
LST - this is shameful before Prince William ?

And why he is on these video to talk about it? Within the British, the England citizen ?

Jesus supposes to be his stuffs theirs to fix ?

Let’s say the public fix it the top people shouldn’t be doing the crime like they intend to say the Heaven meant 123456789…right now. What does that mean ? This book is reading by whom ?  The Heaven decree to those Heaven golden thousands armory have to be the only Heaven interests only, you don’t realize the people ends in the hell on those books don’t require to believe it has anything to do with any of this at all?

The physical dimension interest if were only BTX or Thor

                                                          Frank (Francis)

                                     Her, Bobby

A certain thing is forever off the limits, not those craps. We look, we understand. The Heaven standard doesn’t have a trace dirt. So unless they aren’t the mental peoples vision again, they meant these angels are real, we have a book looks like to talk about it.

These video aren’t the darkness permeate… it’s all bright and shining as if that golden gate has to be open !! You don’t realize that decree is forever shut or you meant it’s kneeling to that snowy ground and awaits to bleed the knees, someone in the modern education worlds and to create a book on the little finger Purna as the middle trend to these 2 wings structure in politics. You mean that I was that Eon usefulness back in the days or was fade by the evolution my brain IQ wasn’t clear crystal, none of this meant a tale a Glass in a Day might tell?

Tell me what Jesus does other than the Last Supper and Breaking bread by tradition, seriously the 1000 angels he intends ? If someone has to deliver this kinds of jobs 11 years EVERY SINGLE DAY, that person must be the hell of knowing what’s every single means a pointer or a power point slide, the summary, the briefing, the bullet points, the highlighter, and the lunch box !!! The brain jobs or the stages presentation wasn’t instructional enough. 

The printers or the PDF, print print print, staple staple staple, the microphone gets up speaking the hell if English or Japanese now, no more Mandarin, it’s not the written form of the tradition Chinese because that’s one click away the simply Chinese, we are in a hurry !!!

He will be concentrating eating a meal in his own head.

That’s not your followers or the disciples wants to hear ?

What makes them different if they each make it to stand before me and him at the Television costs and the legal trial?

You saturated your life with the 40 years junks …the heart pull and push to get one 20 years younger guy or 40 years younger guys to fix you 100 issues.  None of these people care you enough to know you have these much junks starting with the building permits. But you love seeing them, they are the Justice air….

The Taiwan gov staffs, the Taiwan police or the England police.

Not the Justice league, it’s harassesment issues?

No, someone if understands …you are not required to watch any of these. I know that, they don’t know, correct. 

Being a Vietnamese, you know the Taiwan police or the England police to say feeling homey ? You mean I trust the American police with my eye close. 

Tell me … this book story was not me Anna saying page 1 to 4 in my own life. You didn’t say hi to them in 2014, that’s gone 11 years off the windows, or mix between the preaching parts, there is a hard-to-get, the heart pull and push being as any Eastern country disciples must take it the abused til they beg you….what are you 1000 problems staring at the eyes. All these times, no one knows …. That isn’t the prayer one human on Earth, know it all. For you.

The Taiwan building permits ….

Tell me that was a ghost haunted land next by the chicken farm. That known world, what’s a piece steel top like a shad, by now Musk or Trump knows, there is a permit required on those barren land, no sound, no human, no civilization felt….when the Earth was created right next by the high speed train. 

What does that I mean it? 

Starting from the 90s before the horse president he was just running as a marathon like Keanu 1988, they all remember or again……no one knows !

Like ..our roof in Taipei. 

Okay, they sell jewerly ? Sunday !

The Master’s house, your photo! The bamboo brushes, off the limits.

The creek water to hook up the water top to say blessing. The water bottle.

The pine wood tree top to say BBQ, your stone hand made the wall…for the stream or for the rainbow kids playground. That’s the movable toiletry? For the women !! The Japanese pond walk wood gasibo. 

Your cave and all the monks and nun’s cave. The dumpsters is in the Lovely Bone, Catherine and Babsji face their house at. 

Your spiritual lines are not the points to meditate, it’s where it ends up.

No one listens, where is the car parks at if not living in it….bamboo brushes up, pass the master’s wooden house, incent fragrance ?

The public is at the beginning from the gate sitting, - Lost & Found. Food food food …outside that gate. 

I didn’t think you realize people know shout the pine wood tree top to sing a Color of the Wind, high school music, not musical. The BBQ, Gaye’s, kindler, like the heresy’s chocolate in Niagara Falls at Canada side, they drag another TEsla statues while I was there now over there. Both America snd Canada has his statues. They cannot miss a 5 floor height Hersey’s chocolate model and Aquarian, Sakura Clear Cards !!

What’s a Hershey’s chocolate anyone remembers this pine tree wood top under was the BBQ..it’s to burn fire. Starting off the fire BBQ! The Vegetarian in the 90s, you got a book Supreme Kitchen. Page 101….

I say it before or for Babaji or Jesus? Before the Earthly ?

If we 3 say the same things + Indian General Siddartha…. We 4 are the outcast ?

Ronan is Earthly, no, he doesn’t know your tapes, your hard works, other than if Shane shows up, I take him steps by steps walking !

+ a few Earthly them are like Ronan to say God’s kingdom throne games ready …

Only I say that. No one on Earth saying the unrealistic points having this book LST or Bible?

This is not expected ?

Oh Indian….this funny morning, I got them baby before me ….photo money.

That’s Yogananda Ananda and Beas?

When I seeing this letter I wrote to DC on the first website 2021 to mix his tones in it, Babaji I was so scared. Every single time he does that !!  He has no place on Earth, and he intended to triumph this Indian the 3rd world country over DC by using my pieces papers ….that time was like 4 years ago and I was still this green apple the Chinese we say like that….he just meant he naked a photo and that’s Mahavatar Babaji, the consciousness maybe not even the human embodiment form the physicist in Chapatii….I got no help, no voice.

He really believing in himself !

They tour your Ashram for him? You cannot see he exists from the TV, a human flesh to walk and talk yet. 

Oh, we didn’t even get to LST. I am on the phone with Shane and on my virus with my outside sky ! It’s M - the blue antivirus that one. 

Taiwan, the commercial you know LSD?

Not LST.

Your late husband was a German. Not French.  That’s a kiss….or that’s a Vietsnese bakery top you run away from when you were a maid from the owner drags you to the bed and kisses?

You finish your school in England, we never heard you saying. The Music and the Sound, do ra mi…

And what’s that story the history background Do Ra Mi? 

Northern Italy was Nick’s father ….those mountain ridge those time like they say to walk. He invented nick’s childhood their home bathroom. He died when he was 12, the cancer.

Just by the film quality, not the high definition.

You know that SMTV high definition advocates guy he got a boat other than the sea Shepard ? Saving the animal.  Not the train…the boat ~~ other than the Google. 

Truman’s shows to me was a lot older actor, I can tell you that. He was the Green Mask time, the older feeling of those “For Rich or For Poor” those film. Julia Robert’s hair style snd he got a better Eric, not here that Youtuber Asian Eric. Or my side the Home Alone Eric and Henry …

When people old, they fade out the stage of the life sparkle. You didn’t effort in these 18-25+ me at this Obama. 

They all received this book in 2010 or 2011 the Love of Century, I show up Feb? 

Summer, 2011 was your Venus lecture they know?

Where was I ? You say 2 Venus exploded, I had one gallbladder stone in the video that avocado seed melted over night outside my yard on the paper.

The Flower Thousand Bone, a …round thing bell ring he hook back to the waist line. 

I had an ex bf bad man …on his resume cutting the gallbladder, this entire thing vanished never heard it again !! My method.  

All the celebrity or your train, not the boat ….you talking to them since 2010? The Loving the Silent Tear. 

“How do you think I am doing?” Jesus asked ?

“More than perfect!” Applause applause. 

You get the point ?

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