Jesus back is the excuse the God must be here ? And if me without, none of you put yourself up to the job, that’s what it means?
How much a Jesus worth ? Or Babaji or Prince Siddarthra ?
Right, but if you just even try, I think ….imagine the role switch what it means you just at least try, not fantasy, actually do something in life. In America, the reason you all grown a lot taller, I am not. So the local American when they put through the knowing, they know your height or they keep hearing me saying things from the Asia perspective.
I can drive in America, the DC feeling at it….this my mother stuffs ?
I cook at home when I live in America, what you all did to my vision examination ? I am so sure they are blind, I ever told you ? We can take the taxi. But the driving license had to issue from that state, not the Washington DC state.
No, not from the ipad. Her. Inside her head or what gets on her phone, I show her something yesterday.
I asked you a question, when Jesus back …
I know you had a vow, I know you gave a lot of the lectures 90s, those up to 1997/ 1998. It wasn’t stable but you are used to those gradually you come to Taiwan fame, and you let out to the European tour for world to relief the war that time. Every tapes you create is with your talk inside. And the One World concert the first time people seen this Bill Conti. You had right now this Ocean Entertainment was you build up one Broadway after another, you had the first 5 years anniversary celebration in SMTV with your disciples or the followers over 40 years. You remember those child star from 90s, the performance, the singing, including Nomiji was there all that later parts of this creation of the SMTV. The satellites you learn how expensive that is from their money or you earn this money through karma.
Your one dream of lifetime your Indian 500 years old given to you, put up by the Taiwan these local people you don’t know they were the original Taiwan or migrant from China?
You learn things in this way, if I repeated to you …I mean I heard?
With Dr JaneZ inspiration, you got in this Amazon marketing idea to get to 3 books published. You know that. Every book you efforts in, the photography, the editing, other than 4 hrs slots to repeated in a roll, 3 times of a per day shows 30 countries caption.
You roll up the sleeves for one Truman’s shows? You see it or they seen it yet ?
His name is Christof.
You know that’s an argument, right ?
It wasn’t a lot of the attention like Westlife, or you want to tell me, one-time show, its to destroy everyone in it with you relationship ? So it’s one-time show, when they create the show or on rehearsal, they all knowing it.
So when the Christ gonna be back, it has to be this year….
Not Prince William’s mother exactly like the panda says, or my video clips say…
I have a 80 billions per year (not 40 years) saying on the mental health people, the donor, the past charity or the modern charity or the living expense from the parents or the society or the government.
1000 people per country x200 countries x 365 days x 500 dollar per day hospital, or the living, eating, confine somewhere money other than the US? + the medical treatment, the undergo doctors of the nurse. How much is that the last one, not the room and board ? It has to be 36 billions + something.
1000 people is age 10-50= 40x25= 1000. Per age bracket 25 people sounds like nick or Prince William or Mark LOTR? My video here doesn’t look that little number.
Or, this is the life reflection you hate about everyday since 1986, and why you are let-in to keep hating everyday your life? Someone asked you ?
I would let every human down other than my pretty face down or my better health…to sleep home and now be with a guy. I do more herbs without my mother, a simpler environment!
That was the motivation or you got caged in and must continue those 40 years you didn’t have a decision making up to this time …and most these efforts aren’t the monitization other than the center and at my building here…the karma on your living expense and the organization regulate these money.
Like Yogananda Self- Realization or BEAS.
Or this is the time everyone talks about the money, I seeing it these building wrong or the TV advertise you wrong or Mario play station….I know myself better or I pretend you had a job to repriment you ?
I suppose to use your org their money to repriment you ? So these 3 days, that’s the reprimemt ? I tell you, what you did in these 40 years every words true to start ?
Give my face a meaning when you look at it or they look at it, why my face care the age you are or what you did? To even come up 3 days a girl looks like the face knows how to write this stuffs sounds like there was a First life indictor you get some support with them or with the American.
These world has a system and a law nature bind. People don’t need to be Godly to live and to breathe and other than telling them to make the money and make it in life the right method. The health included to keep their family or the loved one. I didn’t really care about them doing all that while I provide this world a different umbrella.
Through that core nature, this Taiwan or Asia overall or American through this one Pacific Ocean no matter what, that the human builds up the doctrine over their Godly righteous had some TEsla or Venus nature starting God knows when with or without those classify air, so it ends back at this GE now or the GE past. That daily people what a human really needs……that constantly reminds us other than God, you understand ?
We are nothing alike in this philosophy!
You are like Kara? Carla ?
You are almost bankcrupt in the 90s? She was.
You don’t work things like that in the real reality. We aren’t family you understand that part ? Your family was in Vietnam, and those whom look up to you or near by. They are the one responsible for you or your debts.
Why you still on the TV, they hire you to do all that ? Some of these TV if the successor comes in, they do better on the TV?
This is society everyone has to make it after their schooling, a marriage or a study abroad, not to mess up each other’s life, when you were a British citizen. You often talking about your driver or within the EU territory, your driver speedy with your pets cage or the attendance. You were joking you talk like that or they don’t let you stay in one place you called it home? Britain or Taiwan ? It’s a lot cheaper here you can speak in Mandarin for any hospital fee for the cancer ?
No, your organization them have to sort your finance, but I often used to say where is that successor ?
Oh, you mean the movie cause they compensate you ?
The legal society are these panda, the otters make the money, they have to pay me back ? I would not do that but I know that overall idea.
Did you ask Jesus come to take the beast and the SM to the abyss, that word is on the red hair Ana in Frozen 2. Ola, Tina, you together 3 Torus ? That’s real ? That the basic safety measurement you against him, at least that’s whatever causes you keep going this SMTV or SMCH international….they don’t shut it down for you, it means we like to hear about the things like that ?
No, I would never pay your debts. We have no relation they put up s roughly Purna position to hurt me, they know whom suppose to represent that role. The finance will never be real. I never acknowledge why they doing that to me everywhere these materials?
But Jesus coming back, and the government or the organization or the police has to put through things.
What ?
The lineage method is real.
No, I stop practice.
Can we get compensate if everyone else got compensate ?
You mean you using me my world UB/ UK or Pang their classroom activities and 1 you. And your organization staffs going with you ? Other than 2 you, you and him head monk tall that guy.
I won’t be join them because I need to put my focus somewhere else. Including your SMCH international or Taiwan or Britain them take care your side. I don’t need to show up those. When UB or Jonathon I guess his father or Keegan got a father those network local including UB get back something, they got mine part, then I acquire my parts. Karen was with Chris so, they got the local Canisius college or SIlas was ECC, these school combine, Dr T is in SUNY Brook, or Jones was SUNY Brook, and therefore this academic institution, cover a wide range of the student major. Erin was the nursing PHD program, or Lee and Me the students part on CADS program. All these program the UB principle or the SA president that represent then and the now, they are all a lot more professional in the campus and their paper workers. I trust what they do. The UB principle if found out something for the parents, he can always ask me to deliver those write-out for them if Jonathon those are not physically fit or mentally somewhere else if one of those Nick scenario shows up situation.
You talking about the American Presidents want to hear about the participation of the crowd the parents included, then this SA or UB what about, can go through NY Governor because the university is a part of connecting through some donors want to hear, or the media wants to hear…why they are all near this Frozen part.
This from the New York States the Buffalo local representative because the UB SA presidents gets near, and to the New York governor from the school initiative that the SUNY overall university umbrella put through that connection. APO or some other Greek society other than the local chapter through the regional Rochester or the National, they got something else to say. These combine …how the students were, or the America medical board step in other than these professional …they have a joint statement!
That’s how the American do things.
Their funding to whom let out to stay at the North East 24 hrs on his phone or her phone, its the school choice or the local fundraising or some other combine effort initiative. The local Buffalo or the Rochester that overall called the Western New York including my co-workers the downtown Buffalo.
Probably Emily or Jonathon those pair up with their husband wife, they got the kids running their 7 days a week life + a job.
That’s the UB part. I got nothing in UK~~ some madrigal went to the school, did they finish ? Or that Adam Davis with his brother. Their parents aged, and my mother hanging, I about to die with this drug neighbor at all suicidal.
I have too many other important bills to sort if the mental hospital to that Island Movie was effective on cutting the bill. That’s very immediate. I got this Mark LOTR or they watch William. They got someone else I did periodic watching. Not right now…that efforts to keep that communication.
And LA this situation …Shane !
You and him are 2 people, unless you find your disciple in which movie or the TV drama they decide to side with you. Mine side they need to go through the education umbrella, and the Congress therefore has everyone’s bill in their hand.
UB they do Google doc.
I am sure UK them, too. All their trim weight all that.
You don’t squeeze yourself in those conversation, Nomiji you know not disciple anymore or what, you all can be mild to each other situation that the organization handle you 3 problems, sit down eats s normal meal. She got those Mongolia video she was making …those were her family ? You know …you behavior other than to be a Master probably just sit down sitting with them a meal and how to assist them or you yourself.
I personally don’t know her.
These chat format of the food dining, those UB or UK have to be on their own without me. So their leadership rise up within or through the paper works whom like to hear, they sort their own leadership to report, to investigate, to patch up the parents communication or with the kids, it’s on their money pocket or the donor’s efforts from the very local WNY their participation accordance to the LAW.
They are PHD hope their character in check was not less than the high school drop out, you know?
You set your mind, you, him, Nominji sounds like you looking forward a reality check when you 3 buddy to the Washington DC table. He got on your tape 1992? If I didn’t see him, he doesn’t know he was in these TV? You have VS both that tape the 12 kisses or 12 new horoscope in the universe was your SMTV guests, one of them was this Chicago genetic modified fish saying by a black man and these 2 Kentucky near ratio singer or the guy play guitar. The shell lady certified 20.
Your organization needs to put up these or BEAS.
You mistaken to believe so far, it’s only 1 me runs everything.
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