
⭐⭐⭐ Yesterday was 1 day on your cooking to ask someone? ⭐⭐⭐

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A lab report, or a peer review journal, those are a lab procedure, many people forgets. But cooking, I will tell you the way I know the students, or my own classmates, you forget in any time, so you got frighten, you got scared. That is why I am not in details writing too much of this, I am keep inquiring, is that something very important?

Like a shopping lists in Europe or in America, both side direction, you get the driving license is normal, or you can literally see? So you getting the food and all that was easy for you, not forgetting the things from the store? Both the guys and the girls.

Its the GUYS using my lists !!!

They are not tired running ?

The more upgrade grocery store

6 small container the baking soda, 2 gallons jar of those distilled white vinegar.

1 apple cyder vinegar (organic), you take this.

The organic store

You eat pie, that is the vegetable shortening in the room temperature, its on the shelf, not on the fridge. They are a butter type, mix 1:1 ratio I think with the flour, wrap it in the fridge for 30 mins, that is your pie crust.

2 Hummus container + your tincture + the vitamin. They have the vegan cheese, or the vegan sandwich (freezer)

The dollar store

5 spray bottle. One for your plants, one for 1:1 ratio the white distilled vinegar, if you have the pets, anything they lick, its the vinegar. None of those are the chemical.

The baking soda is for the sink (below), and the toilet below. Or you gone to the hotel, you stay there for 7 days, you use half of that one smaller box, you dump in it fill up the entire bath tubes, you coming in the hotel, you keep rinsing, all those draining out water, yeah, you use those water to spray on the top of those edge place, use the tissue paper to wipe once but the tubes, you have to keep the cold water, keep rinsing rinsing rinsing, so you bath in it. 

Here, they have the bathing those tablet.

Chinese store

The container water inside has the tofu (you go home and change that water)

The tofu skin (looks like a whole tofu inside is hollow)

The white pepper, (MSG, only salt), or just purely another salt? You want to get the Chinese branding that white pepper go home and made the salt 2:1 ratio maybe. (Tofu and tumeric tiny color, hard tofu), no, not those container tofu, no.

Which Chinese store you have?

You have to go to the farmer's market. I will tell you I don't know how you live in America, a lot of these when you get older and older, you cannot keep running with a lot of that, you age one day. We have the city service.

Sometimes Shane and me pretending....he sleeps in the car.

I say, I go and finish these lists myself, both anywhere. Ireland, Taipei, America. He sleeps at home, I go out and finding these things. He has a job, right? Stay indoor all days long? When I am busy, I need to stay indoor, all the time. Even just to lay down and sleep?!

I don't really have a mood to go outside and eat.

In Taipei, we get a Costco card, Shane is busy at home. I go with the taxi, 'I will be back."

So I go there and pick up some stuffs in the cart, and the taxi loaded, and I bring it back. I took a shower, and he already eats the things on the table, and I lay down a little bit, I put the things away. He still in his office working. He concentrate better, and I just keep stocking and cooking in the kitchen, so later he has something to drink, to eat, to snack on it. When he done his desk jobs.

Right now, I don't feel it. But I put it as an example. 

No, here is better. I trying to ask Shane, or that is all of them, they can come in later, when they retired, or 10 years, or 5 years....all that. There is a reason, so I tell Shane or them that.

I thought about it why. Other than....those reasons. I think it might be they lost the limb, I say kill right? In Ancient Chinese, usually when you say rulership to give someone a full body death. Meaning being kind, not cruelty. I think....they disable they themselves. I am still trying to think what I used to say during those time I process these. 

That is a ....marvelous idea or question how do I think they lost their limbs, right?

No, yesterday. I am thinking thinking.....!!!!

No, not exactly clear, its a poem in Loving the Silent Tear. Maybe its the car. They cannot pay or the hospital didn't cover the surgical when they emergency room called up in the ambulance? When they go on the billing, they bankrupt, right?

I am not pulling those weight lifting things, not my muscle, not my limbs, not anything with any guy like sometimes the boys or the girls they play...jump on the back, those, someone pulling, Aqua's MV, you pull your arm off? Like carried a very very heavy thing, the city here, I can just get the uber, or those near by grocery people. 

No, I don't know. You mean the fitness center they bankrupt.

They are all saying something, so ....I am guessing too. I tell you where I saw them. 

1. Jump from the windows, or the door frame. (like on Dean).....Princess Diary the windows scene.

2. The Deli, the meat cutter, they working hard part-time somewhere, or they had a work experience, and then get a job.

3. Those sewing machine electric, they can cut they themselves? 

No, the cutting wood, not the clothing sewing machine.

4. I think it is the Home Depot, I tell the workers to cut it, they went to purchase something and they love those life to build up something?!

5. I think its something jump from the higher ground, it is to a guy, or they literally climb up a mountain to jump in the water river below, or they climb a tree and they jump on a guy.

Do I believe myself saying this??? Right.

The doctor has a certain medical things for the nail. Its an electric metal...polishing the nail. Normally that is for the corn, and then for the surface of that nail. (correct, I saw it.)

No, not at the flat below the foot? You seeing a doctor doing that, I seen the doctor, not the patient.

I just say what I closely think what it might be. Believe or not, they jump, the guys are taller, but this is the part, I am not sure how that is done. Might be playing or joking, one of those.

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