, Michelle Townsent.

Me and Shane's park? Tomorrow he wakes up, I ask him tomorrow.

In California, its building it, exactly like here.

They all have to go and deal with Frank, and those people, not me.