
UB (the Ms Congeniality 2 movie just finished)

No, we had some news.

Is this Square going back and forth how to move them? 

There are many segment of the movies that has good or bad, nice or wrongful. Sometimes I don't need to see all the ghostly to tell, there are the negative entity, not to say the romance in the head it is real, and then, the movie isn't the hologram the final saying? You know what I am saying? 

( What, Mably? Never watched it. Just the name. That Vartan has a in-house...the scary movie? That is the human does, right?  )

There are a certain thing we never talked about it. If I would be that psychi, that is apart from all that....seriously. So, having a good feeling seeing the competition in the group classroom that lady does, or that is not so real on my side? I am seeing a very strange thing, you would have a group meeting as the competition you all saying that is the profiles exactly like ...I assume that, not I imagine to go and judge you all like that. You play double funny things in life?  Or that is something worse or all worsen of all that, so I seeing like that? 

They are not your high school facebook....buddies.

That...bothers you? The first point. To resonance how the others thing, TOGETHER, you make the family strong, TOGETHER file the middle school concept, you all get someone that is 26, your height, everyone is the small tiny, right?

I have a second point, that will be the only issue, your American medical board force that, if not the American should have a religion in somewhere the points inside that Constitution besides God's points, meaning inside that BTX debates over that one Hank's issue.

You know inside your mind ....

When a human comes to near to you, that person can change your habits of that one lifetime, to say a kiss, a love, a hug, so a needle goes to inside your life. You don't use Eon life to figure out how to kill or pacify a world that is real or not real by that Babaji's decree saying...to learn that one lesson. How much greater the love he is or others would ever be.... These stories are just a story. That is besides the points, seriously. 

Tell me, you know Ronan's road, from Heaven or on Earth, wishing everyone's will....it isn't I am or not I am, because in this one lifetime, it wasn't more than handful people, I really just talking one straight sentence out of my mouth, like any of you, in your remembrance....if I am not dead on 2014.

Truman's segment of Indian General, Pacific Rim, Typhoon all these.....You think Ronan put that Storm up all by himself to sell his album? 

They are, they all are.  You are all doing something to stand in their way to sell things, and on purpose calling them or anyone else in the criminal nature to harming both me and them in between whatever that is. They are the commercial company, very easy to take out all of your mouth, and your parents.

You cannot see things beyond, so you guessing things, or you just.....use your imagination every romance or the situation you put all the enemy inside your pocket money. You want to tell them, inside your whole life, YOU ARE so virtuous, you never listening to the music, or you are such a big shot through the movie, they cannot tell the main singer or the side singer, or anything I lay out, the volleyball world, I wasn't on the comic book, so they have my middle school those name or the content, to see.....YOU?!


I have never never talk about those useless things to sound like we have any conversation degree of academia, that is intuitive, or that is I am ....telling lies !!! My comic book, our subjects terms will be on my comic books !

That is AGT they used to be OTHER than Simon, ALL records company that is only deals with the music, NOT the AGT the television station, ALL MUSIC agent, if not the broadway side, or you saying the DreamWorks, or Disney, or Pixar, because Apple was near at it. 

Our subjects terms will be on my comic books ! ]


 (  I inhale my airs, through my lungs !!  I only deal with this 花千骨  )

And...I HAVE to pretend there are boards members, so I quote American medical board, to shut up you all mouth at all. I am = them, you will listen better.

When they enter the Asian Pacific region, I was stressful whom they used to be. I knew the FIRST TIME I seeing them?! Really?! Your jobs are not to help me to understand the whole situation. Your jobs are to rip off me or jump in front of them. 

There is an Adam Hailey issue I was saying in May, right? 

There is a theater music background Feb, I was saying that, I say 10 months....the military I WAS training them, NOT the music groups, but I break down soon enough because I could tell that is....AVENGER? I did?! You are not helping me to understand any situation better, or the first hand. You sabotage my every road with them, whatever that is. 

I have a lawsuit in 3 years, I am not finished, and I got told to stop....no idea why. 

I have this whole world commander-in-chef, how to shift it ....or the whole Cosmo, because I was the humility running deep ! So there was the Anatomy and the Physiology. 

You helping them to ruin me?!

How perfect that kinds of the talks. I think..... I say no music world to them, or to Shane. I have WAY too many jobs, and my family situation I tell Shane little by little. Those things you will end up in the jail, or you already were, no one knows. 

Jail is not a religious talk ~~~! That is your jobs you are not doing what you should have done at all.

I say it one more time

They are all each individual artist, they have an agent, they have a record deal sign that company, normally its that main singer. How they live their life, that is none of my business, as if I really care too much about they live in Ireland or in America....or I am in the middle of this map, I have a lot of the issues that I have input on the surface of the humanity to know.....a certain thing. That doesn't mean that first time, that jobs suppose to be MINE. When I less to explain why any motive to sound like, THAT is to clear up some confusion inside the movie, or gradually to move a piece by piece, that since 2014, a lot of the things the FUTURE just so easy minded to say, "oh ~ that was exactly what it means", through other people pile up that 10 walls. 

Only I CARE to do that, gradually.

Shane is Shane, Ronan is Ronan. They are from Ireland, not from American. You saying they regulate the movie industry and the music industry a bit. All that....

We done this kinds of the talking? Forever?

Every artist has their choice to say that platform will solely FOR a commercial purpose to say they risk their reputation to imagine a certain thing, because that music record label IS A COMPANY!

You cannot tell whom is whom, whom done what story board story and ends up on that movie monitor. The presidents might be all have to figure it out all that....and close gate, other than staring at me with 1 Shane.  Maybe that is too much imagination why it cannot let go from my parts starting last year early !

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