
Everyone has a profession.

The otter


They love the doctors. The dentist.

The guys lie all the time, Kerry.

Shane, Peter's cafe, I was deciding you we metro sounds modern, or bus stop probably just 2 or 3, its the walk traffic light = Peter's cafe, next by a Vietanese dining more vendor's style. That will be Nick's 3 times got rejected, he says no to SMCH, guards. Tony's issues big. 1998 -2001. 


Like the photo? So there is that 7-11....you have til the next 7-11, we take 1 more stop, no walking. (the same traffic light going back). Because.....after the park, to the library, 7-11 you have no more taxi until that one breakfast with the Google Review.

Shane, they UB needs to close everything = 4 barren wall, to studying....the truth. When the mood theirs get better. I tell them the every reality only that....til the end of day. Nothing else. Make it every class A + MCAT. Only.

They are the kids = find the right time to talk all the time, things like this. 

We talk about the movie: remember, its on this route. You look at it, or you walk at it, or you quit?!  Shane, the correct location looking its a ....pinnicle of the building. Not the first photo, the 6 or 7th photo.


Why the pinncle (not the tip top, its the building matter?)

.... because you stand there we both look up.

No, Hailey's father ....waiting those kids, together, Adam's father's all kids to begging and put everyone back to Maryland, all together move back. The kids to.  The kids 4+2 move that Adam's father all clients back to those profile yellow photo things in his clinic, all moves there Maryland, again.

By themselves.

What could be the correct job description for Square, anyway? Its ROC or the military dormitory their business. The entire dormitory, you want to know where? 

It would be Hugh's that same road to the library, the ...first traffic light on the Amazing road, turning left. I think that is 瑞安街 They told me this morning he is packing or leaving yet? The eating expo is meat, so its this weekend. Yesterday starting....to Monday. But they have the money, they can stay. 

Are we buying anything? Yes. 油條 They frying them right next by counter, you can see it. You like to see it how they process that?

You need to tell them to add spicy sauce for you, on those things, if you take to-go? You didn't see they hide that. 加辣

Westlife reunion without Brian

No, I think you are all together, he can come, of course.

Vocie 2018 Top 10 performance

98 Degree


You guys invited each other ~~~ you can take them when you finish being told? 

Sorry, Shane, I was listening how I sing your song, "Still Here." I sang twice.

I think you all are the real main stream, cable TV, they are the alternative media. 

I am planning.....in my head?! What I supposed to tell you and didn't? Just this morning ! I keep missing this Kerry's their video. No, my sleepiness. 

You are not going to walk that 8 blocks, so I plan....we need to walk my side this 4 lanes, to the bus (across the metro) above the ground. You eat these food? I am not sure. The one without the review, its the opposite direction, we walk to the corner and cross the traffic, its near the Daan real Metro Station. (when we coming out to the upground)

The bus route, or the Metro route. This city is everywhere walking, none stop and tunneling everywhere....No, you built up per weekly, not in once.

Or you care about it....if from my home (Ankeheseamen, not from Taipei Station)?

We will not reach the Taipei Station ground (no End of Tunnel, we are the End already)

Maybe with you all guys, just one you, or many? We exit the city, to the edge anywhere but here? With the car, and the drivers. By that saying by the way, Hugh they are looking for an edge for all his family, or even for he himself, no more city. That is their route or the King's included. W Hotel or Hyatt (near the City Hall), and they only get in the car, in 20 mins another building structure, never see, never know, never hear about it.

Outside. All these taxi speed city is only 25 /30/ 20....45.

They keep saying too fat.....everywhere this time Hugh shows up.

So the edge living? 

Its convenience, so I live here.

You guys are the barren land, even the Green Line last stop has IKEA, inside has the dining options, or the outside bus waiting to come back, the last time Tina were here with the kids, they live there. My father's choice. You want to see the bus from the Amazing road, yeah~ 30 mins to the green line last stop, that England Mushroom Professor looking like. He is tall though.

The middle top that green (the first one is not correct, the long tab, only 2 tabs, Shane, no, not the other 2.)

The bus 275.


4 mins.

Hugh at: 成功國宅 (the governmental housing)

I am at 大安國中 (the elementary school)

The bus here is to the yellow last stop. I mean.....not sure. One of those distance has an IKEA. I think its the green line but that day, I ask my mother. She remembered.

Its at least 30 mins.....I have no idea how they all buddy together, the England upper class.

Its bigger, correct. Those inside the apartment building, but I probably meant, its near the IKea, that will be 4 block very long walking Tina every time coming out with 2 kids. Its first floor, the car residence, 2 side, for 2 or 3 blocks at least I think. I think it was the 1st floor there. You don't find those in the city, they all have the car, or the car garage like America, and its that Hugh probably likes it.

But...there is nothing there.

Its near the water, quiet, there is a bridge there. Jason he lives there....

Its a lot cheaper of course. Somewhere away from the city, you have a driver, you can just drive from (with this bus routing turning all around to yellow last stop to right yellow, and south the green last stop) - yeah, that is what the bus did. The driving routes supposes to be....a curve


to the green line last stop. (yeah, pass the first university)

That is what I am asking, people need to cook? They go there to cook, right.

20 NT, that none review, next by Daan. Hugh doesn't know when Olivia there he is nervous. Just pick up and pay on the counter. Drop the coin 2 on that taller glasses (his height), and show it to those 2 guys, you go, here are your money, and you can leave.


It is too many people, so you just pick up there, and go over that side, taller glasses, show it to them, and that is the exact money, and leave.

Its in Hugh's height if he stands on the one ladder, that bamboo inside are 小籠包

(my video is where the taller glasses at)

I got those on the table made 5 egg sheet + spicy, 5 rice roll (gluten rice), and I tell him 5 小籠包 for 5 bags, all added spicy, I need 5 chop sticks, and pay.

In the carbo boxes, and your drink 5 from near by that 7-11

5 bigger pudding (Taiwan style for the kids) + 5 jello fruity + 5 yogurt (you see the orange)

These are cold, right.

Mark doesn't know what to order....the local Taiwanese beef noodles (soup), he likes the heavy taste? Its known.

1) Sushi. 2) Fried shrimp egg rice 3) you sure you all like the Chinese here Asian noodles, not the instant noodles? 

They are not the vendor's style, but they are boiling water in front of the street, (in store) style.

Maybe you mean the bento box? The train lunch box? Those are like cafeteria style, you can get the chicken plaque, the vegetable 1234 + the eggs + some salted eggplants in combination.

No, I tell Hugh they go to the 7-11 or the Family Mart.

Its...their Thai restaurant near by one street coming back home, turn left 5 mins walking (across the street light turn left). Its 60 NT lunch boxes.


I think its not that in-store photo. Its the barren land photo. The motorcycle (the car) mechanic shop is across. Hugh' taxi short cut back to his hotel...for his bubble tea, but he hasn't learn all that yet.

You buy 6 lunch box, they sent it to you.  The telephone is right below. 

Are they the journalist food?

You mean here the local, yeah ! All the office included. Everyone in the Amazing Road those tall building inside. 

....Amazing Road.

I take them to Breeze behind 101 the Second floor. We have a second floor here.

Second Floor 貳樓敦南店

That is the front I walk home. Right around the corner in.

But I think they got told to walk keep walking to the night market inside, they have 90 mins break.

Its ten steps a small tiny bagel shop ! 

金仙魚丸店 ‧ 魯肉飯

You have to turn around the map, inside, that 60 dollar sign, no name. Next by has the 水煎包

4 veggie in that lunch box, the cafeteria. I don't think they eat here.

I am not sure still exists....but you all can just eat anything outside the street. 

oh ~ the night market, they keep walking? Maybe just the front those sit-in, with the table and the chair looking.

no, behind the pizza, going in a little bit. They used to....long time ago its the sea food alive place.

No, not too inside, they have to walk back. 

No, I never follow them, I am guessing it too. 

Maybe....next by the duck places.


Shane, how is Nicky....if England King knows about us here, Ireland before that PM or before, the previous some England PM as I was in UB up to now.....they suppose to tell the Taiwan President where they meet, in the Presidential suite ~~~~they have the chef !

+ all those Sea ship senior officers, their residence to the local military or the governor's residence to-be. Its near more at the Presidential suite that side, that night market, north of Red line 士林夜市

We also have KFC or 頂呱呱

Other than the Mc Donald or Mos Burger.


Very north, near a .....library.

They can all uber, you know? 

Its a big order, anyway, right? 

肯德基KFC- 台北光復餐廳

Next - my Saturday you all cooking other stuffs. I think.....what. I come back to write. I don't know.

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