
京華城 case

沈慶京 My mother says my father's friend 曾倉偉, 小龍的爸爸  used to know him. 

Rama 1/2 that girl's father, 3310 Pang's financee that looking girl. 

安華、安怡、安仁 !

The 3 girls name.

She is in 1984 應曉威,你們知道  威力球? Lotto?

  1. 投注者須從1到59的號碼中任意選出五個不重複的號碼以及從1到35的號碼中選出一個號碼作為特別號。
  2. 或電腦隨機任意選出五個白球號碼加一個紅號碼。
  3. 威力球樂透彩券開獎時,開獎執行單位便會由開獎機器中的號碼範圍內隨機開出五個 ...
  4. 美國樂透號碼是依大小順排列,不管落球順序如何,一律由小號排列至大號。

The Powerball. Just this week??~~

Hey, which one? This is not 69, that is 59???!

你們中文寫錯了~~這是 59 這邊寫,我以前是 69 我算的~~~

我看看~~我弄錯了第一行~第三行~~我寫錯行,公式沒了~所以只有 456,這第一個號碼跟第四個號碼我可以看清楚我的錯誤因為我的公式沒了,少一個位數

Nourished While Waiting. Action: Patience. Failure and success come to test the depth and nature of your sincerity. Too often man handles life as he does the bad weather; he whiles away the time as he waits for it to stop. – Alfred Polgar

Influence/Wooing. Action: Woo. Wooing is how you attract those things that you desire. Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events. – Emerson

Coming to Meet, Action: Encounter. Hope is like a flower forced to grow without sunlight. Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. – Emerson

Pushing Upward. Action: Ascend. When you pay respect to the great, you pave the way for your own greatness. It is always better to fail in doing something than to excel in doing nothing. – Chinese Proverb

Dispersion. Action: Flow. There is a thing confusedly formed ~ life is an all or nothing equation. There is a destiny that makes us brothers, no one goes his way alone; All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own. – Edwin Markham

Molting/Revolution. Action: Transform. Unhappiness is the first sign that something powerful stirs within you. A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sorry 寫錯了 ~~是皇室他們

Harry, Prince Wiliam, Middleton, Mably, Hugh and Olivia.

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