
💖💝 Do I have a plan with Shane? 💖💝

It doesn't take that long to talk to the guy, one year last whole year? Beside they entire boy groups got mad over the water or the moisturizer, or the lotions. The cosmetic make-up, because its the fan given to them. 

You believe just talking to them like a fan, its once of the lifetime, pretending I am the Honorable Superior because the Youtube switch it for me? Or the chat room box how I can use it, or my phone? You ever inside your life, seeing the human like a celebrity, literally on the concert? 90s don't have the internet in my countries, not even the HBO until when we have more channel, and I will be in the comic book or the volleyball team. Where I got my 10 textbook to study, ending up here talking?

You imagine just throw away a life, without one parent, one aunt, not the uncle, or the uncle is with or without since home, or that one old guy some religion needs him, he should be alive or dead because of the Painting or the Truman's Show? 

They are running about, you don't talk to them until they stop running too about anywhere, having the meeting, having the phone calls, having the business. And ....where is my career hanging around all about them? I didn't come up to my own happy worlds, when? Just drop everything in life, HOW to be with this guy, flying over, to......demand how to talk, or the phone?

You worry I cannot talk to one Nicky or one Shane?

No, I am not 100% sure. Do I care? 

I have too many responsibility to tell you what I really care, or don't care. My Money, and my career to when I retire....or I thought about that and tell him? Putting into some kinds of the words, or that is Nicky or Kian cannot be trusted, or trust that...its not them but I already told them.

No, I figure it out probably they talk to each other, but sometimes I got too many things, trust them, not to trust them. Ireland is very far away from here, its another worlds. I think its fine, so I just talk to them ~~~happy jumping in jumping out, forget whom I am talking to!

Some people plan some stages in life, I wasn't. 

To be with a guy. I probably don't need to be with anyone because of too many things to something might be TOO giant, so I tell Shane about some stuffs we talk about it. Next time, its when the overall parts settle. He understands that.

That was last year.

So to be honest.....you don't need to hang on the phone to keep talking to them, they are working. And I don't need to be here, telling you?!  That was last year. 

I am....NOT sure why I have to be here talking about this. Its Friday night, I go to sleep ~~~

You all doing this get together and break up and hanging up on another phone, one of those in combination. I think me and them broke up already, that was last year ! Sorry, this year, too. Hanging on the phone?!

I have too much dignity to....believe in it, this is a very simple thing, and hanging on the phone, they cannot work and I cannot work. This year, I forget when.....its the first time I realize, I need to talk like the normal girl talk because last year it was so in a hurry, and I talk like my voice was the first time I hear my own talk, all that.

I didn't get the exact words, how to be like that.....because, they were on the tour !

If 1 year and half missing .....it would be the make-up or the moisturizer's talk !

It would be yelling at them included, maybe more like the UB talks, or whom talk-to whom.




There is a strange thing going on, maybe I just leave that whole situation alone. I am not that complicated.

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