
The snack boxes (fresh chocolate)


Definitely...NOT. That 1, you see, you need to drink down 2 cups of the water, and brush your back teeth immediately. Rinse the entire mouth and the teeth.....

Some people can sit home, you probably meant the Maryland? If were? Or Washington DC those? NEVER that 1 house you got sad, and you literally purchase one holiday whole package those things, and just keep snack on? No!!!  1 ...I don't think you die on it, those FDA....I tell you, the sugar rush you put that in your blood stream to your brain, some people really doing that !!! That is a lot of the weight, and its very dangerous I think. 




I have never seen the creme. Its called 可麗餅, There is another kinds smaller, thinner, with the banana, probably its the Thailand, I ate it. I was still vegan / vegetarian....the night market here. I don't eat any creme, those are the foam "creme"?

Something going on, I have no idea. This is Keith?! Them looking? Cooking the guy's meal.


I seeing these things.....they are not supposed to get fat, later in the year, right? 

I ....kinda sleeping through, thought about it. The chips bags, the cheese, the diary..you mean, and these chocolate, they are not watching those Home Alone movie, the real ghost movie, and put those things inside their mouth, and the alcohol, and the coffee. I blink my eyes, they doing nothing but wearing those eye glasses, I seen 5 all at the same time, in a different angle. My internal often screamed. 

They eat the chips. I think I quit on the chips and the nuts. My jaws line....and my faces, and the weight. And I will lose the weight when the time comes....

I am looking at the strange things....Sailor ....Moon ( side way), when the jem stones are collected. ( in a very strange langauge, not Japanese, not English )

Is this thing so important? That Ella Enchanted maps....I understand it now. No, I google it. The first link was the North Carolina.

You don't rehearsal how to....get to where? Texas. This court room with them are yelling back and forth. They ....doing this kinda of things. None of you rehearsal anyway?

Look, listen, think...you don't need to stare at the judge, you can just hear him or her from the higher top, and blank your eyes sight out, and reply, after you thought about the next 5 second, or you turn your head to think, and then reply to the judge slowly in English.


Correct, I say per word, per sentence, per statement, starting....20 years ago, the 1st show up.

At first time? Once?

Yes, yes.

You will prepare the perfect everything on the first meeting to enter the court room?

Of course.

You guys all love Japan, so you speaking the Japanese, or learning something from the course lessons? 

Do shi nuh... = what is that.

na ni = what na?   The expression as the local Japanese, you expression your !!! surprising, astrophy?! Co ni gi wa, like the Japanese is very very polite.

Da mei na yo = cannot do, the car won't start, cannot. already try so many times.

Like you know you don't just speak one sentence, you want to live among them, to becoming like them, right? Between the friends, you talk polite, or even you as the girl or as the guy, being polite in those language exchange?! 

So much about this Sailor Moon.....

oh BTX episode 3....that is so bloody, how I remembered it. You seeing so many guys, and all those implied saying. Someone will fist up for a fight, so many of these, and the girls are on those Sailor Moon side, or some comic book, or the novel if not without - that is.....you know what you are doing?!

I don't take very well with any TV, I don't watch it, I don't even seeing the human that....so many of this implication. You all loving to every human crowd.

If you seeing your friends each and everyone dying out....is that compensation to you? Those UB friends? (Sailor Moon) Does that affecting us on file-ing, because your side is real?


I have seen worse than that....

uh, everyone usually just free will to entry / enter to the court room. I personally don't know anything about that. You have to ask the lawyer or the judge.

You are in the real city life, not me. Don't think about those scene. You mean I die so many times those....you go to where the human at. What if you becoming like me, you eating these things down? 


I am just resting. Usually the judge doesn't ask me those thing, or I didn't arrive to the court, those conversation only if the judge seeing me and ask me. I just rest. I coming out of the black water....there is a lot of those things the real space and time. The birds wake me up, it was 2020 / 2021 they calling me, I start to hear them. I never heard them before.

" I imagine if the judge asking me.....so many this scene !!! "

oh, right ! You as the girls those warrior cartoon, those are the cartoon animated TV. 

No, I have my mother talking to me, the siblings I checked it, or some UB face, not all gone, not a literal saying. The city is functioning, I check all the things, all the place, I check it.

"How do you make the judge asking you, all that?"

Definitely not. I am not you. Certainly, never ever. I am not any of you, of course not. 

I like some of these songs. You can hear the songs, just not the literal.....you talking about the court room serious paperworks and talk to the lawyer to represent you, not you represent you yourself, or this would be the entire classify worlds against....the SHADOWs, like BTX, ..the central? All that....anything all that?

I am not sure. You are not supposed to put on the songs. But I check it, it shouldn't be about that. You trust your lawyers, or you trust which government, America? Which side of the America coins? Maybe you imagine a certain thing, or some fame name. That is the whole Cosmo, not local.

I think the first year is the hardest.....2021-2024 its almost complete, some people can pick up all that. But before that, I am not sure I publicly tell people....

1) Get your every single words / thoughts / saying very very clear, lucid, you are against the AI or the accuracy of your own memory.  2) I had a per spoonful, per bill, per hotel, when I was running away.  3) That was 24 hours since 2014. This part I didn't really say, until 2023 resting away, to get through Westlife the commander says in 2022 Summer, I think. I remember still. I had those 3 arguments got stuck. I cannot move anymore and I don't know why. 

And you cannot file these?

I think we are in the modern world fine. Just me one person issue, I am not sure. The court room is the intellectual debate. These things....its to go to the police station. They are the human. Kidding me, I cannot do that.

But how do you say that in the court room?

You mean venting? 

I want to go to sleep. I have never discuss this with the people, and you all....have so many community around supporting your causes, that is not related to me, right? 

Its an intellectual debate. Per word, correct before you talk. 

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