
You can ask the judge

The university or the college, or the 2 years associate degrees.

You say clearly to the judge, if those people, the guys with the height and the look, those worlds exist. You want to think about this Harry Potter story in a what way, be home studying and get the grade A, or passing the time too much, you can no longer be a dangerous factor on the school campus, so you do the home study, you try out the one course in the summer - be at home with Meghan and help around with the kids. 

You knew you planning to do more drugs, or selling the drugs on campus?

So it defines as FOREVER NEVER a grade issues anymore, just when you can do a vola job and be self expired jobs? You make that clear with your father, or with the court room, for the rest of your life, its not those split second of the whimp thought, YOU ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ruin the projects at the last min. You cannot control you yourself. Do you go and talk to someone?

Do you go and find out if that is a disease, your brother has a what condition, did you go and find out the medication to minimize that and the drug effects your brain is with a hole in it. Meaning you are highly highly irritable. Does those drug effect came to you, your body response to none stop shaking all that?

You are not planning to quit permanently, or you planning to fix those damage, and you know you cannot fix the damage, so you take the shortcut in life. There is no shortcut in life

Make that clear with the doctor or the judge, someone can help only you start fix your damage parts, you cannot control you yourself and the drug effects the body none stop.

  1. A Chinese Asian girls in the rain, tie the butterflie behind her head.
  2. An ABC yoga pants, longer leg, the hair tie up all the way a ball on the head, trespassing indoor their house wall, with a phone or her green juicing bottle. You mean running...those lively cheerful, Asian ABC.

Okay, when you grew up, these unlimited outsider is your peripheral to seeing the human, these per line per min, per Harry Potter, Red River Manga, you really really really really believe in it, with the Taipei Metro map, you believe in it, to write them at your hidden stuffs with Meghan those desk?

You want to go out BBQ with her, on the backyard, cooking all kinds of the food for her, stand on your feet, just you and the kids?

Too dangerous, I will tell you that. Not even put on the paper for that exact plot, it may not have anything to do with your entire life, other than some police cabin profile. You say you are not doing it, and everyone else believing it otherwise, so you got married and be blessed, that doesn't mean anyone trust that, what they only believe in their own side.

You cannot change the public to take their own side for the Queen. 

If you cannot, that piece of papers doesn't have your views in it. At all, just like that Ola. 

You split second thinking that, or you split second saying that?

There is a difference?!

You want to tear down your brother. You two panda walking together.....behind the bar jails.

I have to go out....its that Lance Bass, Silas "On the Line." - that is Chicago Metro behind them. I have only 1 second seeing that now. Your brother has 3 kids, I cannot see it neither clear Louis and then George. Your vision, you cannot see?

When people start having the kids, usually for the kids, their aunt or the uncle means to them. Seriously. Not that you getting near to them, and then you ruin everyone's life ever again. 

When I am done, I go and check out this Shane things, because they are the happy groups might be just right next by England. For now, I am right here, too many things inside my head, I normally cannot hear one word anyone says other than only I believe or doing the things in front of my faces, like zillions photo stream down.

You never drew a painting, your father does?

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