
Isn't this fun?

Every gun is on the mouth, or on the anal? You don't die....haha....

When the AI or the clouds trigger, I won't even know, right? You all have a thinking, you don't know the karma, anyway. Its all AI pick and choose, not careful enough, how far, anyone could go. Its her SMCH famous motto: Doing without the doing will part, right? William?

You have a tape succession up 2024, with an older white hair lady in it. 


I think you just a "oh okay" dude. You are the dude. Your father says Wing, I say Tamang, but Kate supposes to be? At Wing.

No, I saw the facebook Ireland Kate letter, all that.

Right....She is in Korea, or boat to Japan, that is the farewell the day before? But Kate is not sure, your father says your IQ at Wing, I say you are like Tamang, but I say its a lot more chested problems at the water pressure at the lung. I mean the psycho and the hand shivering. 

But those staffs in the video tells me, not the exact words, its more of your philosophy in life how you are more sad than anybody else, or they are so sorry about your mother, such a big deal having no crying baby to say, you two brother bear panda, sounds the jail bar getting out or in...its watched by your own mother in the rain.


How long I did say the phone Diana? When Jones was here 2018 or 2019, I think....we all gone out on my phone. But that was the little kid. Someone gone to the court yesterday so I had those video to share.

Comparing its me or Babaji more cruel. So did you tell Kate, your brain IQ truely is, not those staffs inside the video thought of? The water pressure chest up issue? 

I think its a physical you cannot breath out up on your head, like your head is on the head band all the time, I was in 2014, or those Nick's house, any regular person walking in 2013 those cottage house. The electric meter is at the door outside. I think the brain band wave every time I enter that house, its like....width band. Your chest up issue all the way to your brain, that is how "define" you can feel "its through your brain", every sensation.

I am not sure how you two talk, how to separate or believe to be together, or your father King at the ....which side of this gun looking at.

Its not particular don't train....I am not sure if you and Tamang the same "chest up pressure right through the head. ". Meaning you and him has not one day living in the normal human body yet at your head. He is a lot more severe, but you have the shivering hand or tuttering on your langauge near the windows. Your father knows that?

Do you like the song, If You Believe?

You think this is funny what I do? Austin thinks like that too.....I had some of those ADD looking like him Austin, I have the name, you want to know, its Wing. He is mild somewhat.

The lyrics you like the song? "The voice cannot break free.", you breath deep at your chest, inhale in and exhale out, and talk a smooth word outside. You doing good though. 

You what? The head band? 

You are not severe like that Tamang. But both of you never live a day normal with the normal body brain feels, so you won't even know how that feels in the normal body. Tamang won't.

You would be...Tina similar or Erin. If I teach her words to say and to repeat, she does perfect, those. No, the funny parts. No, she doesn't feel the greatest, but she can do it. 

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