
UB classmates and the 5 Lords

... I think I get a husband not a bundle of the myth and the legend. I speak in English, so that is 24 hours one person next by talking none stop. You live that life? 

I never do those social life, I don't really like the human that much. The social life like you move in America, those North side where you knock on their every door bell so you give them the apples in a bundle or the small farmers of qauts of blue berry anything you inquire, you wish to just in-person talking, the best pal learners, not the whole doing this Harry Potter potion or that movie per line per mins.

You are not listening to what I say to Ola?

If I want to make anything clear, it will be 3 years ago or when I think you all fumble and fall, then I stop and correct like to Ola's stuffs. One day I say this, one day I say that. I am not too concentrating on why I think when you all got rejected the first time, many of the girls included, you know that is cold to you. Its not something friendly through the tones or the gestures, or something being indicates to you, many people in a different time exit that court room stuffs. You didn't really believe that before, but you take a chance. Whom you wish to kill, not included.

If you have your classmate, a Day in Life?

Like me in UB.


I walk with a sneakers when I go to the school, its a mountain hill 3 tiers of stairs, one day Dean lived there, he moved down in the South Campus. That UB South Campus had a gala events, the 2 dental appointment and some indoor a pharmacy or something in there, and my anatomy class, and Erin's 3 best friend Nursing Ph.D TA, and some professor's flyers how to.....if I walk in and imagine I literally doing that to sit down by myself. No more pre-med club. Everything I hide.

UB North Campus, its where they all are. We call them the flip loop and Student Union that loop goes to Ellicott. Ola lives there, or Seth, maybe Dean and Silas they were all there too. 

Being a student mean, being a freshman, they were a lot more high school coming up to that age. The student activities. Its not a commercial Indian General Mansion (The Youngest Sister) that book all things....other than that, a Truman's his that 4 side walls. Not anything else, because he walks alone to his own bank, you cannot change that banker to believe him, or believe me and Shane doing this walking in that day......

"One of you, which one of you?!"

Truman's Indian General with Dr. Gabriel's hat walking in Truman's bank.

Christof is his name?! That is the bad guy's in National Treasure 2. No, he doesn't have the eye glasses normally. No he is not next by Babaji neither, he is in the physical dimension. He lives inside his mansion garden all world house. Babaji his home is in Heaven, a literal space !

I can only see him as the story, the Indian General.

  • They are all the winter tunnels built, every basement to 2nd floor to learn from.
  • My major is in NSC, not Cooke Hall.
  • My food is in the SA union.

This is the important thing how I used to have a life to talk about?

James is at home, but I have to go home, studying finish, or go warming my feet, too cold. Watching the TV, be on my computer. I studying in the school. I called Dean or Wing before, sometimes to study together, or Emily I met her in the library. Ola we study together. I take her back to her loop. 

Other than that, I just sit in those APO space, or CAC space or the weekend project to get out of the house, I only just join them so much later on if the girls get around to be in Adria's house. This Karen coming up or down on her highway every so often, she has to work. Actually we each girl have to work, only I show up at Melinda's office. To eat the lunch. I sleep on those couch used to, there is a commute room, or some hidden space, everyone sleeps there. Next by the theater. There is a musician coming in, I bought a CD. All these giant space......

I didn't go to the leadership or the project holder. I just sit.

Sitting in the theater near by couch when Melinda was not there. I join their SA carnival stuffs. Sit and walk, keep walking and sit. I seeing Lee in the carnival. I going home seeing James every single day, and Wendy / her sister or Erin.

I sit all the places there, walking and library studying and just sit and look. UB Flag room, that floor doesn't have the magazine or the newspaper to pick up, it will be the 1st floor and the 3rd floor. Like Lance's Bass video, all the newspaper or the magazine. Even the President's office near Wei, that elevator going up has a magazine stand. 

All of these department are all doing something different. There is the UB Alumni database, there is the UB campus jobs, or the UB off-campus housing, James uses, or asking me. CADS is a job other than those dining jobs. There is an internal circulation jobs. 

And the English Tutor on the flyers, how to call, or imagine what not PCAT, other than the science, but 2 heavy English. The comparison and comprehensive. It happened every single time, the scores don't care in the science, just the English. Nothing will go through. TOEFL and SAT 1 and 2. AND GRE later.

Sit, walk, see, listen. I wasn't talking in English to social. I just be there to tear down the house in the Habitat for Humanity. 

There is a mall, Annie Taylor is a brand I used to go to. Not my brother's say those 4. He came in one day, I realize the shopping style stuffs. So much later on.

I have too many students in CADS. I wasn't even thinking....Lee did tell me he takes 1 or 2. Now I remember.....so I react on it. I forgot....I have Dr. T's office 3-5 or Dr. Chambler's office hour sometimes, not like Dr. T.

You never walk from anywhere like those distance, and drive off the.....outside school? Those students some of them have no car. I am not sure Dean really had a car, or just the RA with Silas.

Karen and Adria drives, Billy drives.

A lot of the scene I remember. I see them. Its the Kensington Apartment I told Meghan already like the Toronto Kensington Market. 

I talk to Melinda often until she does that....not particular substance talks. 

That will be the undergraduate. The graduate school is I clear out almost everything out of my sight. Just the facebook, a nick this upside down Tony, and driving never stop.

I have the things I am doing. 

Nick is an Italian all world.

Erin they are the Ph.D TA world. My students adds double from UB Alumni, and then the 1000 students on my channel, one organic. I want to talk, I make a vegan cake video on my channel and I talk. I have things in my mind to do that time. There is a climate change, and the interviews, and the flyers distribution.

I walk in all the dorms to put the flyers in, I just walked, not a particular things why you seeing all these dorm, or the road, or the dental appointment, I check almost every flyers, Jonathon does in Cooke Hall, I checked every wall.

Every flyers in the North campus wall, or the south campus wall.

I walk so many places now talking about these map in the movie??! What I see?

These flyers you can take from the walls, you take the magazine, or you take the Mon, Wedn, Fri newspaper. Dean and Bill has those. Every dorm people take that. The UB Spectrum is the newspaper stand. I read them.

I have 3 jobs on campus in the graduate school and a real intern in the school, planning to go to the National Archive, why I even apply through? ~~My mind is not inside some places but too many places all at the same time, too.

There is the scan machine, UB Lockwood, the UB Capen has the copy machine I think.

Maybe they meant the Lockwood that scanning machine. Wing works behind there, one side, and on another side, its where everyone gets the print out stuffs. Its the computer lab. You have to wait your name, combination letter to wait there, its an open lab, that clerk just keep printing and put in our name slot.

Waiting, pick up the print out, walk, to the library, to the office hour (I had those office hour), the channel video upload, run to nick, the passport, the visa, the stuffs he ever says. I hear them.

The guys will be the last thing on my mind that time, any time to be honest, THOSE school years.

What do you say? This song? Them, the guys between their height, happy world. They find each other is not titanic like that Peyton idea, or they imagine that with Westlife to me saying here to Peyton. The Titanic story. They find each other has a story, they met whom, or their old newspaper used to be?! 

oh ~ Me? Canada ? The river? I wish them be dead, so don't exist anymore to be honest. That border all strips. EU is borderless. My life suffering. About nick? He should be in the abyss already. They are handicap, just die one day and the capitalism sleek, no one needs him, not even his family, his parents already dead. Just me only hear....other than his handicap all curriculum they input there, or his feet. 

He is a servant or maid type like my mother. Getting old to have 2 death in the house with that son, so just like England. To say a reality story of that Snape (negative entity) and a movie to say all the very BADLY social cases JUST like the TV police cabin profile. ITS VERY dreadful for me to even remember one thing about them. Not one thing, whom they ever be.

These movie tells me something

And those people....zillions dollars to say one him. They are all similar like him. ALL of them.

I have a far away destination other than there and to be honest.....the very reason why I would get far, its to be somewhere, it will NEVER be hell like anything BTX system files those if got dropped story is real, its hell. EVER ever.

There is a BTX System File, there is a hell.

I don't need anything why I have only ONE philosophy EVER in my life 24 hours I use my life force doing nothing but THAT.

It really isn't I care so much of the sincerity issue, that bank everyone lied. I keep looking at the 5th Ave them when I realize the birds from. And when I thought through....its a piece of paper per monthly, and scan all through ~~~

These movies wasn't the beginning of all things. I could have other jobs to make it through one lifetime already, even just a movie title, because meditation isn't doing that for a job to get paid. But still...that combination has the whole planet, or including these all edge oh my God....all the way to WHICH central?

And then all those 100-150 base at, the border I guess Earth -Celestial.

I am not fainting, but I can see far away.

I got distracted then I cannot see !!!

I don't care about the song, I don't care about the story, those were their 4 stories, I am happy for them, but they are the entertainment worlds all the way in Ireland, the brand new Welsh langauge, literally meaning Finish langauge from Finland. Zawanna....them. Nordic.

I cannot breath on myself these Youtube have those Iceland trip, or Finland trip, their last name....from the local. Learning the langauge is not my ability issue, its my IQ to see where I want to end up, seriously !! America can go back, and all these things, I have 1 mother, so that Indian general will have ONE Scriptura, NOT these crossing river issue. 

A song, you mean a music singing out of the 90s album cover. I remember...that will be 30 years ago I knew there is a music, never been to a concert. I don't care about it. 

These people Zawanna, Kail, all the military distribution.....Shane loves these mats, that's fine. I am not even sure I have anything to do with them, but I am near. NOT that Mission Impossible AI what? OU langauge?! Hologram !!

My brain if not normal, I won't pick a major. There is NOT one thing normal from the civilian to seeing these classify, or that per word, per sentence, per statement, you mean...A judge seeing a stack of the paper if each per line per written per words, in the description only !!!!!

I knew that is serious, or I meant I boss the classify to do?  ONE religion, WHICH religion? Buddhism?!  I HAVE ZERO human to lean on. I already grown out of that mentality, I WILL EVER GET A HELP!!!   The IQ problem, NOT the human issues. 

Next- so why don't you ask the judge? If Anna's reality might be true one day....

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