
Lose some weight? 減重?

You all like Mark? My windows here got hit by the wind.

你們都喜歡馬克? 我的玻璃被風打到

Like Mark looks like a dad now? 

Ronan looks like a dad now?

What if you fear with the judge, just walking in you are not comfortable? A lot of people are not living in the court room, or the hospital. I told you to get near American medical board, so if I relocated, not American medical board, that is European medical board. 

You reading some books like Eben suggests its to give you a mindset how you deal with a certain situation. If you live near what they told you to do, that is the medical world stuffs. You take care of your own life, people around life, solid to believe how to make it that life. Not Ola those case, as soon as she gets rid of the American medical board, its get to Mat and say Ella Enchanted with the court room compensates her all that, and then? In Mat's magic group, she sits over that women, the older lady Mat knows for years, and that entire group she gonna claim?

She is what? Like SMCH?

You looking at each other's line here. From a very small office, there is an University of South Dakoda, Clinical rotation, and Wing is Vanderbelt medical center on campus, and Dean somewhere. Lee is at the college space. You all thinking your 9-5 walking zone space you are living right now, from there to your car, and then to your work place?

Just the space?

You are not planning to expand that energy or air, you saying you believing all that, your space all around. The more jobs you staring at from that local to the National Emergency like a hospital, you see how they talk, how they process the bill, or how much it bankrupt people, or imagine your last day, you gone to the church now to ask? 

You will tell me, you actually never think you suppose to be the medical profession in another 20 years, you mistake on the beginning of the step? That is your waiting mode.

How long, how long you hearing me saying this hospital thing? Not every year I repeat? 

Unless you all believing in Ola those plan, and you have your own side world of the plan, each got a movie to make your own perfect world plan. You buddy every Friday night Ola date for those promising of the future how to get rid of Mat. This guy supposes to be an animal Do-Little, what are those word, Veterinarian. He is the part of the MD program, how the girl like Ola looks, talk, and one day to get rid of that Mat, shift over his entire world with that old lady. You believe she says no, right now? 

Why don't you all go and get her alibi? 

She might believe you have a world plan just like her, buddy every Friday night til when this judge court room doesn't know you have another game of the mind seeing all this TV. Its not this plan, that is another perfect wanted, Zawanna knows it-all-plan. 

This is the movie director has something against you back? You like that?

But Ola believes it ....there is the first step, gets to the second step? Draw on the piece of paper and leave it at home? 

I could just talk it all loud to EVERYONE, I used to talk to Shane from Westlife last year about this 50 Shades of Grey, the kid's store, at this Google review one yes, or one no, at the same exactly breakfast name, my cousin Square just right across one street down turn right. 

I say there, and over there Dean's Ice skating rink, and then...somewhere else I found, at the end of Y. Funny?

Is that legal? The court room knows you believe in it ....just someone else saying it out loud, first. Taiwan is not China, no one cares one kid store, saying Taiwan even. Not those location even.

Zawanna he tells you a burito true love story, on the Battleship, you all each grab your biggest plan like I used to have this organic chemistry lawsuit 413. All the e-book cover, or the buttom, or the drawing from. You sit each on Friday night to tell each other loud and clear how you word those saying.

When you practice enough to get your words right. My website is just so free you all step over here all over the place to tell the whole universe, what you up to !!!! This guy must be something, isn't it?

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