
Not waking up ...sleeping mode, today is our Friday here, Taipei time.

Hugh, you and Olivia wants to go to TGI ?


I think Adlon is near the similar American restaurant. There is....



No, the Chinese words are still....Eben's their book: Thinking and Grow Rich,   Andrew Carnegie

Shane not happiest things in life in Westlife.

  • The cosmetic money
  • The whole life food money
  • The whole life every kinds of the money
  • His money money money, the bandmates are guessing, which mood, or all of their mood is not talking to those details.

No no...exact my every words.


GTH, the combine money....for some reason. He already spent it the last 40 years.

No, age 10 til age 40, the 24 hours, 3 meals a day...something like that, every listing of that that that that....re-write, find it.

Maybe something Ronan.

Did he understand Chinese? Ronan's talking tone, exactly. 


The American Voice Show: The chair scene, and the second entry, that lady's dress, the Winter Song in Victoria Secrets. (After Loving the Silent Tear lady falls on the stage)

I was finding things at the foot, they were all having a different tool. From the doctor perspective why something I heard, that will be later on in life. But I think might be....not later on in life, I look at it anyway.

This is the bone doctor: crack the ribs (is part of the bones, the skeleton )


They are denoted as C T L with a number.

I am not really trained in the music any field, when I left home and go to the university in America, so it would be anything in the field, that I will recall what I used to remember, or have heard. Like you know the police school, they teach you the social cases, or on the TV you learn that. In the proper environment where there was a pre-requsite, so we learn from the in classroom something, or we hear someone or something were being discussed. 




Losing limbs, correct.


calima ( Jessica Alba, Meet the Parents 4 = Little fucker) 

Its the jump, but that is the head hits the head, might be both dead, drunk, and hit backwards.

I think its behind Dean, jump on him, but he is in the clinic, 1st floor. Many years ago....he is moved to Texas.

Fun, being funny.

Fly, to fly, correct.

A surprise ! 

The taller girl would be, hide, and too heavy skeleton, hit, you ever got hit your jaws? down up hit? or by the elbow, those? 

A girl throws a cat from the roof, and see if the cat dies. Both hide on the attics.

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