
Other than saving me the money....

These food menu, you should hire truly all these people, per store checking. If I were you....


What is Karma Tea next by Coco Bar, the Green Tea, Square's wife, in front of the church with the Jewish Hat, at her store front (church), to have 1 photo taken. Breeze next by 101, B2. Both door entrance.

"Lillly= every bites of the small bubble, its in front of your eyes."

Is that counting the Ancient Chinese?

什麼是因果茶在 Coco Bar 旁邊,這綠茶,方方的太太,在教堂的正前方,方方有一個猶太人的帽子,在餐廳的前面 (教堂對面),一張照片,微風在 101 隔壁的 B2,兩個門出口。


這算中文古文嗎 ?

The monks are 450 precepts
The nuns are 250 precepts.
和尚有 450 戒律
尼姑有 250 戒律

All religion on Earth must all bankrupt and cease to exist, or you will see all Cosmo of every mortal in every re-born, this one whip, its per planet, slap, slash, whip, and killed. Per planetary movement, per celestial movement, you don't think what Mega Power meant I am That I Am.


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