
The Hunger Game

Is this only to the military orientation table?

They doing this to the citizen, or the military?

We are not supposed to be anywhere near the military, never that military orientation table. There is not one thing real. 

They say starting the single unit. I see the long table uniform hats, and long table looks like Japan. We Taiwan, even if you order anything of these, to pack up and ship it at least 4 hours to land to the Tokyo International airport, you know how they go from the Tokyo to your venue site?

I check my news. Hugh is here? I think they are still here.

I don't know which things are real.

The outside helicopter is real, I fall asleep. The 4 girls earlier, my mother saw was real. My vision in the living room before I fall asleep is real.
Then, someone at First University going to the Eating Expo, "to argue or critique" is real. Its not Square, but its the hat looking military girl or whom is that?

Prince William is the helicopter air cargo? I think Middleton they are in sleep. So he is the one awake? Is this Trump daughter, Biden's daughter (my age), and Harris, or whom else...all those included Cleopatra has any daughters those? 

3 girls, my mother say 1 is down stair waiting. 

The earlier vision, and before I fall asleep is real.

1) Someone has to do a PowerPoint slide. (Japan)

2) Someone is not at Hugh' suppose to be going today. The Eating Expo, where are they?

I can have a vendor there with the white rice cook behind. I cannot react right now. I scream for about an hour, other than in my sleep. I didn't eat. I drank the soup (I ate in the morning)

That Prince & Me is not the Denmark Prince, but does Denmark suppose to be near them too? What is that Shakespear prince name? Mably, oh ~ he is an actor, right.

Why I scream?

Why did.....I screaming, you say?

The military's helicopter is outside....he does the medical carried- on things, supposed to be. Do they buddy together to say they got married, so that is his family member he cargo, not the actual luggage.


I don't know how to react on that overall scenery. This is like that time I say, "Amazing" in 2022 before Westlife show up, those exhibition. oh ~ this is ongoing as if, but it looks more happier, than those ones.  Its from the senior officers. 

Forget about the 2) they can manage on their own.

Its 1), are they related? There is a difference. This morning all of that said was 1)


Wait, my paper rewind.

Hugh supposes to be inept, right? But I think he calls somebody. Queen says I suppose to call his son 2 days ago, and Thor they told me stop calling these Shane and all that.

My news....you all suppose to starting at 2nd city, we just had those flood at. 高雄 Kaohsiung and I don't really know what it says, its the motorcycle 2 people races at, but it might be just the social news after I woke up, and this is the 2nd days or 3rd day, I wake up the Olympia is the next news. Your correct location supposes to be in Paris? So my mother shut off my TV, took my soup bowl, I suppose to go to sleep now.

If Hugh supposes to be inept, you all suppose to get to Japan, or get to Kaohsiung, 高雄 and manage to make Hugh staying where they say you all are, and he is, and either all moving up, or finding way, because he is settling here for 1 month. 

I think its that Middleton's job for Hugh, as she is the Anna Kendrick, on my monitor here. (I don't know what that means.) = Godson, one of those?

I cannot talk.

The Danish prince starting having no cake on the third day.

Where on my paper starting to say?

Its the media news room say, all of it including the online newspaper or little say, but its all real, those said.

Not the Scotland (2)

Olive (3)

Me (without my mother retired)

Packing luggage, every guys goes to war like Prince Harry plot or Ola plotted if were.

Harry doesn't dare to think Asia because too many senior officers run about - check mark. (That's the only thing correct. he may not consciously got told )

Shane is similar to Dr. Bing, you destroyed his family, he will destroy all of you, so I say yes the 2 months ago when I finish these Kian / Nicky business. There is a reason, so we talked. I say exactly what I mean that Nicky. Shane invented a lot of things behind, but his character its just a proper family. I have ever reason to say no from the start, but I say yes. If he keeps inventing that Nicky, of course I say no. He is exactly I say he is like.

Mably has that kinds of the IQ, correct.  But the girls don't leave up to those expectation, not really. 

Seeing the garbage stuffs.

They, not Shane. All of them make a lot a lot a lot of the money in the individual Star World. + I have no idea what they combine to do later on, they have an agent, and that original company or still the same, in a different country all together. The boys and the girls. A lot of the money.

Yeah, each.

Fried Rice

The way you are, as a grown up

I think.....

I am not talking to Brian. I have no idea what's going on with them for some year time, now I think they might be all the bands used to be.

The dead spensor don't have a meaning, everyone clap, its not 4 limbs kneeling time yet...
You pay attention every word I say?


Put all those drop of the red dot on every kid....its such a 1999, if you were all be dead 1912.

Not 1921.haha.......

Look my dress, to put all the red ink...clap a min, funny?

The heaven is unlimited, and actually they don't use the money up there!!! Funny~~~ those tiny mercy on my parts, its like I didn't make any money if they coming it down to live and breath like they all saying so.

You mean all you like Ola or including these Middleton, every girl or lady, to pretend the guy will chase you behind to beg you, if you jump on them with the phone calls such as....

"I think we don't look like that video Pete....sorry, the deformed girl and the deform guy's outlook...what's the song. Dynamite."

You saying one sentence, or 2, maybe 2 mins on that chat room box. You sure its Shane pick that up?!

"Your sincerely to the Queen that to-be, poor but happy life in the luxury design interior design, its that....your bankcrupcy news weren't my liking."

or "i am a lot kinder person than other people think, so I think..." (dot dot dot)

Try again...

"My nature to my humility on the dress codes its a word saying loud, probably Eben is the TV says."

Sorry....dot dot dot.....

"I mean, you cannot possibly fallen in love with the Queen since 1999...those no money makes the TV, its the Shinyi's house, but my title crown and jerewlry fake? Its from the Queen? if not from the news? "

Dot dot dot .....

Its one of those European taller girls nice talk, like Karen. Being nice, being humliity, being zealous of the life goal pretending you have a life...goal, Funny. Everyone claps a min.

So tell me....you want me to re-phrase the correct version what you and Ola imagine saying to a billionairs in 20-in 30 in 50? 

Its a hard core makes the lady run ~~~ haha...

The flipping of the skirts have the wind blow blow blow....jobs !


That humiliates you, they lie to you? Meaning I slap that Denmark prince face, pretending a game..." Its your face, my pawn at it.....you prefer a real cat? Those have the nail?"

See it always work?

If its not urgent, it will not be now typing here.

I want to change a new post, they don't let me.

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