
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Shane ( I heard about this too many too many too much times ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️

And because you girls will always guess, and the leadership.....2 days ago whatever that is. You go to America would be Justin and Brian, do they each have a facebook? I didn't even check to say one extra more facebook chat room box, you all loving it. I think I can always call through, you believe that? Including the company all worlds.

Except...the way I am.

I explain to you again, each of these 90s boybands are outdated, that is the first point.

Second point, if you can literally see them inside the video, those play or the stage, or the practice, its because the main singer has to collect them. They cannot have 5 boybands to sit down having one meal without telling their agent or their company. They all have a primary company on the top - where the commercial all interests only belong to that company, AT ALL.

So if you are in Ireland that worlds, you go to Ireland any boyband, the main singer.

If you are in the America that worlds, you go to the America any boyband, the main singer.

Is that clear?

Simon and Obama, just leave them all along, that's the best I can say, whatever all those things are. 

The main singers need to watch that the other 4. When they are in the competition ...that is the a reality, not the best friends chit chat format. If you mix up their company interests, I am not talking to any of them the OU langauge or the company, any company at all. Zero.

I literally don't care about whom exists, if they are not all dead in the drugs usage, what the outsider we often very very often to believe, or heard about, seriously!

And their business is in music

It means by hearing, by audio. Meaning a lot of the things, to sell that music, people to purchase that, its because the music is good.

IF THEY GONNA TELL ME, this is the Heaven talk, where the angel sings on that 2 sides Ronan NOT Babaji ~~~I want to scream.

The Australia - Sia singers, in many songs you have heard. 


You all President before or now, those Haiwaii ship arrives yet? Someone returns to Japan because I say the Mexico Underground Museum, no movie and the current all events are clashing? They flying back with the ship to Japan ?!

Other than about this Shane Filan .....

The speedy ships. That is a slanted angle, because on the vision, its looks strange, all of them going to Haiwaii from Korea or Japan, or some very few from here. But when they telling me the number, that is more than 1 ship. + China. All these ocean on the visual.....you all anywhere on this 4 surrounding all side China, north America, south, you saying.....you looking at the current front the wall monitor at all? 

*******  If legally I cannot be with anyone, I am in my sleeping mode.....*****

I only focus on my money, sounds right?

Give me a reason to believe, my brain is not your brain?

When I used to be in the 90s, I was real seeing them before...

I WILL NEVER NEVER SEEING those backup singer no matter what ~~~ do you follow a boyband before, so why don't you all going to your real solo artists, other than this Iron Man or the Avenger. I will NOT do their math for them.

Its a very long time, so....its not the most immediate sense to say whom are they on the stage? Last year or 2 Christmas ago, so it takes me some stress to believe I learning that their name and their look. I only recognize Shane. 

I don't think you know what is to produce a real music means, so they are the partner how they knew each other before, from behind. Literally speaking, I think its just the music. 

Don't bother me, I don't really want to know any of them, anymore. One group its display in front of me, they have something to say, I heard it. They are from Ireland. If you never going into the music, and....I don't know why to you they are different from Ireland and America.

Its the music, where people going for. I don't think its that Iron Man idea...you probably imagine a circle of them all sitting it down, and Shane on the main seat those? OU means? One of those putting together a team, all that?  The main singer buying all of them lunch or the composer's time, to write a lyric, or to exam each other music score, because that is 5 people to 4 people. Those details, how do they form a band? The music notation, someone have to call to each other like a real business partner. I didn't think I need to explain to you, writing a music score is required, so I am a dummy for not saying any of that, because probably its 1 Simon on the judging table.

Those guys...all togethers its to produce music, not to judging the human on their music, so they have the music stream business for real. Its a real business, the people have to like about them. 

Simon is a TV personality, that seat is the salary. That is not the ITune business. 

If Shane and me talk about what?

I am not sure me and them gonna have any conversation to be honest. I tell those Ireland to move last year. I didn't think that ends openly its what I ever told them Nicky, why they have any significant people in any one's life such as all the backup singers is the low self esteem, give me my real Title, any of them, have a reason to say other than the money.

When the girl making the money, they are ??? Care about this....the guy in front of the jobs, or in front of the religion faith all over the movie monitor.  Some human doesn't care about the guy so there is a faith religion !  And I used to...remember myself. Any backup singer, I wish them dead, every single time...because they angle the camera to the main singer, or I was so young, I only knew....like...those intuition was very young, so when I get older, probably the million stair up or down, I don't bother to think anymore, like I forgot !!!

I show you.


Swear it again, too. I cannot tell you why I remember any of this, I shouldn't have, because....we don't have a TV or the internet to know where they gone to. Shane, they were. I keep saying you never follow a boyband, do you? Or you have a favorite American band, and you didn't know whom you like?

Right now you seeing the kids, or someone.

When I used to grew up...the rest of them, they should be dead, I cannot tell you why. Including that Mark, seriously !  If Prince William like about the second singer, it the fan can choose, and talk about it? I didn't have anyone, or the family when I pick and choose to go to the Taipei station, they have the record ear phone big and giant to listen to. But I bought everyone, not just whomever....just 1 CD and I left all that behind.

Yes, the video I just told you, maybe because that was 6 years ago, all these things come up to solve. It will NEVER be JC Chasez, NEVER. I don't even know whom that is. I saw the Joy guy I think....I think I want Lance dead any look of him ~~just....The first impression when they display and if I remember, any of the look is not that main look, and... I don't know what to tell you.

Now I grew up~~ I was very young, and those are the white, I was a real Asian when I grew up! I am still an Asian. You listen to the music at all? Meaning following them, someone? I wasn't following, but I remember very little bit. I shouldn't remember those MV, but if I look at it, I remember either its the on the TV like Keanu or Britney, ...she I remembered very clear, even still now. The Mars video, or Baby one more time. I remember her MV was on the TV in my parent's room. I remember her, yes.

That dance guy should be dead, yes.  They got married, right?

Those are too long ago, I will tell you for real ! No, I never find out more, just the news gossip. Justin....you know, he wasn't as the thing as I remember its Britney is the thing. There is a lot of this by my memory, you never follow this people? Just me talking to my own wall in Asia, right? But some you might be the American you yourself, you never in the pop world these all around looking things? 

By the TV, or by my classmate, I stop....right. There are the 5 Lords, and I grew up. Not every guy you just imagine you were a kid, I was the middle school. Wishing someone dead.....

I don't remember.... I don't think that is the movie saying the Iron Man or Avenger.  Because Prince William likes about Mark, maybe a lot of the fan like the different people, the guys in the band too.

I wasn't.....I was too young. No one teaches me, or I never had a family to talk about it. Its just 1 CD. My family doesn't listen to any of these.

Another thing, they get old ! I wake up, they...get old. I am not sure what to say about too many things.

I have some other things I want to do when I wake up ~~~ Its not necessary its about the guy, about the fame, about the TV, about....the disappointment, someone fails all the way from God, and... There is this Vampire or the goblin, or the world is where the darkness meets all that....to be honest, the last thing on my mind was anything aging, they should be dead, and they will die and I got left behind.

Being a fan used to be, I still can be polite ~~~~

I grew up !

How I think as the fan, or how I think with the movie, and grew up?! 

Maybe I drag my classmates or the facebook first, shut up!

I want to go to sleep ~~~this weekend, I sleeping ~~

Someone solves those ships!

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