Meghan which Meghan?
Orange is Lalla, 賴清德 is our president's name. With Green Kate (cancer)......he is a democratic party and he strives up this time during the presidential election.
I don't really know what he meant by that, and Eben is no where to be found, that kinds. So is this Ronan news. He is at Nicky, or the Valentine's concert.
I think....if you all ladies report your home anywhere situation and near around this guys, their home and all that, a lot of the people other than Taipei, or LA is the only 2 places, where if another 100 people helps in all at the same time. I think there are people pouring into these situation to dissolve all of that.
No, my mother is on her own will, this is so bad, whatever he is doing, and she knew what he comes out with and affecting all of us here. The Indian below was very very outrageous to out cry, he has a wife and a daughter until he saw the paper.
No, I do not know what he is talking about. There is a book club, that would be Eben's book lists. I have never been so horrific whatever this is on the moon, if he doesn't get himself on the moon seeing what I seen at all. Not just all these walking path.
3F, that is not the Uber guy, no.
That is a lot more establishment man or there is a youth 20-25 years old looking with a cap somewhere. Another side, no one lives in it. My mother told me. I told her every step. No, she does her throat, not by the hospital. I went to tell her what happened.
This youth cap looking, is a scamming group I think. Its not this unit, or it is this unit or he doesn't even know.
I try to think, whom I met on the elevator, there is a unit on that side. No, with the kids + their father, I met. I think that's them. The Uber guy is above him. But someone scamming group I describe is on him or whom's phone. He smoke.
No, he has been on this very small water facet sound for the last 5 times, very small sound.
No, its the phone ! We have a sim card, this Island we use those pin password, or required or don't require those.
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