
侏儸紀世界 Jurassic World

你們有說是去美國幫我建造公園,我跟尚恩,就是很久以前我說我在家~突然我有一個"公園" 是美國欠我個? 這不是真的吧 ?

Did you any of you say to America help me to build my park, me and Shane, that is a long time ago I say I am home~ and one day suddenly I have "a park" the American owing to me? This is not real, right?

我現在看到電視的關係,這是在講 Frozen,三生三世十里桃花,講說我弟弟那輩有...誰小龍 (小我五歲), Lucy and Jessie (七歲八歲),Austin 的姊姊 (五歲), Meggie's daughter (7 yr)

Weasley 是小我弟弟八歲

Now I am watching the TV. This is about Frozen, 3310 peach blossom, saying my brother's generation has...that little dragon (snake year, younger 5 to me), Lucy and Jessie (7 or 8), Austin's sister Wendy (5 yrs), Meggie's daughters (7 yrs)

Weasley is 8 years younger from my brother.


You always taken someone is a trouble, other than your life is too big.

有一天人會變老,流程像說走樓梯、坐電梯,緊急時候找誰叫坐隔壁,如果水電搬家,那要去找新的,這是一個流程一個流程有一天我自己變老,因為沒有小孩的關係 ! 你們自己在家裡,清潔自己的廁所,不是租屋,買東西、清潔用品的運用,或是誰回台灣要重新學習這每個流程,你們喝酒就不需要做這種事情,一個人的空間 ! 很多年也會過去 ~床單也沒有覺得要洗,去哪裡買一個小老鼠的電池,或是板子小老鼠,或是很多商店細細小小的東西要去逛 ~這細微的東西都是一種流程 ! 你一個人學,還是人走了,一個流程只學了一次~上一次 !

One day people will grow old, the procedure is saying like the stair, sitting in the elevator, the emergency calling whom like the next door by, if the water electrician moves, where to find the new one, this is the one procedure to another, and one day as I grow older no kids ! You all learning at home, cleaning your bathroom, that is not rental, buying things, the cleaning supply application, or someone whom has to return to Taiwan to re-learn all these basic process, you all drinking so you don't need to care about this, one person's space! Many years will pass and gone ~ the bed sheet doesn't need to wash, where to buy the mouse battery, where to keep the mouse, or this store, those small little things where to shop~ very small things is all a flow chart ! You one person learning it, or the people decease, its only learning once of this flow chart, the last time!

Dr. Strange  奇異博士

I have to focus my job, we all get a career.


A spiritual journey seeking, after you visiting a man from the very beginning after the accident.

They are all the real people. Dr. Steven Hairfield, or Simon, or the actors'. Dean is real, or Silas or whomever that is or Hugh is real, its on the camera, all of these people are real.

Time doesn't return, because people do die out.

The old people don't take all these movies turning real as the priority in life.

People took the movies more in the negative term, or inside their life view, its always a lot more negative than saying that is a humor, someone does that to them as the whole wide world view, and their livelihood got affected, and you.....carry your life as if you have nothing to do with it.

Like I see this Nicky in the hospital does affect me. Westlife, and these glass !

You want to see all the video about your world?

The ghost realm (unconscious door close)


Later parts of the video.



Living Hope (another)


Tamang has those deep sea water, I don't know if that is his chest or his head feeling like that. Breast heavy to breath up to his head. Hugh is a lot swollen at his head engine. You have somewhat. A lot less than both of them.

Your 3 sense


You get one sense back one by one. That is sunset color, Eben?!

Yeah, you as a guy mainly is the logical brain when they train you. You just stretch out your personality out when you gain your 3 sense back, and sleep up a year, and working on the physical therapy, they can mode your entire personality one by one. 

Is that Mark behind.....Hue smoking everywhere.


You both are not supposed to be staying on the television camera.

Good night ~ 

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