
🍵🍲 You Western worlds want to know? If they putting my relative family kids together, I going in at all? All my uncles, my father that side? 🍵🍲

Definitely not. No.

The kids barely know each other, and if they got put it together, their personality are more rigid, or running back to America their 9-5 jobs, its not they are free away from 1) The class / the license exams  2) the real accounting jobs

Square has a restaurant with the cousin, + her photography's job, if studying, not sure.

  • Irene has her own job + husband / a kid.
  • Her brother just born a kid.

Most of them have their own classmate, so they go to the high speed train, or the metro to night market getting one extra shopping done with the parents, or with their own money. They are those girls, snuggle with their parents all their life. Their parents done his laundry even in the military. You imagine they grew up having a marriage life with someone else, they...have their own room, those kids. The weekend was the movie + the shopping, at least for the girls + the night market, one extra immediately mid-night oil, the mid-night night market food. They eat eat eat eat eat in this city.

You gonna change that kinds of : they snuggle their parents, to get one extra weekend, one extra piece of the Korean fashion clothes, one extra mid-night night market food, or they literally go and cooking for whom?  Its the Taipei how they live.

I already dissolve that Flower Thousand Bones. 

They need to go 1) nag, vent, snuggle with their parents.  2) Tina is nagging or hatred....the divorce with the judge, still on going. So this (1) and (2) is not mix. She still speaking in English, or there are the 2 kids, the American schooling, or the homework, or the bf. 

The Cooking Kitchen

I assuming.....Pang's financee, my father's classmates, all mates their every kids, ABC already. Far away space of those table counter, and trying....maybe one evaluation, they are not talking to each other. It might be the groups in a room + one front lady.....and bring some group activities in Chinese or in English. Their only life were 4 barren wall in that rented space, not going home to be with the parents, are they? Their jobs, or their schooling? Its a no hope, no space, no living room putting all that junks saying a sofa, how long? 3 years, every 2 years on renting?

So...in these several years, they get their father finally to open up his mouth to talk near them. Because of the TV, the some of the left parenting, if they do that. My father?

You think those things are real? 

These fathers?

They have no ID to trespassing any job in any building, in any space to that any future, its on the street if they fail. 

My entire blogger is fake to them.

The building. Our age, right now its where the building can extent that security where to go. Everyone has that something established, this age....for the outside, let's say not the celebrity, its the academia, or the hospital, or the research institute. 

They need to snuggle with their mother, or the near by relative, that arm-to-arm, its modern capital sleek, here is the Cinema, the shopping, the 3C, the extra kitchen stuffs with the parents to buy, or the clothing to shop, that one shopping, you snuggle what, another cup of the bubble tea, or another hospital visits. They don't tell, they say, at the Friday night shopping, they want their parents to sign a form, the surgical form?

The domination of the military, it will never never never happen ! Not in English, not in Chinese. You don't have that culture why you look like whom you are, you heard about this word, "the military", ever, in your life? The snuggle arm-to-arm to your mother, or the pat talk with your father, or the uncle, or the aunt....its not...those BTX the scientist going up to speak, to discuss, to present...Okay, tell me, that scene, what do you present? You know the content, what that standing in front of that microphone, how to deliver a 50 mins presentation, immediately manifestation of God, I will tell you, if one of them know. 

One geography paper = one BTX? That is 4 warrior ?


  • One bio
  • One medicine
  • One mechanic / robotic
  • One aviation, the Earth science sphere.

You have all these people on running, and you know that ground, inside looking like that? The real academia stage up, and tell me how do you gonna make-it up by next Monday, pretending its a stress factor, someone give me an outlet, that 50 mins, what is in it? 

Something is wrong with my hair

3x washing and rinsing....warm and cold water, water, water, water.

Waiting and rinse.....something wrong with my hair?

A Day in Life, those Spider Man?

I cannot cut my hair because you all exists.....HERE.  Its very simple, I cut it myself, and very easy to wash, and not ever hair to pick up during the shower, on any parts of the space, i can feel it. The longer the hair gets, the more hair message leaving everywhere I can feel it, its on my arm.

The right column bothers you?

Imagine if you are the One, that what you will organize 20 website, or 30 websites, eternity everyone lives on it, not just One Day (One Brahma Day)

Someone stays on the jobs looks normal to you? One eternity, not 5 eternity.....or by the third (2nd.....end). You have to be really determined to tell me, why you staying on my jobs? I create my own jobs, just out of my sense, it has to be done and by seeing or viewing the TV, I talk or writing it down more, I am not on the phone, this is just the typing, sleep, get up, hydrate, and keep well, and keep the shapes, keep myself alive.  You need to be that normal sense to stay on the jobs, live and breath if that is just the water or the air, you must?!

You are not that determined, I think. 


People need that life, so I understand. Me and Shane never talk about it.

I wasn't very motivated to talk about it.  Too many things on the TV, with the freedom, they need to snuggle their parents before the parents aging, got surgery, and die one day. With the money, without the money, whom pay? One of those the reality kicks in, so every Friday night were still reminding them the home town that K 6- K12, or even the college, were the mother snuggle, one extra weekend, to one extra mid-night snacks, the father the mother, the extra piece of the clothing, HERE, they say the Night Market, shopping or any in Japan tourism in shopping. Some family are closed, they go to Japan often.

These people....my relative, is not my family how we brought up.

Many of you have this best friends, the home town, or the elementary best friend, the middle school, the high school, except the college because no one gets along ON MY FACEBOOK! 

One of these stupid arguments will be, if you are not part of each other's facebook, stay away from each other. I talk to my own facebook, you don't click on each other's link, to see, to know, to get rid of each other, so you join your own graduate school, your networks, or....Sakura Clear Cards = drop your college, drop the height, its going back to your middle school, and try out !

The Sakura Cards from the 90s, that was.... the elementary school.

I assuming that is the waiting means.

Not Babaji to wait.....no one in any context in anywhere, knew this person, not even Yogananda, I am sure. The red book and the blue book, oh, its the drug in Matrix....Keanu was the drug dealers and dyslexia, that destroyed the Hollywood image, we wish to believe he is not like that? 

My works, my jobs....one day bio, one day music, but it was decoding the movies, you realize that? All these Ancient Chasez position, none of those are the lawsuit, being attacked, that is.....alienated, where to lawsuit ? God? 

But for the jobs correct description, the decoding movies to get to the poison or the honey blood wall, that is the part of the jobs the decoding movies process or continue of that. That is not the lawsuit, its just the decoding, or the mathematically to see the sequence, or memorize something I got told, and I per word ink into the human www technology blogger, because we have an interface capable to share anything on the website. This would be the paperwork, not the lawsuit, you didn't understand that parts? Decoding....like the math or the integer, the idea how to decode or processing....the data? 

Near me, they have a several sibling.

UB some people have the sibling, too. They have the community, the uncle, the cousin, the all around that family carried.

Here is ONE Babaji pretend he doesn't have anyone else.

One me.

They cared about their sibling very much, just like that SMCH low fuck up human Vietnamese prostitute has every eyes she cared to open and blink that per eye sight, she is free on per litter breathing on per air, here. That is funny, right?

I think they all bankrupt, when the movies got air.....the public find them, when I realize, that was a drug issue, and about 2 weeks ago, I didn't say anything, i told the police 1 week after that Olympia. ( My mother dropped the things on the stairs. )

She drinks, that is called the nutmeg vegan wine, and that 3310 is she keep drinking the real alcoholic, or other than the nun worlds, its whenever she kicks off her legs, sounds like she has 2 legs, short, dwarf. You all vow to 1: 1 white killing every Asian and Indian like that Barbie starting 1900, not Kingsley or Queen suicide, tell me, I will win every Era, until this planet has no more this fuck up human SMCH worlds....in one air litter dares to breath......at all. 

Tell me she knew that little monk story, Hungary, the 2 trash bags in front of her faces. The couple snuggling in front of her. She called them the two trash bags....say it loud, say it right.

That Joeman youtubers, lost half of the advertising business, you are not listening the TV, he says he will never want to see another trial, ever again in the car. But they are all in Chinese, how much the money can he loses, right?

1 millions he lost? 

You all never face the real court room drama. Until I met all of you, I never think...the youtube the last time I see = it was Jame's TV, those..... I scream. The judge will understand why someone only watch the TV to believe a reality might be, and then, something is not the reality, ever be.

This is what we supposed to discuss, when yesterday, 2 days ago I mentioned ....oh, you mean I forgot it. You got turn down, or you don't like the court room attitude starting 10 years ago, not 6 years ago, or every single time 3 years ago, you think you can take advantage on them, and on me, with everything to bet on, you keep believing in it. 

You truly believe in it, the American like you are the failure, I am telling you, to keep that industry at all. Where is your sense, I want to know? How to play the double, like walking near that door, the entrance to ...enter that cold air, from your car. You 100% inside your heart wish to see the world topsy turby = you win, you feeling it, your every parts of the body?

If you don't feel it, why you keep going back with your brain? Your body doesn't feel it....you have no sense to your body, and believe your gambling in justice, but when you confront the judge, that is the no all the way. You cannot quit, or something given you hope. I am not reading that part, I am guessing at it. Inside your life....you cannot sense your environment you are doing the wrong, but you keep pressing on it. The God is not warning you 24 hours, you know that....

Let me talk like the ET....seriously!!

With the 194 countries on Earth, 200, if I seize that monopoly right, whichever, tiny money to sound like responsible HER entire garbage www contact person center, its the water statues or all that, its per planet she TRASHED, that is the money to pay out and bribe in, like that Babaji implies - HIM.

Give me a clear concept why she is not the thousand pieces in stabs...because the money is the miracle. The language she got...those public talk? oh hoo hooo....you know how the first life ended with this ENTIRE OU language? The first life, not one of those Tim Cook time clock life, to where about, she met Tamang, to be cut in half life........by accident, she walks in the wrong district !!! 

None of these are the 5 Lords Review ANY Lords say, to end up....I am the modern human to be honest. I tell you what the AI says yesterday...its upside down wrong.

It means? (Thunder so loud outside, none stop ....)

(not done)

(not done)

小鳥 ~~~~~did you do anything? 

The AI says, in order to fix this mistakes, its every 65 years old, from her age bracket to keep killing until that is One me= the correct age on this planet. Every single time I split blood in the Chinese literacy to sound like that Tina or Wing, its the literally blood internal spitting in or out, so there is a Sailor Saturn discovery on the one mid-night I wrote the Sailor Moon margin notes. You know how many times, 反噬, internal to push out the spitting blood outside, its the chi all weaken inside suddenly !

You never live that life.....

I start coughing, or my finger hurts...if I aging one day, the otters confess after the week THEY can all be talking. 

She never thinks she is wrong, that is too perfect she has becoming.....

Your comfort zone in your belief system will never be moving your entire family to the palace life, being a doctor, you will know that how to tell anyone other than that Patrick. 

This is not what you all want to ask me 2 days ago...seriously. I was chatting random about myself, it didn't concern to any of you, your real life, the real court room, the real drama, someone like me, has no brain IQ to register, how great you all are, and finding those evidence inside the movie. You mean....they do that behind your back, on purpose when those things air, they never did one thing in your life, to find out, you are that special.....at all.

If I talk to Shane, then that Nicky is gluey next by to listen....I should cover you all with the lies, to make you all pretty, or that 10 years ago, how it begins by the slamming of the every door, "It will be a brand new day", it happens to a lot of the girls to that princess here you go, literally speaking, not with the judge, its with the lawyers. They are the too handsome guys in the past, and I don't think me and Nicky getting that along at all.  Maybe they believe the prince talk, too....so far away human. 

Don't hear, don't see, don't know. 

You have the debts, you have someone else sueing you, other than me. You have those hidden things on the table, you telling all of them UB every letter mails you got, everyone be honest each other 10 years happened, THE REAL court room worlds, its the organization sueing you,....which these organization listing the names on mailing you these court paper.

I think I am blind, or you think I never knew....how SMCH should be bankrupted long time ago, starting in 1986, whichever the first public TV shows up.

The real essence of the court room. If not because I got tie up, I am very sure how to boss every human with the TV airing just as soon as it got debuted ! 

Sorry, I got side track - I will never see any of you, right?

This morning or 2 days ago everyday, I say I will never seeing any of you the 2 timeline apart. Its that more serious when I saying the details, or just too little to type it all out?

I was planning to say in Chinese commenting something, but I realize, it probably is not like that so I never say it again. 

oh, this is what? Not the water statues of a property?

Respect means

cut your 2 legs, sit home.

You only asking me for one thing,
My mother dropped what? The goggle? The lab goggle, not the cooking utensil?

The general chemistry lab uses those goggle. You are the chemistry Ph.D TA, to teach a class to say how to wear your goggle in the lab, and the calculation of the lab reports like my CADS jobs, Lee and me's jobs.

The Sailor Moon idea, me and Lee, those saying? It was a belt before on the stair. Sailor Venus? 

You've never passes Dr T's classes?

Outside, the China has a giant C. Dissipate.....


They are so dedicated hanging on the bar....

Dr. T is in SUNY Brook, that is the correct talk? You cannot get the UB any other general chemistry lab to go forth that one class, and why you need to re-take that? They lie to you on the transcript? 

There is a heart. the birds police whistle

There are the wings, then the wings, and then the blue sky chicken wing. This is amazing.....

No, you don't need to know how to do a chicken wing.

Whom do you ask? You get to the MCAT, to that interview committee, as your only goal, a fast pace like you concentrate, you mean it to be a doctor like the regular kids. You get the USMLE 1, or 2 anyway you have to stay behind, then you hire someone to learn how to cook a chicken wing, and asking every details of it. 

Don't care about asking

Don't care about that Dr. T

Don't care about the romance, don't care about the song, don't care of the facebook, don't care about that anything whom is whom is what, pretend they are all dead, just one MCAT and the interview committee, get in, and slow down on your USMLE 1 and 2, because your basic knowledge isn't that strong, but you mean it, you get it done, seriously. 

You don't need any extra scene, any guest or any VIP, just 4 barren wall, MCAT even just 1 MCAT you pass, and get through the committee board, someone will feel you mean it?  And then USMLE 1, 2 may not be as smooth, but you mean it you mean it, you mean it !

Don't talk, don't know, don't discuss.

Don't pass the message, don't facebook.

The day you finish all the USMLE 3 and you get to Maine, you will swear for the rest of your life, you done your parts as the correct doctor, it will never be the main show, its just you keep repeating your book knowledge and be the correct doctor. There is no one on that path, other than the 4 barren walls, and stays correct on your practices or you go to jail with it. 

You don't need to care about that classroom if they put you all in, 1 time or 2 time seeing some group efforts people. You can just sleep in it, like you dare, like you know your life direction. When you grew up in life, and til one day you must be an adult...you realize your life how to be a correct human in the lawful society, they tell you what, only that one path, just that one path.

One MD, is all you cared about it, and thousand people come after that, one practice.

The rest of that, if they calling my name, to force me to get up, that is 50 mins after, a brand new me, I need that 4 barren wall, to that One Practice I only care for the rest of my life - a book, a 10 books, the repeated open and close with the Thinkwell included.

You didn't grow up to be an adult?

You don't need to talk to those human, get angry, just smile, and blind not to see, and walking out of there to go back your studying schedule, how to how to how to.

Not the pretending conversation, not the guys seeing you stern, meaning he owes you a talk, not planning, not sensing, not attracting, not waiting for a 10 second he will find you so that special and precious. You never exist in his eye sight, at all. No value other than that 20 books until you done your MCAT. 

And move, out of every eyesight, you bothering to anyone, as a burden, the useless whimp, everyone wishing you all dead, out of the states included. You didn't know that is the fate, the jail or the homeless at least that there is the roof on the top. 

The sooner you realize....at least 1 of you making it fast, 2 of you, I make the gold on the 3rd. How many on this map, 20?

Those guys in UB Honor class, you sure they didn't pass the MCAT? How far, they ever telling you?

You remember,......I heard from Jonathon the day the organic test from Chambler, he never studies until that night.  Remember? They are all from the honor program as the scholarship binds, such as the movie, I ever hear from, and not from one of your mouth telling me? You knew where these guys going to   their medical school    as the profession? 

I am not from America, me and Bill this kinds of the senior old human, too lazy....to know there is a planning since the high school, will never make it that life. You sure, very sure, none of these MD 6+2, no one knows there is a PhD paper to MD one paper, they....how to carry that conversation in that preparation to that medical school? You sure about that?

How do I know?

The Flower Thousand Bones, I am.....I got told. SMCH is the last one to go, if this one more time....to be the last tailing grades. This entire scene, I could tell, or my entire facebook I cannot tell where they been?

It could be all junks because I got told too many things, but it could be just one of them, or 2 or 3 make it fast, out of that 8.....lights, 3 is not bad. 

You are not very clear.

One Jonathon was clear? No one can study one organic in one whole night don't go to sleep. And he was taking the organic 3, when I walk in and left.  

Dean faint in the ER or one of those indoor where, he saw the blood. After I hearing him....I become very conscious never staring at the blood, and I was almost fainted too. Explain to me, where was he? 

Wing takes PCAT, me and that girl, some taken PCAT, you sure Dean didn't just take the PCAT, and his destination is always MD?  Wing left Dr. T's class, but he moves up his jobs somewhere....he studies PCAT?! That is not 7.5 hours in MCAT. 

Alice was in which program, that sent up since the 12th grade? The early assurance program. That doesn't need MCAT? 

Same, that girl near Wing, because she was the freshman. Hira talks about it, or everyone heard about it. I cannot be the early assurance program because I was a transfer. You sure Wing and that girl was not the early assurance in the pharmacy program?  UB gives 50. 

You cannot control them, any guy.

You will not have 10 mins to say 1 hour makes your night dream smile conversation in what 365 days meeting once in the group scene classroom, his eye sight stands just left the seat, not knowing you exist?  You aim that, you feeling your heart beat, it is not even 3 mins or saying 30 second that conversation is ended. 

You think you have a value saying the heart pump with the red artery, dead yet? 

That is not even one min in reading. 

You wish Dean is not one of those guys, knowing you attention on him or not on him, he didn't even know, like the clouds say?  He is not the teacher's program besides anything, and drop million dollar in loans one day, you two got married, you got bankrupts and he leaves...one of those educators psycho to say, in 3 pairs? On my sky? 

(My neighbor slam the door, got back? )

I remember this cloud very clearly, when that lamp shows up, the birds start talking in Persian. They are not talking in Persian this time...I can tell. Its in the video. 

They are all in stress ...20 years departing, no one regrets, I believe that myself.

You know, one of this when I don't be with someone, and they might die in 10 years the losing the appearance, I realize I need to be with that Shane or they saying the lie, there is a Nicky. You need to be more forward....like the sky meant to tell, I could see into the future !!!

This part, we the entire worlds never talk about it ... its in front of all of us.

No, they don't need to be smart at it. They need to finish their programs, or the exams, or whom they talk to, or how each of them taken their own time, their own phone, their own connection, or the mentor, or the telephone, to each and every time, they ask someone to further that diagnosis, or the decision making, including that one Tamang. 

I wrote them the whole sheet, they must feeling it, they never require to work one extra hour for it. Most of them are not saint like me, to be honest. Meaning they can gear up their life force in their memory to do better. I just let go, don't bother with anything, I got some other direction in life.  No, if they pass fine, to their progression in that entire trajectory, no one talks to no one, I would never find out...whom complete which program and in it, or not.....

But ...they may not close gate, well...if they are finished it, or close to finish it, that is not starting the freshman again, and why we will have someone in the program, we believing in it, starting as the freshman, the Dr. T's lab?

Today is the first day, all of them hearing about....these MD world, except 1 at the chicken's wing. If they combine...realize, no one slack off, but 1.  After today......everyday that sky might be looking different by tonight, their time, they are so many, someone will figure it all out, you think? Everyone was serious on their intern ....they knew they were in the intern or the early assurance program. They just didn't know all these people I mentioned. 

I know what to do.....

Hira was the first one saying her medical school on the facebook, Dean would know. I believe.

I say before that about the National Archive intern on the facebook. But Wing I say, and my mother agrees with me, I met him at Wegman, he knew whom he saw....he is inside. Jonathon, Alex, that Roswell Park guy + another Ola, they are all pre-med clubs. I know where Jonathon sits on the organic 3 and organic 2. Jonas knew that volleyball girl, Wing's early assurance, so Hira might know her, they two just newly know each other.

But you....would be police everyone, because normally, Toby, Xie (OU language), and me...its ID badge with the lunch access to the cafeteria in the hospital .... ...and most people whom getting a UB intern, it will get near the professor, or Dean and Jonathon were me found in CADS, not just Lee

Dean is very often ending up these award ceremony ....I told him on the Vita and Zombie.

Its where you both pairs parents meet, and I am the receptionist. 

You went to the international medical school like Tamang, because that year when Dean coming it back next year, you didn't make it. No, you were preparing to .... Most of them never mentioned the international medical school, only I say to everyone Tamang gone to, or Jonathon know, Brady know.  I would never know there is a such thing called the international medical school, Tamang was a transfer, and his major was a double e, he changes some parts of his major into.....that advisor says. How I used to take Dean a photo next by me, where is he?

I am indoor often, UB 4 blocks behind Marley was a flat road, all the Jewish walks on it.

Lee was in his lab all the time, so was Ming, so was Sherry, so was Brady...I automatically thought everyone was inside their lab as the normal language to say the science parts, none of them was the MD side. Jonas is I told my brother to go and find him as a TA, he never told me he found Jonas or not, but if Jonas didn't lie, his facebook he exists as a PhD was inside the room.

Everyone 4 limbs are intact, you know what I mean?

They know what I want to say?

You had an award next by Dean, he sits inside with his parents, and he almost faint on an intern jobs, you get an intern at Kodek. The film developing place like Square does, like One Direction ( This is My Life), or TV: I am Not the Shopping Freak has an ex gf.

My neighbor slam the door hard.

Kodek is in the pharmacy like Walgreens. Walgreen is a pharmacy store but that is not the pharmacist jobs.

Dean maybe just ask around everyone, where they intern and got into their program, you think he is fine doing that? 4 limbs inside a creditable place to sound like less....the cashier's job.

Each and Every Star (stair), someone put that upside down...

Vibrant Original World

Entering Eternity

Angel Class

Wish upon a New Moon.

At night, someone will see a moon, not where the wolf will go. You all getting a date on the mid-night to go somewhere?  Panther is not a wolf, but 獵狗 that is with Justin MV, bye bye bye.  U.N.C.L.E, there is a net required the metal chain sew.  Interstellar also need that net door to open. 

You anyone knew any place in my description other than the movie too content oriented inside? Any of you have a hide and seek underground the grass cover and open, there is a dungeon, not the icy freezer like Tamang's TV, that door got hooked, both them dead. The TV is on the first floor, that is called the industrial unit with the key and lock, the police is outside. 

Someone tells me being a police mean, might be? You circulating per site except to enter.

I work in the library shelf, to where Eric would be.

Step on a box to see from the outside in and falls....if you didn't do it, then you didn't do it. Kenshin ep 01, the bathing water to heat it up.

If Eric is the main role, he cannot be dead. But those story if were on a different angle, you have a reason why he should be dead? Its not that silly, me and him met...where?!

We were in Lockwood. 

Jonas last name is Locke.

There is a difference

Next page, someone loses their limb, and we are all indoor.....

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