
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hard to Get (Ola, Frozen), Tamang, Wing, Dean (SD, TN, from FL to TX)


With Mat, there is no back-up, is your mother calling Mat, your parents know him since high school? He is not in UB I remember those drive.

跟 Mat, 那是沒有候備的,你媽媽打電話給 Mat 你家長知道他打從高中的時候? 他不再 UB 我記得那些開車。

He will never agree, but you need Dean to begs you to this Frozen.

他絕對不會同意,但是你需要迪恩求你這個 Frozen.

Say again the plan, Hermione.


Wing is a pharmacy/ pharmaceutical, I took the medicinal chemistry to know this, that L or D drug, not Lords...of Rings. Its a real FDA label got screw up because everyone lost the limbs, that is the mirror image compound in the organic chemistry, both Dean and Wing knows that class.

Wing 是藥學/ 藥學研究,我拿的是醫藥畫學知道這件事情,這 L 或是 D 的藥物,不是 Lord 神的意思...魔戒,這是一個真的 FDA 標明的被損壞,因為每一個人失去的四肢,那是鏡子照片混合物,在有機化學裡面,迪恩跟 Wing 知道這種課。

But on this line, that is Tamang at before, Wing second (CNN Anderson Cooper's mother's school at) then its Dean.

Tamang was the classmate of that Jonathon in bio chem 205. Me and Ola were in bio 403. The witness to know this basic, Lee is the bio chem undergraduate to the Master degree combine. Lee looks like Mat, that is not mirror compound.

但是這條線,那是 Tamang 之前, Wing 第二 ( CNN 那個記者叫做 Anderson Cooper 的媽媽的學校),然後是迪恩。

Tamang 是強納生的同學在,生化 205,我跟 Ola 是 403. 而證人是說基本,李氏生化大學跟碩士和在一起,李長的像 Mat,不是鏡子混合物 。

Its Fatima right now in FDA.

In Star Trek Beyond I think....short ugly looking.

這是 Fatima 現在在 FDA

在 Star Trek Beyond 我想... 矮跟很醜的長相。

Guglielmo Marconi

This person stole Tesla 17 Patent (這個人偷了特斯拉十七的專利)

4/25/1874 -7/20/1937

Howard Stern


The Da Vinci Notebooks at sacred-texts.com 
III. Six Books on Light and Shade



First I will treat of light falling through windows which I will call Restricted [Light] and then I will treat of light in the open country, to which I will give the name of diffused Light. Then I will treat of the light of luminous bodies

Different principles and plans of treatment (112--116).

To the service of that Nation, like James bond looks like Ronan, anyone get rids of the line ....

You know what is the biggest theme in Flower Thousand Bone

You are a spy and a thief, SMCH 

在這國家的基本服務,像說 James Bond 長的像 Ronan,任何人只要解決這種線 ...



You got a plan, and this American medical board as long as they exist, you are not sure its the American medical board, not the State license board, you suspect it must be Dr. T, one of those one human makes possible. Don't care of what reason. 

Tell me the scenario how to get rid of this Person in power, because you don't think its the American medical board to move D.C or the movie industry, they don't get involved, but if they are, all of those personel, you get rid of them the first thing with the court power.

  1.  Mat Do-little, princess sophie.
  2. You can legally start to make someone disappear, and die. 

Having someone sits like me Anna, and keep saying this OU, or that devilish belief, you know it someone just should die its their karma, anyway. As long as the mel-practice function any human can just "accidentally" vanish. Its fits to the service of the Nation, and service to that Dark Lords Harry Potter. You don't think that looks right script, Wing?

You want to tell Dean, that begging the seamingless sky of that skirts edge, the ancient Chinese says the words, its how the suck up the veginia period blood is one of those vitality of the magic at the full moon or new moon. Did he even know what that is? 

你有一個計畫,這美國醫學委員會只要他們存在,你不確定是美國醫學委員會,不是州立的執照委員會,你在懷疑是 Dr. T 其實一個人的可能,不管是哪種原因。


  1. Mat Do-little (動物醫生), Sophie 公主
  2. 你可以合法之下讓誰開始消失,死. 
有人長的像安娜,一直再說 OU,這種邪惡的相信,你知道這有人只要死了是他們的業障,只要這醫藥的錯誤職業,任何人都可以意外消失,這對國家的服務豈不是,這哈利波特的黑上帝的服務,你不覺得這劇本長的對, Wing?

你想要告訴迪恩,這求你的無限天空裙擺邊圍,這中國古文說道的字,如何吸起來的陰道月經的血,是其中一種生命力的魔法,在這全月跟新月的時間,他知道那是什麼嗎 ?

Tell you some Ancient Chinese words, such as a hot taro, "burn hand mountain Taro". You must think you yourself are hot chick, one of those saying. Bella means. That is not what the Chinese means...French Ku loves Taro.

Analog bad case no one will be acceptable those things.

告訴你一些中國古文字,像說熱芋頭, 燙手山芋,你一定是想說你自己很受歡迎燙手,那種講法,美人的意思。那其實不是中文的意思,這法國的 Ku 很喜歡芋頭


In the service of the nation... , whom wants to re-write that, one full page, not double space. Just one page.

Because that is one line.

國家的服務 ....誰想重寫這一個,一整張,不是兩行空間,只需要一張


In the service of Nation......

To eradicate the human population such as the baby slaughter, is welcome to those baby blood to drink such as the aneonic fluid. As soon as all the doctors do not stare at Ola practice of anything, be away 9-5, its where the vanish cabin means....the New Age win. Its the court owe to me anyway, they say everything on Harry Potter, no one listens. I won the court room. They just be quiet no one knows return the door and close it.

In the service of Nation......

The dessertitation of the human mind, the human life is not significant to those win the trumpet of the final war. The movie telling you that.

In the service of Nation......

The position where the better world, the better human is where the Mu idea of those whom serve as the better race such as the European special race or blood. Not mud blood, of course (British Accent label)


There is no magic, I say forever sign. Its only high tech. Re-write this several time until you get your every line sound like my script.


I want you all MD 20+ -1, glue one big font page right next by this, Big FONT words.

Since 2022 or 2023 Date, Name.

"As long as you believe in it, its every door swing that door to a secrecy paper folder file to the court room to 1 to 1 judge til trurmpet. You have 7 seal or 7 angel trump the words in Bible. Collect that on another sheet. All in the same folder. "

As long as you believe in it, as long as you believe in it, as long as you believe in.

You write these 10 times below this empty page. Hand write. Feel it.

我需要你們 MD 20+ -1 貼一張大字體的頁在旁邊這張,大字體

自從 2022 還是 2023 日期,名字




Every once a while, just open this file folder and look. You put a camera where she walking in to swing that car door. You have a lot of the people, you can get that done. 


No you don't need to, she won't win. You just always communicate with her mother, when she shows up that parking lot, sit there with the camera, take a photo, records the sound. She cannot see. 


10 years ago, that was a very special moment, don't you agree? Do you remember what you think and say in your mind?  Just like UB Tonawanna, you give thanks, you think? That every moment to expose the air of your face, to that car door must be open, so you can step out...

How grateful you each moment to be.....more sincere, less X Man Michael Fassbender, those power is arrogance, don't you agree? Dr. Steven Hairfield hates that words, don't you sign and agree? When I say everyone your head be on the floor press so hard, your head skull pain in hell, that very future doesn't take 100 years....no one does a job I say. 

十年前,那是很特別的時刻,你沒有覺得? 記得你想了什麼,說了什麼在你心裡? 就像 UB Tonawanna 你給感謝,你想? 那每一個時刻,觸碰到空氣在你的臉上,這車門必須打開,所以你可以走出來 ...

你如何感謝這每一個時刻....更誠心,小於這麥克 Fassbender 那種力量講話是自狂,你不同意? Dr. Steven Hairfield 痛恨這字。你不簽名跟同意? 當我說你們每一個人的頭必須在地板上,壓著有多痛,你的頭殼痛到地獄,這非常好玩的事情不需要等一百年,沒有人做一個工作正確我說。

Clap ten second, laugh 10 seconds. I mean relax, fun, and mock up the whole universe how the hell made those look like you, sound like you. When I say, funny, the whole universe, everyone bow, kneel, flat, and this game will be forever play, its funny and cool, so cool of this pop culture, so cool of this hippi, so cool of all his hip pop pop pop, cereal, Nominiji? Eat?
That is with the milk.
Not breast milk.

Clap ten second, and laugh 10 second.

You know those games, I say every word be true. Inside that chest does not swollen, agree? 

鼓掌十秒,大笑十秒,我說放鬆的,好玩,嘲笑這整個宇宙如何這地獄,你的長相,聽起來像你,當我說好玩這整個宇宙,每一個人跪著趴著躺著,這遊戲是永恆的玩,這好玩跟酷,真的很酷,這所有熱門文化,非常酷,這嬉皮,很酷地這所有 hip 趴趴趴,早餐麥片? 蒙古小孩吃?
這是牛奶呀 !! 



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