
Hugh, so your apartment with Oliva, that is to have the kids, right? 2 kids?

And when they go to the school in Germany, or America? To becoming?

So you want to now living near the American school, that is north West north. They have the night market near called 士林夜市

I think 101 those pale white stone, with those lion, tall building looking finer for you? You need to walk probably a couple street to their night market, or the morning fruits or 4 oclock at night, but I see you need to be away from all of this. So.....those will be the community exactly similar to the semi-deattach, but they are all separated, 1-5 those floors. - you need a car and a driver, and the cargo service.

And call the maid, you all each has a floor, someone has to wipe it. 

Or you just buy like the floor-to-floor inside, we called that 樓中樓, you ask each building them, where these at. Which floors at. 

Yeah, the city is very noisy. No, I understand. 


Square's uncle flies.....at the very ending of 588. You visiting where that hospital the hill, or the bus terminal to see? You can park at the police station, and walking up. There has the taxi coming it down, 6-8 mins to walk.

Leo's family uses the drug, Miss You Already. Its a shuttle to the blue line, the end of the blue line, there is nothing there. Irene somewhere there.

They are more near to this city, than anywhere else like the end of the left side blue line, and the interval distance on the metro is longer too. It looks the same, but its longer on the traveling time, and the train speed. I vomit. Its those left side of the blue line.

Never the yellow line, of course. -  The industry workers.

The hospital? When you walking it down, you look right, after the police station, keep going going going 588 ...there is somewhere I don't know. Too far.

Its a .....cliff hill, right. Stiff hill. No, that is the not the mountain, the elephant mountain would be, you looking at it, but the entrance would be....between there to 101. It does exist. 

Hugh, you doing this for....exploring, or finding the correct location, or just curious? I want to ask? Meaning the entrance or the exit like me 5-9 World,

1st = Astral world, all those?

Most people cannot walk far, you need the practice, but you used to exercise, too? Used to?

The correct bus terminal in that 京站區 you sitting to read your map, before the vegetarian corner seeing 50 dishes to clamp them to-go.....( my video for casserole food, the same places).....there is a bus terminal there, and there is one the 1st Train station somewhere the bus ticket at...the painting where the building fall down, the train head got stopped. (Its outdoor)

You like to walk because you got told to walk on the phone, or you are a guy, you naturally incline to walk but you need to sit down.

You like those bus driver this city speed 30 / 40 / 45 those?

You like the play station those, the TV or the movie? Hang out with the barbi doll girls, those tea and cups? 

No, I know you are finding your real estate, I just try to know how you holding it up. This is something got frighten, or AI walking on the road, where the snack or the Hallo Kitty looking nothing alike, but just about all that.....my all short clips, these commodity mountain human mountain sea, its the Ancient Chinese. You feeling okay everyday seeing 100 human, so this typhoon is just 1 thing? Seeing those Mon-Fri things?

Your post office, your eye creme, to 7-11 money order and then pick up, or that is the pizza next by.

Hugh, here is my house here. You live somewhere else.

Isn't England ship behind you, they too....moving out of the Earthquake, and they live around here, like before going to the college, there is a turn-over rate. They keep these apartment, around here, like few or less, or you near by, one of those, you cannot just asking them?

You are indoor....that's great. You have the eye glasses, do you want these eye drop every so often putting in your contact lens, if those walking mileage, or the distance is becoming longer and longer, you want it to, or you manage capable, or you are a guy, or you need to shopping, or you never walk to shop, right?

With Shane, I take him to the Taipei station next stop, to take the elevator external to the amine places.

With me, I stop at the Taipei station, that 4 ways choice, I pick right, that is one stop shopping stuffs to see, and look, and stop to eat, "and I say I ask."

You look like...you can walk around here, not to be too worry if you are in the Europe right now, any weekend. If you have some works, you both going home is better. The works stressful, you are half expired, because of the works too stressful? We stay in these known area, a several times until you know the Chinese words, the food menu, or the chef photo on the wall, all those walking. We keep the same indoor these you already know places.


No, with Shane or with you, or anyone American boyband included, its a sight seeing.....you all never come here, so I take you all sight seeing. 

If by myself, I live here, right.

No, of course not, I don't care about the cooking, no. You seeing some of these stuffs including to the counter some places to inquire some things. 

You have to talk everyday, here when you go out. 

Your heart beat if you have to talk in Chinese, ever, one day? No, 統一發票 only?

I gone to every one of them on the Tree road 2 sides, except that post office 2nd floor, or the across, they used to have a second floor, - those talk. 

You thinking about its one thing, actually start running, its another thing, Hugh. 

You ever done those things? Enter 10 banks 2nd floor or VIP room, waiting in there on the high tech, sorry, each them using something totally different. Its on Conan chulby friends name. There is a TREE outside where everyone parks the motorcycle. You, or them...telling me real or fake this parrots is at the mechanics places? 

You and Olivia, or even that Shane, with any those AJ human or Howie....

If you just talk to those counter uniform people, its not the street mechanic or any birds or the animals in any Taiwanese because you don't understand them. Not in any debate.

You planning what you gonna dress in this city? However its comfortable walking, or going somewhere to 101, or something these hotel....you seeing the mall sales, all these accessory some places you gone near by?

SO THOSE are not the street mechanic, or these birds. 

People here don't do the digital era, or the Apple those ...except waiting their stocks. They talk ALL DAY LONG.

You prepare yourself, but I want to ask you, when you done these paper works, any 2nd floor, you carry them to where? Coming back here?

I think you and them?

You holding them all necks everywhere, maybe even Shane?! Not sure. It will look like King or Prince William something doesn't like, or this Vietanese fuck-up short legs nun. If you found out....more than 10 people any space, to a 80 years aging old women, nothing but problems, issues, the legal battle, the legal lawsuit, the inspection of that ground place, its no way to be built.....meaning the 2 pillars got tear down, without a roof. A shed, a piece of steel.

You don't know how bad those water issues is forever going on, as long as they shall ever keep all those place, the chicken farm place, where she proudly to purchase, it was the ghost filled up, her blessing infinite issues.

Mario Super Brother 8, one of those TV.

Its a movable toilets.  20-30.

In this city, or anywhere in Taiwan, you have a built up permit.

That is an open space, you might seeing the photo, all the tree. Except that, okay.

What happened? 

They do those temporary roof, a piece of steel for the 10,000 people retreat, they tear it down in 1 month. Those are temporary, so.....they have those 2 pillars, and the inspection would be, tear them down, or either its one of them down. Those =unlimited problems never stop there.

Every center you seeing on this www. Contact person's house in New Jersey, or New York Contact Person, your family VS at.....Debra is Rochester, no center true location other than the high school, it was NYC, and the contact person home. Beas does the school renting too on Sunday in Canada.

It will be 1000 times worse issue, if you considering to find out. What are you doing here?

It will be million times no. I look like a photo to those human, that doesn't mean officially, any paper they will see me, know me, even hear from me. 

You count, 100 center 5 continent, x 5 inspection phone calls.  Its all the land usage, and the neighbor's issues such as Toronto center. Its a complain method, all the time.

"She is a Vietnamese human, dumb blonde ass fuck up human women, no one outside is Taiwanese, its all Chinese and Vietnamese, look at their every menu. She is a Vietnamese. "


Stingy tofu steaming method, never fried. The fire department regulation in ANY Loving Hut in this Taipei city, it will never happen.

I was nice, so I say 5 phone calls, NOT 5 legal inspection paper like this Tina Jojo whatever that is.....each center, not the overall princess outfit, seeing that movie again. Super Mario 8 the more recent movie, looking at all that jumping,...keep jumping, from flying here to Menton, to England, with what? Running away? like me, or a game?

A guy like you, or any of them, don't know these... I grew up, most of them don't think I remember. No, I remember, a lot of this.

If you literally seeing the inspector coming to see you, and talk to you, or phone call you never stop, or nice talk, or nice inquire, or chat, or then going outside TV vola, to hide, your heart beat....you yourself, that is 100 center, 5 phone calls, not 5 letters in the mail.

I starting was 1992, no one remembers, I always remmeber what it used to be a shed, and everyone in the 90s no hair her tape, will see exactly what is those steel stands and on the top, and ask.....

Sorry, I taken you understand my city laws here to build up. We are the apartment, not the house addition for 4 extra inch more on the land usage, every county office you go and apply for the permit. 

Their land was near the chicken farm at the middle of no where no one will ever gone to. No more knows what that is. Not that name Miaoli, not that in Chinese. That is...worse than anything anything why anyone would be there?

So those are the chicken farm. They have never changed since 1986. 

So the popular tale of that land, to where the water usage, or the movable toiletry and the lost and found......its they built the kids ground or the hand made stone river, nice master and the disciple and the concrete cave behind the front, to where the bamboo tree, or another cabin to sell her entire cult stuffs.

fog, foggy, froggy, I guess....you walk up.

The concrete would be....per nun or the monk, make their own nice hut there to meditate.

So behind there, its the trash ground like Lovely Bone, that is in front of the house, I guess. Nothing but the junk, they throw in there.

You know what is "nothing but the junks" to throw in there means?

I know you don't know. 

No, I been to a lot of them.  No, I don't drive anymore. The professional drives. I tie up in my room, I told everyone all over the world, I have no shame saying it.

You know how I finding things out, I knew every single one of the, whichever these VS saying the location to what happened near by I just hear about it.

So if people what?

They want to get those successor? I never blink of it. That's unfortunate.....

What is that means the steel on top, those cover? means you say?

You always just leave the steel where it belongs, looks like a pillar. 

So they didn't do that to tear down the Buddhism? 

Definitely not, its always been 40 years made rules. 

What does that mean, you mean on the land, sticking up.....tall, right? Long like those trees top.


And that means?

Just as long as no roof or a ceiling on top, every other structure stays there.

That is how you want to cut her in thousand pieces?

Probably some other things too. I live to know that since 1992 or 1993.

No, i get used to it. The construction in our city, tear and wear. 

No, most people don't think I remember, I remembered...or these tape inside, when you seeing the darkness come, and all the people or the crowd, or the disciples were still with her, at their working day schedule to be there? Its at night.

They rent those parking lot, because they don't have enough on the Sunday, from the neighbor, and they sell the food on that street when the Sunday people coming in.

You know that same issue....it will never be in Florida State, their swam land anymore, in 2001, they were in Florida center. No one reads the newspaper, I often reading those things by myself.  Its a touring bus to arrive there. They take the disciples to go there. She had a short hair, she had a French peudo name she uses to purchase that land. She says...the prophecy address in Nosdamus, was that she will never return to Asia, so she runs away to Hungary, after Florida, its the infinite blessing from the universe.  5-9 to this Victoria Secret, the Human, or the Killer, or the Modern.

Its....she dump the land earth to the swam land in order to build the new land. American takes her all out.  So she runs away to Hungary, like Nosadmus prophecy says. 

Nicks knows that Pitch Perfect bitch, she came on nick indoor somewhere, she kisses him on the wall I think. That is a prostitute, her name is Hung.

Annca came out to call me, to tell me he works in Honda. Not in Hungary the infinite blessing, guess what? Its the Capital One (group chat on Line App), you never seeing the hotel name like Keanu.

Capital One Hotel (or the Capital hotel), near that my high school, I check that, I check the Eastern Area. You know where I told you the giant ice cream waffle, where I say, there is a credit card stands, the man's sport's ware, and 12 light on the ground, around there?

That credit cards was the Capital One in 2018 / 2019 or it was 2017.

So when they say that movie, you understands it, her true love? (The Super Mario Bro movie)

Yes. That was a reptilian. I just saw the actor now. He is in the Jurassic World actor with Claire. Chris Pratt, right.

You didn't say anything?

I say I would NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER agree on anything she and anyone, or anything of those successor those water crisis, the inspector all those 500 phone calls or the 5000 lawsuit papers, all that since 1986, HER association title was Chinese Zen.

My TV, my news, my lunch.

They all smoke. These parrots talk.

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