
Ola, you outdoor? Which page this I should read it ?

The OU language.

Human is Igy

Above that word is gazillion   tun (sound in Chinese: ouch, very painful)

You like to treasure hunt, like that Tonawanda to the Red River Manga, and the travel from Rochester to UB, that is many them drive? Going to the I-90, coming back up to UB north campus, keep going north. 

  • Climbing the trees
  • Breathing the nature
  • Trip over the tree branches, you ever break your ankle, going home?
  • Hiking
  • Walking up the stair with the bag, or park somewhere to breath the sunrise?
  • You cannot walk where your mother can see you, just your house near by, the flat road?

The ankle is a bone, correct.

All around, right.

The ligament? You feel pain when you turn your foot with your hands, nick those kinds will know, so I know, or Hailey's father knows.

Your vocabulary is where being cute and being open means, and being naughty with a tongue out.  Dean should not do that to his fridge with his tongue, or that else, he will not get off that freezer parts with his height. 

Being cute

Being open

Being naughty

Being sweet

List 100 things you ever do in these 4 things, taps behind someone, jump on someone's back the boy or the girls, or the foreign world, you ever to go ABC, like Dean's foreigner exchange students. Imagine to get married in a different land, you trust those scam mail, and be there. It was a giant case here in Cambodia. 

You have a camera? Photograph someone and save for the memory, those? Its the sunset makes the scene....poetic? You write poem, washing cloth, the period clothes? You use the pads? 

Jump with your teeth hit....you ever bite your spoon, but jumping down from the height up to the ground, where? With the cat? The black cat, the witch flew the bloom has to be tested from the roof?

Sorry, the trees.

Eben is the tree?

The St Patrick day the parade, meaning....you walking inside the parade, to go where, changing the outfit, wait.....this morning I remembered. Other than Lee's movie, Fugitive

You gone to the rainbow bridge ? The Bible ? One foot step where, and one foot step in the water? You believe those things? You feel empowering doing all that? 


What is this Westlife - No Place That Far

You gone to the Canadian border, that side of the rainbow bridge, the Aquarian, like Sakura Cards in the 90s. Tell Wing, tell your parents before you leave the house? I found you doing that very very often, the traffic hour to use that I-90 is not that smart to say how far to reach in that North Tonawanda, those are not a safe place, not too many people there. You don't like the education world to stay on the campus all those inside, the real institution label? 

Your paper, you doing not that far difference to Harry. You pile up the evidence to say "you are right", something like that?!  You got very very tired in those reading per line, very black and white things to read, and when you need to relax, you went outside the door, a simple walk or in thinking, you think your whole day progress was on those piece of the pages.

While everyone is not shortcut, but institution inside to do those very hard science to per step doing things, or writing clear in their concepts or the plans to get ahead of any life. Except the page 394 on the magic, or any magic talk in the modern world, where everyone does the science, the filtration, the process, the procedure, or the protocol learning the manual works, the technician, or the doctor tips, or the skin to the glove, the hygienic, the facet use, the sink wash, the home, the bed, to sleep, to rest, to breath, and get back to the real "the scientist, or the doctor" path, to say talking in front of the stage. Like a Ph.D or the MD, progression is all fine.

Not drop a black cat to make it dead or the blood flows, to see if this ground land has any stain to the grass?  Are you planning to kidnap a cat? Drop it from the very tall place, you climb up with the black cat, and why it has to be a black cat?

You know what is a cut throat literally means to a black cat? 

You knock a bee hive before,...."Its cute?" here written.

Bee  OP

That is not a lick, that is a rope, you know what it says here? Hang like the pirate with the hat. All these language here often ending up a French or their words to "hat", very very often. You like the pirates idea? 

I think they all have a project in their hands, the hard science. 

Except you and that Harry to stare at this book + that Hailey, or if Nominji loves those basement to potion when Adam get rids of he himself. The magic per page, with that page 394, it makes each feels truly special and long lasting. Scrabble, running in and out of the house, love the page, kisses kisses kisses and copy machine copy copy copy.

Hide and seek, you doing that on your weekend, everyone is sleeping, or go to shopping, you asking your mother to help, or you staying your own home.....you feeling your weekend is always fruition to these comic book, the image, the contrast, the proof reading. There is no one doing any of that in the UB, you asking them their projects should be the hard science. Any of you, if you cut throat on the black magic to the black cat and drop from the attic like the Princess Diary, report to Dean, and join that Ola. Its a happier magazine BAZZAR.

That is not an indoor paints, that is the cat's throat !

Your head space floating? Happier? With the hope, your fore lobes have the response. 

Can you lose a limb if the cat bite you? You mean other than the cat? Shouldn't be. But if you use the rope to hang...whatever this OP means, my OP in the hospital means the downstair activity....its a hanging your arm be tie tie tie tie tie... You lose an arm, or a leg, both. Like you trip your rope on the ground, your foot and hanging up like the Pitch Perfect net. Anna was in it. Yeah, accidentally if you trip over.

So how long you per weekend dedicate to these per black and white print out comic book, per page counts to that per diagram write-up? Do you say the prayer, the magic spell, or something in the words to go to the sleep, or drink some water with the lighter to burn, and you swallow it down?  Its called the incantation.  You feel you will never get it wrong, if those per proof you doing that perfect to hand to the judge? Right? 

If you find out you are wrong, you got very very nervous, right? 

I think you should quit doing any of that, burn them all over, or the shredder from the office depot. You talking to no one like that Harry, you avoid the crowd to dedicate the perfect nature, that no human in it to see how you accident yourself, it may not be a silly thing, you just feel to be Oneness with the nature. You feel you are very grateful, you exist, everyone is looking at you.

Ola, no one is looking at you. Not the black cat got cut throat to feel cute and sexy at night the witch outfit to say the middle school Halloween Custom.  Most of them is doing the hard science, its tiring, but no one is going to cut a cat in that throat to say the magic dominating the worlds to rebel with me Anna saying only the military force or the police force, that is the uniform sleek, it will NEVER be a cat got cut in throat and drain in the blood to any grass.....you ever done that at the night time? 

No, you climb somewhere very high up an attic, to say the cat you grab its hurting it and you climb up small tiny windows in, and so you drop that cat down, to....let go. He didn't die, he just got dropped feeling dead, that is how you doing things? You know what it says, do you? 

You want to get the USB, save all those things you written, put that on the USB, burn down all those papers, other than keep that USB, put that way for a year.  The judge requires to call you, he or she won't lie to any of you. 

Go to the psychiatrist, and start to use the pill on you yourself, every weekend to go to sleep. No more desk works, for a year. No thinking, not imagining, no traveling, no scribble, no image copy or incantated, no TV watching those concept, not looking at the tree, the sunset, just sleep in the bed, with those pills. 

If you keep calling Shane, like I think you keep doing, or some other people included.....these UB people my facebook, they know you call Shane from me, or you calling them, they will know you are police them, that is what you do? Its for them never nosy into your real life, you want to be honest to tell one of them. You doing that for a purpose, no one will tail gate you, say that clear to one of them, be honest. 

No, Ola, this is what you do

You tell Dean? or Eric? or Wing, or just loudly on those common forward message. 

"I want all of you to leave my life alone, I find my own life purpose. I think Anna does on purpose, or having you all hating each other, and all those movie I know what it means, you all get on my nerves, or anything to my peripheral, so if I keep calling you, you feel there is noise, you won't get on me. Its a psychology I learn from Silas, I lie, correct, but I want you to know I am powerful, and all that. And no, I am not doing the cat, or if that is a rat. I want to be left alone, so if you all just don't bother me, I can stop calling or make you feel I am participating in these MD 20+ -1 = 19, I know exactly what that means. I find my purpose, please respect me, and let me go on that route. I think that is what they asking us to do, its to reach to our potential, not really what System in the computer, to say the digits we eat it down its the paper dollar sign bill. Its my destiny, and my fate, those are the real words to know what 2000 means that Bible is validated."

You can just copy and forward to those facebook chat room box.

"I am too nervous, so I copy Anna's message to send you, what do you think? Can you write me back, I promise this is the last time I bothering you. I hope you have a good night. "

You want to tell one of them

"If you can keep my cat, or a litter, that the cat can live in it. The cage with a leash, that was my original purpose, traveling to some places. "

You tell them clear, the medical school will be no longer ever ever ever to do with you any any any more. You feel the first time you can breath, you feel the first time your purpose is served, you feel the first time you are empowering you yourself like that Inelia Benz used to say, all that. 

What otter has the cat.... Ma ko...

You want all of them get out of your future road, you tell them what you up to and they all leaving you alone.

You tell them, you will never never never never never never cook. Everyone has a freedom, just don't bother each other anymore. That is a maid job. 

You just tell them the reason you calling any of you "your listing A to Z", you forward all the same voice message, I want to drop by and you baby sit that cat in the litter, in the cage on the ground they assign, you. That is why you feeling all these, its empowering, and I know you know I stay on the jobs, but its MY JOBS, not your jobs, you don't understand it. 

You just say its the cat involved the story, its not what you think, but I tell you in advance, in case I pass it by....and whom knows, maybe we have a chance? 

You tell them you are very very very much against to cook, or the cooking, you all believing that now she says? She changes that saying all the time.

You said, there is only one story you follow, its not other people, the guys to be crown, it has to be the girl like me to magically be crown those stories, I thought you all knowing that, not the Queen, its the..crown, exactly like the movies, I know what it means. It will never be Wing, those things. If I can rise all the way top, to own all the golds and glittering, of course its me, the Wizard of the Oz.

You just say, all these input, if you knew which stories its the girl reaching to the top, like the book like the movies, it sounds like you know my heart as the MD to the client, those says. It never was a romance story, its I want it all !

So you care about the comic book story....those kinds, uhm? 

I c. The Dream Exchange Games, the girls. 

Its only the modern world.  Kail, not Kali, the Three World King?!

You use the guys to get rids of the guys, or the guy is none applicable anymore, those claims. You should just burn them all in the ashes, seriously. 

Anyone next by the story, its you get rid of that guy. So it will never be Wing at Wing's story, that kinds. Its exactly the crown, you all the way to top. Never cooking, you tell them clear, that is your movie direction in life. 

No, all these stories in combination, most of the UB is not looking so clear why it should? They did, but I went to rebel on them, but not they give up the reason why they will be getting rid of, what does that mean?  The crown, the crown, the crown,....no cooking, its the maid's jobs. You just tell which guys you getting rid of them, Simon, or that is Shane ?! You keep in touch is to getting rid of them on those law paper arguments, like that Wing. 

Its the fair to run, no hard feeling, mate?!

You want them to give up the movie, right.

That....will be Simon and Obama.

Then....UB these guy's in combination with the CADS pharmacy girl's tutor that one.

You just message them less to contact, you just tell them straight, "give up your movie, I think that is the end of the nice conversation between you and me. I used to keep in contact, it will never be the love between, but hey but hey, no hard feeling talking like the black community!"

Come up to the Top

In the Height.

Its not Shane? No, that is 5 of them, all together.

You would say that correctly to Simon, and Obama.

Not Shane? No. 

You tell Wing, you don't want to be seen together as the movie together. So you probably shouldn't keep calling, this open from everyone to every side, your life needs to turn more you gear towards, and Anna show to everyone, what my real intention, so I just want to let you know....I wish you and me don't be seen inside these movies, or pair next by. Its me solely one person main role. You think that is a lot safer argument to all the stories in combine.

But Ola, no one figures it out, its not joint together the story.  Most people just play the movie or the comic book, for....a lighter jokes, between the UB those your classmate, if seeing it funny. You....want to move that everyone just don't get on to your side, those? Then, you say that clear to them, you don't wish those movie content got split, its you main focus solely.

Someone told you that?

I go to sleep. You should call them UB 6+2, be clear. 

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