Your egoistic situation and ends up got fired, one of those...or not yet? Got jailed 2 or 3 times within 10 years, they cannot put me anymore this situation, or I am guessing that.....
找尋一個辦法下台 ?
你自我膨脹的我執狀況,最後是被炒魷魚,其中一個...還是還沒? 被監獄兩三次十年之內,他們不能再把我擺到哪個情況,或是我也是在猜的?
VS last year new
Selena "Calm Down"
世界上有人可以動情動意動眼睛的意思,不是嗎 ?
The world has people can move affection / loving, moving thought, moving my eyes that means, isn't that so?
Selena, is that Andrew looking ex-husband Silverman, I used to like Disney TV channel and...She is one of those child star, with a lot of those some people seeing that. Wizard of some School, Justin is her bro, or someone is their mother. Mexico looking funny lady.
I am so sure what I am doing, that means. We are the same age. The pressure why to compete and compare?
You know this Jesus thing I don't know how real that is, and people most time has those they are the biggest so knowing when he enters the world on his own, all will be his against forces....but you never figure it out, he was original from the spiritual dimension or the spiritual plane, not necessary it makes easy for us to know, there is a mansion like the Bible says that is his home. The original nature, no one knows.
We have no spirituality here, people for him to ask for any help for anything, you think, you are too good to be true? Every human has a lot of the guts saying they are the spiritual incline, I will tell you, this planet is full of those mouth. Seriously. How is my photo doing?
你知道這耶穌的事情我不知道是到底多真,人們大部分時間都是覺得自己最大,所以知道當他要進入這世界靠他自己,所有都是反面力量,但是,你們從來沒有搞清楚,他原本的質可以是靈修 dimension 的或是 plane, 不一定是依定要這個我們如意知道,那些住所聖經講的天堂,是他的家,這原本的本質,沒有人知道。
我們是沒有靈修的這裡,人們是誰可以讓他真的詢問幫忙任何事情,你想,你們都是太好太嬌貴了吧? 每一個人類,有很多勇氣去說靈修的精隨靠近,我會告訴你這整個星球都是嘴巴,真正的,我的照片如何?
Your own hands and arm can wave so many times I think.
So this person you revere him as a man, as a successful powerful business man, a tenure hundred thousands ssalary professor long ago, a public lecture many Age, or revere him as a God, he must answer your every whim? Meaning do you think, you can abuse him in the public? That kind?
所以這人你尊敬尊重,是一個男人,還是一個非常成功的事業大企業者,一個有退休教授那種百萬薪資很久以前,一個公眾媒體者非常久的 Age 或是尊敬他像神,他必須回答你的每一種 whim? 意思你想,你如何虐待他在公眾場合裏面? 那種?
Look at these 10 years how to tell people go be dead, what is the definition of killing, it will never the public humiliation or the public being abused right on the television, isn't that so? The definition of the Galaxy, its 1 Milkyway. Then what is near by to say federation, and then,....the whole Cosmo in the quandrin of the universe.
看看這十年叫做叫唆他人去死,那是什麼定義的殺人,絕對不是公眾羞辱或是公眾被虐待在電視上,不是嗎 ? 這銀河的定義,一個銀河系,那什麼是接近這 federation 根說...像說整個宇宙,四個象限法。
If this is really simple, that Jesus taken just 2 leadership out of this world, and quietly, everyone continue a life, and including he just so far away one planet, that....this Titanic ending, everyone just move it, those ships going up....scenery, its all quiet quiet hash business. Then this Indian General of this Truman's Show will never be another Eon or Kalpa or Age during this one time Bible AD 2000 since AD 0, be the worse of all worsen that future intended to say.....
如果這真的很簡單,像說耶穌帶著兩的領導的位置離開這世界,安靜的每一個人繼續生活,包括他是這遙遠的地球,像...這鐵達尼號的最後,每一個人都在動,這船隻往上....景象,都是安靜安靜非常靜聲的事情,那這印度將軍的楚門秀,就從來不是這 Eon 或是 Kalpa 或是 Age 來定義這一個聖經 AD 兩千年自從 AD 零年,比這什麼更糟糕還要糟糕的未來應該變成來說 ....
So, have you got jailed in America? More than once? By offending the judge, or attacks to the judge? No, that is a crime. In America, or even in Asia, at the court if you pleading to them you usually talk lower than your attitude whatever that you believe things went on the screen because we are "short of the knowledge". It will never be one you, all of us got screw, if you gone to attack the judge.
所以,你在美國有被關監獄? 比一次還多? 鄙視法官,或是攻擊法官? 那其實是一種犯罪。在美國,或是在亞洲,在法院前面如果你請求他們,那通常你講話態度放低調,不管你相信這事情在螢幕上變成什麼,因為我們都是很"短視的知識領域". 這不會是一個你,我們全部都完了,如果你去真的攻擊這法官。
I don't really know, because someone else might be doing the exactly the same thing ! And you have no idea whom is in this pool of the people to say side by side.
我其實不是真的知道,因為有些人都在做類似幾乎一樣的事情! 而你沒有太多知道這,人群裡面來說誰在旁邊。
People's confident is required to be developed?
Do you invite a judge to sit down and talk and eat a meal? And you talk exactly like this kind of the sentence with every intend, you wrote to him or her? You mistaken things or you imagine a certain thing, you don't want to be corrected, or you holding up some belief, its no matter what?
Like you truely believe you are very good?
You are very gifted? What makes you believe you are very special, those lines? No, be very frank to write it down and examine, you take a short cut or you taken everyone a ride. Have you really really be cautious examine your mind thought?
你有邀請這法官坐下來,討論,講話吃一頓飯? 你講出這一模一樣這句話的每一個思維,你寫給他或是她? 你錯誤一些事情或是你想像一些事情,你不想被糾正,或是你有某種被提起的相信,這是不論如何?
你真的很有才能? 是什麼讓你真的相信你真的很特別,那些方向? 不是,像說你很坦百的寫下來,來考察你自己,你不是走短線,或是你佔便宜別人,你有沒有很小心考察你自己的心思?
Me | The judge, you are on your own, ALL entertainment girls / guys...
| What did they do?
I am busy.
You all decide this is where you belong?
Eben has a TV with Asian this....celebrity lady or Space Ship Indian Boss.
You go show up yourself those?
Eben I don't know if he finished his schools, because if it were in Heaven all at the same time, there are....consequence of that first scene, the first year, the first show up overall. I just thought about, not I went to confirm. It may not seriously be like that....For me is not a big deal but imagine the universe or literally get to Heaven. I no longer need to be God, I can tell you that.
You getting help now, its first year trespassing to the doctor's office, no longer that outside people knowing your only direction is keep going to see a doctor, 2 different direction.
What will make you have that realization, you will do 100% efforts nothing but lay low, never look back to all these classmates, famous people and only 1 doctor, 2nd opinion of that life ....nothing in your heart but in fear at your heart, its only the doctors office? No turn your head back?
You think that is a miracle?
And in case the world scene disappear after your 20 years seeing nothing but the mental doctors, or some near by doctors to keep working on your own books or the study, or the admit your life after 20- 40 years, were small money all squander at the doctor's office, for some reason, you are convinced to seeing no one but the doctor's face severely to get help.
You think anyone can make you?
"It just another normal day."
":) Sad, and cute."
" yeh hey ~~~! Yumpy yupy"
"So quiet....where do they go if were? "
I am sure a lot of this is a free will. The big people must seeing more than me, so others knowing what the TV make it for.
You just never thought....
What if.
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