
I cannot talk anything other than Shane? Zawanna says....

What is this I cannot talk about anything other than Shane?

I need to use the American to tell Chinese / Taiwan here. "Tell her everything how you hurting the family, or her?" - its Ola's image behind.

Friday night means I swallow a tea leaf egg? Too lazy to walk down, I just want to go to sleep and I already brush my teeth.  I used to read the Bible in UB before I met that guy talking none sense on this Master's teaching every word of it. He believes that.....people pray on those stuffs, and now, the religion discloses to everyone. I never pray ~!

Friday night just you can eat anything you ever want? 

I am not sure if they are in the concert....

I am watching the ASMR, cannot show you the video. 

The birds talk on the Friday ~~~

If we have the motorcycle, I actually not planning to do that.

"She may not need that kinds of the life anymore."  speaking of to the Ireland life.

Did I say its in Taipei ~~? 

Its about the food to talk about? 

I told Shane things that is real or not real, in my view to say about a certain thing, but here I cannot talk about it. 

The movies what you all watching on Friday, or the weekend? 

Probably for the girls to get near the guys, but most time, the guys don't like the girls, and the reality many times is their internal says, if you can see inside them. They just smile, that doesn't mean they are happy or not happy, care or don't care about that is their life they always got, or that is the life, they wish to talk to they themselves. 

Yeah ! I am sure? Yes. 

The guys always need the girls all around, but many times.....its either they don't exist, or they will find the girls when they really need them to appear, people know where some girls where to find them. I didn't turn down them, I say I need to 1 person get this done. 

I getting near, don't mean everything .....I tell him some of the life ideas, if we get together? 

We come one step at a time ~~~ but I can always response something I knew about the music when I grew up ! He made all those video, I tell him. Sometimes you go along with the guy and one day stop and tell him, "I saw something in your video, there is no body there when you put the 5 guys in the cold wind to sing. Its here. "

Yeah, I convince him, its this way, here.

I go along with him for 1 year, its not a lot of those real talk, this year I flip some table. 

okay, don't talk about it don't talk about it. I go to sleep. 

I don't need to train people like his movie: Oblivion

I watch all his movie in the hospital. That is actually not real, one of the many things that is never real in life. I only had 1 person I met, and then my mother. UB was the time I just enter the US to speak in English after one year EF or one year in Kentucky their university. 

I am guessing what I see.....so, maybe because my sibling had some knowing, or they got put together somewhere I would never know. In their real life, those will be real.

But in my life, it started in some time, and it was gone. And never again, any real anymore. And right now this situation, it probably is best, never gonna be real like my sibling those. So I take it that way. But no, I am not sure what I see, so I never say all that to Shane. They are just a star, you don't imagine seriously putting 2 people together like getting on a date?~

Some guys are mad for anything.

No, 30 years ago.

I go to sleep. 

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