
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stealth | Spider man 2

Jurassic World -World Dominate  | 17 again | Tad, the Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet | Kong Skull Island 

17 Again

Oh, the Slam Dunk, chaos red hair like Dean and Wing ! Oh he has a gf ! So these hair color is when they feel like brunette or blonde. Her name is Scarlett or here says Lilly in Chinese. Mike oDonnell. Knick knock sitting next by ! When the ear piece hit the wall, Peyton!! Hailey’s brother. 

The beginners luck? And you don’t have the British English says?

像灌籃高手,紅頭髮迪恩,Wing 流川楓,他有一個女朋友!所以這頭髮的顏色是隨時他們想要咖啡或是金髮,她的名字叫做 Scarlett 或是中文叫做 Lilly. Mike O’Donnell !! Knock knock 坐在兩邊~~那個耳朵東西在牆壁壞掉,Peyton!! 莫睬曦的弟弟

初學者的幸運? 你沒有英國英語說法?

No, it means you die before you kids. Tina Hank too. Square’s brother too. Tamang too. Jonathon too. I think Keegan has the kids too? Adam Hailey. Taiwan Elizabeth Youtuber. So, you Prince William use your brain …what’s next ?

No, 你死在你小孩之前,提娜 Hank 也是,方方的哥哥也是,Tamang 也是,強納生, Keegan 可能也有小孩,亞當跟莫睬曦,台灣 Youtuber 莎白,所以你威廉王子用你的大腦 …. 下一步是什麼?

Its more of Tina goes on a date, everyone has 2 or 3 kids. Her current bf has 2 grown up kids.


I don’t go on a date, the honorable superior for Buddhism is deorphanrage is Samolia (Legally Blonde)

我沒有去約會,尊上是佛教處理孤兒在 Somalia (金髮尤物

I am sitting right here waiting you all finish your facebook date one to ten. These 2 days talks about.


Oh, Steve Job’s liver was from 20 years old car accident guy.
喔~Steve Job’s 肝臟是從一個二十歲的車禍男孩子.

The ending has a year book with the old photo, this is about digging up the grave for once of the lifetime true love ! The music is the small segment of the Aladdin. 

So you like all these movies and the next expedition movie?


I don’t look like a school principle nor a lawyer nor a MD ever but to pretend for a real jobs to talk to the kids, you are all kids to your parents. 

我長的不像學校校長,也不是律師更不是一個 MD, 但是假裝一個真正的工作說跟小孩講話,你們全部都是你們家長的小孩。

Is that exciting to go on an eating date with your facebook 1 to 10? Imagine and write it down the name, breathing ? 

很興奮你們去吃飯你們的臉書 1 到 10? 想像跟寫下來的名字,還在呼吸?

I have …these otter, the mummies TV, the world map, Westlife date tour on map, the TV is like exploration every parts of the map. You seeing the education or you seeing the explanation, so my works are all wireless now. Many people have to go out and work. Nicky and Kian is on tour and the birds talking to them, or Ronan or to me. And there are the dozen groups people looking at the sky photo other than my UB used my facebook. So my current work location is all wireless. I file the paper works on wireless. Decoding the trailer most of time on the movies and I act on it Anatomy or Physiology, for example.

What do you do for works now?

我有 … 水瀨、木乃伊電視、世界地圖、西城男孩的演唱會日期在地圖上,電視像探險每一個部分的地圖,你看到的教育或是解釋,所以我大部分的工作在線上無線,很多人要出門工作,Nicky and Kian 在巡迴,小鳥跟他們說話或是 Ronan,然後有一打人團體在看著天空照片除了我的 UB 用我的臉書,所以我現在工作的地點都是無線網路,我處理文書都是無線網路上,解碼開場曲大部分時間電影,然後我演上去骨骼學或是生理學,打一個比方。


Domino? Mimmo?


You feeling your heart breathing your facebook date or it’s not on your facebook? I use YouTube channel to subscribe to these otter video. They update everyday what do they do on the camera. I cannot express my feeling, were my foot to be dragging …

你感覺你的心呼吸你臉書的約會,或是不在你的臉書上?我用 YouTube 訂閱這些水瀨的影片,他們每一天更新,他們每一天在攝影機前面做什麼,我無法表達我的感覺,是我的腳在地板上拖 …

Can you feel the love tonight, Lion King

Next 下一個

Kong - Skull Island 

This looks like that movie: Stealth Loki

這看起來是電影: Stealth 洛基

Today is Friday night, normally in every people they have their life. My world might be all none seen spiritual practitioner at home we meditate. I started at 23 including the tent, the seat at the floor with the curshion on the floor, the blanket cover myself, one hour, one hr and half. Everyday we used to say at least 2 and half hours. But you can meditate all day. The privacy means you do anything indoor, I walk, I breathe, I sleep through, I used don’t watch TV. Now I have to making a living and safe up the retirement. I by myself do my own math. You are not starting on the floor or the tent that kind of life, getting a stainless cup for the group food? But you can see that many follow SMCH has that scene lifes. Their master is where they group meditation together. 

Most people shopping, watching the movies, cafe shop, go to pub.

One day I become the Honorable Superior, I don’t meditate anymore. But the meditation quiet the mind, quiet the sensation, quiet the brain or the heart. I watching some ancient scripts, this is for the religious side. I didn’t start working early, now I organize the summary of what I seen important movies and makes the movies connect through the saying.

今天是禮拜五晚上,通常每一個人都有他們自己的人生,我的世界是這些看不到的修行者我們打坐,我 23 開始包括帳篷,椅子坐在地板上跟軟墊,毛毯蓋住我自己,一個小時,一個小時半,以前我們通常兩個半小時,但是你可以一整天打坐,隱私是說你可以做任何事情室內,我走路、我呼吸、我睡覺,我以前不看電視的,現在我要賺錢跟存老人退休我自己算數學,你們沒有要開始地板帳棚的人生,哪一種鐵杯吃團體食物?但是你們可以看到她清海的團體那種生活場景,他們師父是他們共修再一起。



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