
Your father doesn't sleep is waiting for this !!! (King)

William Arthur Philip Louis

He is a Russian, not the Adam (The first Russian democracy presidents, that Putin is from KKK? Is he? )

He is your height, because he is a Russian, they eat or produce the protato. He is a Russian, not your last name, Prince of Whale. He is a Russian not at USSR, but there was a cold war, AT HERE interface how you calculative understood, that WWII interface line after.....so after that there is a Vietnam war, William.

NS is that website domain name not to say Norweign, that is not Schengen Treaty or agreement among those "In Between" England and Russian, not those fingers islands.....those are the North Europe defines...where Nordic coming it down since Atlantis or Leumarian whichever version of the New Age tales says....

Schengen Agreement


FRIENDS, your Russ Piano, the facebook video up !!!

The second parts I seeing it, called there is the rat hanging themselves dying in the basement. Not the first video, thank God, my father sound prove the basement, William.


Pulling together the most reputable and official sources it could, website worldatlas.com has found that out of all countries on the planet, Sweden has the most islands with 267,570, the majority of which are uninhabited. Even the capital of Stockholm is built across a 14-island archipelago with more than 50 bridges.

What country has over 7000 islands?

Recent News. Philippines, island country of Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago consisting of more than 7,000 islands and islets lying about 500 miles (800 km) off the coast of Vietnam. Manila is the capital, but nearby Quezon City is the country's most-populous city.

Your father has a servant .....and a mother.

What country has 13 000 islands?

Indonesia is the largest country made only of islands, with previous census identifying between 13,000 and 25,000 islands.

What country is made up of 6000 islands in Europe?
The islands are the main characteristic of Greece's morphology and an integral part of the country's culture across the ages. The country includes 6,000 islands and islets scattered in the Greek Seas, of which only 227 islands are inhabited.

How did Japan find 7000 islands?
The agency used advanced technology cross-referenced with past aerial photos to conduct the recount. The discovery is expected to raise the nation's number of islands, which is based on a 1987 Japan Coast Guard study, from 6,852 islands to 14,125, Kyodo News reported.

Catholic's concept - Purgatory. 
You realize....why she goes away first?

Because I don't have to rule the universes TODAY!
Your 2 other kids......William
Why is my voice sounds like ABC those girls? The Asian black hair....My accent sounds like ABC Asian black hair girls. Why I cannot have my photo here? Your brother?!

Its a ...quadrin of the universe. North up 2 rings.
Left side down, full of the darkness cloud. Its a bad universe problem in another Cosmo ball.
He cannot see it, so he asked me what to see. There is a bad darken universe problems a lot if people taken them off.

Above us, that is Britney's star. Lucky. They have a lot of the problems in the political too, when SMCH image is bad, they found out. Like our yesterday news all week here.

What is so off this Nicky?

Do you mean Kian, not Mably?! Its Mably !!? (The birds join the conversation), you know him ever? Every guy you don't like, it exists in every guy's world domain. All over the universes, they are all like your type of the thinking inside your head.

Shane is the main singer, Mark is the second singer. They are the meaning of the band.

Shane !!!

They are not making a song for me, they only make the songs between they themselves, and once again I remind you, their jobs are the musician. Meaning they are not you, they can jump on a traveling bag like that Hugh, flying in or the luggages in to their personal staffs assign hotel in Taipei with other occupation doctors, or the lawyers, or the white / blue collars. You on the other hands...you gain a new title, you stay with your military flag England ship in order to tele-communication between the nation flags, in every country in North Europe all side, or I expecting you doing here, from where?

Not that Okinawa? 

To China, To Taiwan, by where you can see on the map, or....by imagine Japan which one is the main island or they used to be the atomic bomb coming it down, not those Conan Detective ALL known characters we know, and you don't require to say too handsome or too gang up to each other's faces?

The musician doesn't need to have a look, doesn't need to be macho, doesn't need to be highly highly academia PHD. They need to have a music talent in the melody, in the music toning, or the rhyme, to get the pitch correctly. 

I am hungry...

Sorry Tina has so many problems, the gun bfs 1 2 , the dead doctor on vocation or his wife. Now her first lawyer to the Youtuber famous : The Chicken Plaque Younger Sister (the food), her lawyers was part of the Black Gang and the Scam groups lawyers. He licked out the Line text messages to the Scam groups upper. Its on the news now.

He represents Tina, something with Hank fights. Calling my mother....

My Line groups, its everyone knows whom are in it, Prince William, when you becoming the England King?

Yesterday I told Nicky I need to lay down, not feeling well. I told Shane, and I told Nicky I saw the otter. He is not well with all these animals jumping all around, and 2 nights ago, something I heard from outside, so I asking him if he feeling fine, tell Shane. I haven't calling them for a month. I didn't really talk to Kian, so I drop Nicky's phone about before Hugh he got married with Olivia.

That is what you asked me?

I feel like ~~~you all dating and dropping people whenever you all feel like on the weekend ! 

My Line App: The bone doctor replace that Eben position in Soft String (China TV), it overlaps. Not sure, one day I saw that. The rest are the parents, my uncle's wife and my mother, or my far away ropes on his neck, dad.

Not Tina and Pang?

We never had a life !

I had a Perfect next by me, sitting right next by me, the vertical side by side from the teacher's views. (Behind me is the window)

Me    |

him   |



The table is glued together. I forget it was him in the middle, or I was in the middle. 

All the award ceremony, we are in the same elementary school for 6 years. Never moved. 

Why is this Perfect so important? 

We had the award ceremony together, he is one of those Public Hygenic green teams starting which 3rd grades probably, he and his taller buddy friends are those whom holds the whistle and the blooms sticks (for the dry leaf), I always only get the mops, the bucket, and those wet stick....they get the dry claws ones for the dry leaf.

They were all the boy's friends to each other, they play the stairs and their bathroom between the guys. Like UB that SA union stairs. He is that Dragon Ball cartoon 七龍珠 looks alike when they becoming the Super 賽亞人.  超級賽亞人. He is the vet doctor associate professor.

In the sky outside the Earth, that will be another Perfect, I drew you the North America map.  What he supposes to be looking at it. 

You want to train someone looks like that when you will be in which age?

Or you are still too young, all you prince title at?  16 or 15 years old.

Why Shane not Mark, not Nicky ~~~

They can just die, if that means 1 Shane, that's it. They won't literally die, but....If they weren't the Westlife, or the Backstreet Boy.....you know how many worlds bands, other than all worlds tour bands? You know the difference? They starting at the night club like Square's mother, 1 solo artist. And ....anyway, everyone throws each other away has the money reason in it, that's the simple way saying it. 

Because Justin they were starting VERY young with Disney picks them and group them, all together when they coming it out. Why is your staffs hatred me for that underscore line?

The many bands, that is the correct English?

They are sorting your England bands, the last time proposal, you went out and finding them the looks, with the passport.....oh ! 

The world bands mean they gone up to the international stages as the world tour band. You don't imagine a band just make it becoming like that, not even the solo artist neither !!!

You know the female solo artists, they know how to present they themselves? So this will be true for the main singer of any boyband, you follow them, with many other boybands options and the other solo artists, as well? They each have to convince their record company, or the overall bracket top those managers, or they go through a process in order to becoming the known in the station or advertising throughout the worlds, I am guessing that is the record company's label or the deals.....how do you imagine whom go and get in where to make they themselves be seen? Shane or Nicky?

Of course its Shane, Brian, or that Cold Play the main singer. 

You know you are not young anymore .....

To the "man" like you, not as the "guy" like you, your age people dying out with or without the money, or the look, or your training people to grow up the next 5 years, they will all grow tall, even mine starting at the kingdom garden. 

You are looking around.

I am sitting down 2 people's meal, in front of Shane, what he eats, what his friends eat, and what I eat. 2 people live together, not 2 giant room separated.

You are managing that entire giant mansion + the seasonal all walls, the garden, the yard, is your dad burred anything underground like the wood swords in the Flower Thousand Bones?

You need to be on the top of it, all the time. You and your staffs or that is your kids when they grew up, be very attentive to all the details inside that space, and maybe your IT, or your security, or somewhere extent where you live at, London? That radius, of every people that you watch them a little bit, because you taken, that is their jobs, they must do.....but if you just be more cared about it, they are all the human selected to be THERE.

The food, the water, the necessity. The Christmas cheer spirits, the decoration. You asking them, you pass by them, you phone them, you line app them. All the papers or the mail something and all that....

The floor, the windows, the lights, the bills, the eco, then....you have those your every chamber upper or the lower House.

The MV doesn't sell. (my vision is the archived book).

You want to stop looking at the movies?

You can only be with 1 person, or 2. Literally make it that life.

Your life choice is just the house, the water pipe all utility stuffs.

Your family parents, and your kids and their kids.

How is your Riley? You got a min. Inelia Benz at 2014 Free Download Christmas, hurt me. About this Ashely and MK Olsen, you know their father declares bankruptcy that one....has a Psychi Assassins' book. Another side, right side, that look, is your best friends, William. And their Full House, Danny, their father dead on our television news here at 65 years old, too. I am not sure which things are real, and Chandler dead too.

I actually don't follow her anymore, but she used to have a reason coming forward and get near those classify, you can tell, none of them looking alike New Age, Bill Ryan, not Ryan Secrets. There is another Ryan Gosling. 

Guest ...ling

I heard, he is going back to England those flowers, wine like his father's in-room wine....pamp girls, party, spotlight life just like the Louis 16th and his wife.

But when he got back indoor, he pretends to be Eben, rigid looking to do things. That is the spider man.

He is shaking at his window side, and maybe the room is too cold. He has that conditioned, he talking to himself at the face almost glue at those giant big windows, when it rains. He can see from the outside and talking to himself.

Maybe you should just go with him somewhere to sit down, he pretends all his life. Just to see a doctor, not with the other you, the movie: 17. He William got very very nervous, not that look, but nervous inside.

The King has a servant, with some talks.

That one photo on the song, its the image he got charged with his ex wife died. That image lost to the whole newspaper cover front, he either got bankrupt, or he will learn one thing for the rest of his life, its nothing but the image put in front.

The birds remind me...

You bring Eben, Shane, and Mark in front of his room desk he sits down.

Shot Eben, shot Mark

He will say Ola.

Take him away. Shane puts on his desk.

LST, Simon is outside the wall climbing up, he was the one with the flashlight and the guards. Did he know that? and tell you?

L  is the wall   S is the rope    T is the rope hook on the back of the wall.

You know what it all means?

He is the guard for the walls? Part of the guards.

Those are the vision. Here is the paper works, page 3 The Loving the Silent Tear, KR = Obama = Simon, they are waiting their whole life time to climb that wall to be as the ***England Queen***, its hide and seek, or that is Nicolas Cage, every river find the exit land up a brand new gala party. That will be...Obama?

The boybands are the main singer number 1, the second singer number 2.

***The most important jobs*** they EVER EVER had, will be singing.

The actual melody remembered, and the rythm not off the pitch, and group to get on the stage, and washed and showered, and get ready to SING.

NOT avenger.

(The birds are NOT)

The song writing, the melody pitch perfect, make a pitch with a whistle or a toning, or an instrument, like Kian !!! The actual real talents in music. Anything but that avenger, its the music sheet, and creation of their album to sell sell sell. NOT AVENGER. 

( inhale my air )

There are a thousand degrees their managers will ALL be telling each of them, THEY ARE NOT the avenger, or revenging Queen Elizabeth the Second, the ship....whatever those name on label inside the movies. Their JOBS cannot MIS a tone AT ALL, not on the stage, not on the side tracks, that main melody is GONE.

That is their the ONLY JOB.

Their only job, or FOREVER this one lifetime, or the lifeline....IT WILL NEVER BE Lance Bass. Its the main singer !!!!!! Period !

You spend time rehearsal your public performance, THOSE are the investment money to ensure you talk through the microphone is a confident tone.

If you are not sure, and you care to ask, you have to find them why anything label to come out in the public sight, has a meaning you think, you thought, you reason....not speculate for ANY romance story. Some people don't care about the romance story, to say a blind date, or go on a date after the college year anymore. 

I have to get out the house, its our Asia weekend. Meaning....if you are still in Korea, or ready to go to Japan, and planning the whole week itinerary, THAT IS your jobs. 

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