
🥪🥪🌮 How does Ola get rid of the American medical board to sit on Top of Mat Magic group?

That practice group from Mat, is nothing to do with Ola, because she was in UB studying all the time that time. Mat was always in it, not she was in it. That group might have nothing to do with her.

這 Ola 要怎麼解決這美國醫學委員會,去坐在 MAT 的上面的魔法團體?

那團體其實是 Mat 的,跟 Ola 可能一點關係都沒有,因為她那時候在 UB 上課,常常在學校那種, Mat 是很常在那裏,不是她在裡面,這團體可能根本就什麼事情跟她沒有關係。

You all cared about your facebook, but my facebook I started 20 years ago, they all know that I talk like that, just vola on the facebook. Not just the post, its vola argument. 

You care about your Ella Enchanted group, yesterday I told you all and Hailey that when she is 27 years old, right now its the time so she doesn't regret that in 10 years, they didn't do one thing regret in their life. Just sit for a food outing for a try, write it down something you remember this time. For some people, they care about their facebook. The school, their classmate, their big and small secrets how they becoming the facebook.

你們全部都很在乎你們的臉書,但是我的臉書是我從 20 年前開始,他們都知道我講話長那樣,自己萬歲在臉書,不只是寫什麼,是講爭論

你在乎你們的魔法灰姑娘團體,昨天我告訴妳們跟 Hailey 當她現在 27 歲,現在這個時間她沒有後悔那十年,她們做一件事情不會後悔的人生,只是吃頓飯試試看,寫下來一些事情你記得的時間,對一些人,他們在乎她們的臉書,這學校,這同學,這大的小的秘密他們變成臉書。

You just finding your balance right now, you are not staying in that world forever. You go back to you all individual world, you have to work towards to. You turn around to check if everything that worries you, I told you that. What you gonna do when your parents not there? They tell you to balance your mood, to balance some break time, and then come back to your difficult jobs, you are not happy, or you not deliver the result? 

You are absorb into the movies right now, you wish something its in the good side. Seeing the humanity, you care about them, those you called the friends, so you balance yourself sometimes. Its not all the time. You will grow out of this situation, its your mood, your something to see, and settle that mind. Your mind, your mind, your mind.

You do wish them well, so make an effort to your own facebook. They know you are party on my webapge? Here, right here? 

你在尋找你們的平衡現在,你不是要待在那種事情永遠,你會到你們個人的世界,你要工作往那個方向,你轉頭只是看一下是不是有什麼事情讓你擔心,我告訴過妳們,那如果你們家長不再呢? 他們告訴你們平衡你的心情,平衡一點偷懶的時間,然後回到你現在比較困難的工作,你不是很快樂,或是你沒有做到你要的結果?


你希望他們好,所以你做一點努力你自己的臉書,他們知道你們在我這邊開 Party 嗎?  這,這裡?

Your life, you have things only you know. Meaning it disturbs you, when you going out on the regular business world. Those are not your schoolmates, those are not those joking party makes you relax. Sometimes you drink together, you party together in the past, those things you wish when they graduate, they gone to the right direction. You are happy with the movies, you are happy with the movie music, you are happy that something is leading another things. You are not staying long, but you say hi, you say you give the movie some meaning. And when you turn back to your jobs, you focus again. You understand your mind is like that. You meditate a little bit, you sit in the church to quiet your mind, you sleep or you rest to calm down you yourself. You try to know yourself at the various situation how you face those life challenge. Your parents will teach you that, but you all over the places. You know they exist, but you are everywhere. So I say to you, pick one thing, get it done. And come back to your job. You can tell your parents later. These things are important to you. 


When I grew up, I never have done any of this things, I tell you that. You like them, so you relax a little bit your mind. Loosen a little bit.


They have other otter channel, I am no more dare to leave anymore channel comment and subscribe, too many of them.


You go out first, you come back and sort those super hero stuffs. And not that many are the super hero. You know your mind is like that, you just go along with it. You have a facebook that you care about it every 11 oclock at night.

你先出去,你回來再處理這些超級英雄的東西,這沒有很多人是超級英雄,你知道你的心神像那樣,你只是跟著,你有一個臉書你在乎每一個晚上十一點 !

What you gonna do, you drop the whole world to re-start a brand new world like me everywhere I have to travel and land by myself with know not know?


The birds say you care about this Military Chasez

小鳥說你在乎這軍事 Chasez

Being in the military or in it and becoming a leadership, I don't think you realize they military internal, knows their own top what it supposes to look like. 


Why don't you becoming a MD, and then becoming a military MD, and go to this American medical board all around, those?

Or you becoming a lawyer, and then becoming a military hired lawyer, and go to this American law board all around, those?

Why? When people present to party, the military MD and the military lawyer is not the military must be, but can meet up these military leadership. For people have no physical big or small idea, that is the easiest thing, don't touch gun, or the mechanical engineer to use the tool, or the ship operation, craft operation those. You pretend in those thinking, getting near in that thought, you imagine how far you go and believe yourself, look at the mirror you know what you look like to say those are the standard to go party, and say hi, and somehow dance on the floor to say meet for a coffee or drink.


為什麼? 當人們在舞會的時候,這軍事 MD 或是軍事律師不是軍人一定,但是可以預見這些軍事領導者,像說有些人沒有那種體力大跟小的概念,這種最簡單的事情,不碰槍,或是機械工程師用工具,或是船隻的運作,飛行器的運作那些,你假裝那種思考,靠近那些思考,你想像多久遠你去跟相信你自己,看看鏡子你知道你自己長什麼樣子,哪種標準去進入舞會,或是說嗨,那種跳舞的舞會你遇見說喝一杯咖啡,或是飲料。

You can start now to pretend, you mean Thor right, Loki those....

你可以現在開始假裝,你意思是索爾對吧 ? 洛基那種...

I go to nap


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