
I go napping or I go cooking idea ....

You put 20 potato in the big oven, inside those big container 3 + 1 that all those garlic, the olive oil, the rosemerry + cherry tomato. (You save this in the storage jar).

The lunch is not that filling, and people can always keep eating on the kitchen counter whenever they come by. The bread or the dipping those. Yesterday for some reason I cannot count, or I cannot finish that entire write-up.


That's a lot of the carbohydrate. Yesterday ...supposes to be the boiled vegetable somewhere.

Today is 26th, I know what date today is, right.

6+1 meets 4 +2  +  14 15 16  (me, my mother, and nick)

I tell your mother. Why don't you ask me? I didn't know Mat and that Wing's another Pharm D students, and Jason and Henry in Japan didn't count in yet.

All right, with Shane's kitchen

People gather in the lunch and the afternoon snack time. When finishing the baking 20 Potato + one container the olive + garlic idea. Everyone is ready to eat. That oven is free. You can just put all the tomato + olive oil + the salt to bake. The tomato sauce for 1 Shane, his dinner time, anything he eats with the pasta.

If you plan this well, Shane will always by himself eating at night. I don't eat the dinner. 

No, that variation has the 1) soup 2) the dipping + oregano (here has a taste)

Technically that garlic was an infused olive oil idea... +the salt and the rosemerry. You can just cut a half avocado for him on one bread / those garlic infused paste.

With this tomato soup.

or that can be a dipping with one remaining friend in the house.

Yeah, the dipping or the paste for him and staying for the dinner friend.

(or the pasta, the sauce on the top of it. The pasta just boils. )

  • Pitch Perfect Training
  • The volleyball the simple they American training
  • gi gi - gi gi (Ancient Chinese poem - Mulan)

All right.

I have some personal crisis. Inside my room, I need to a longer nap, I don't want to get up. My head skull behind the middle point up is hurting ( The alligator's clamp ), I usually recently used those be washed cloth in Y or K like....or my bookstore here. I am in my ram cycle....a longer nap required. - I have a loosen bowl movement, my colon all hurting every time.....but that is the noon time I go to the bathroom, it wasn't the morning. Now, I feeling this diarrhea again, it must be the beauty treatment. I am still in my ram cycle. I need to be inside my bathroom...The toilet or the bath to stand, to washing it my hair growing longer and longer, the darker and darker. Because these girls, have never seeing me this dark of the hair, it was a lighter shining blonde. Always been.

(Legally Blonde, or Ms Congeniality, must be...if not the blue book. The Conversation with Yogananda.

Tell me, what's wrong? I can be inside my room doing all that all at the same time. 

  • Shane is a raw food (my alligator clamp) how that guy dead, the back skull slam dunk on the floor. In Steve Job's biography, that Dr. whom.
  • Shane is a cat. A beautiful Japanese cat. I woke up in a dream. My escalator are full of the eggs fluid liquid, the entire escalator. 

Something can be a CAT, that will be 小叮噹 ( my brother's all comic book sitting on the piano for over 3 long years), I have never read that things. Its a magic pocket. So...he has been married to Nicky forever....now I remember, what is that treasure island. Shane married to Nicky. All right, That is Kian, and Mark got fat. There is a blonde. 

To the treasure island ~~金銀島 


okay  !   I have a diarrhea ....

What is this Panda again?  

This,  this otter's peanuts,   this would be French....Why the pizza is on the top of the roof. SMCH Real Love? Her past gone to the mud house roof to sleep. You mean our south muddy flood disastrous relief? 

Okay - the piece and bites from Pitch Perfect during the training.


Right. Most of.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az1_EK-5Wvg

Similar, its no coach, no teacher. Just the Captain or the vice training the rest of every year as long as we ever lived.  But that is combine that to Madrigal. Justin Timberlake - Stop Feeling?! Says that words, right. I don't really know what happened in there. Terry. She was a black hair, very fat though. By now, their shape and the age line.... Those were the student activities. 

That red hair looks like Middleton, she was in her students activities I remember I read.

Justin has a MV and a group people in it. or maybe there a concert version on the Tennessee kid. 

These are the music !!!

The top 3 school all design like that, maybe all similar, any team. Most students go to the cram school, or going home, some family finance are not well, so they need to study, and not joining in any team, and far away from the school.

The captain or the vice is the only thing left from the Last Year Class, any team. Its by the tradition just the big training the little, per Class year to the next Class year. We had a coach but ....they just let us live or die by ourselves, because we need to go to study, and not be in the team I think. Like going to the school and take the exam and be assorted with the GPA. Most students going to like 3 kinds of the crams school, after the school hour, and eat on the way there. They never move, so we had a design gym class. This movie meant or the songs, meant their shape. All of them just sitting in the classroom studying.

Most kids need to study, my mother is the only person in the house. My father is not around. Both of them ... don't care about any of us the grade I think. I never heard about it. 

Legally Blonde 1 and 2, Monster-in-law....

Kevin ! 

Murphy & Murphy (vertical written), that is a law firm? (a 2 years ago TV entertainment, the black hair though) 

(The birds quack, okay I share. The military girls, no. Demi Moore, that is ....)

The Top 5 Lawyers movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExA40QKqSs

oh ~ Right, you mean me.....Me Anna here, I say none of those exists, those arguments? No, that is not.....how you becoming a lawyer, but I understand, correct.

No, the real lawyers carry those suitcase has a reason?! The Conan Detective, if you saying that, every lawyer understands. I am a celestial, I have more than the whole sphere lawyers I don't need to do any of that. But....what I can do its to tell you, a girl coming up in the laws, the students, right, because I am the celestial sphere leadership. Well, the throne, so I don't need those nervous-wrecking jobs, other than the education. I didn't know if these means good or bad, to be honest. = in 25 years, someone is coming up. I am not sure if they used "us", so they are just too lazy to say, it continue. From the Harvard Laws. 

I think that's important, right.

I would say I wish the world to gear more these law measurement set-up, I wish to see the world evolve like that. All the outside are all nothing but that. I sent my well-wishing?! And provide some guidance, right.

I assuming the citizen like to do that, but they are very costly....I don't even know. 

I already say that before, the medicine, the IT and the laws. 

Looking at the typhoon....right. Maybe the system = the IT parts and they go to the laws, they are not at the current those rigid laws I assuming. 

But they are all under the modern education world, they allows the human population all gears up towards it. Never that Ella Enchanted ever those backward civilization on the potion imagine, those vials idea.

I just check that, that's fine.

No, there is no mistakes. The society continue, those are all fine after AD before or after. These set-up are fine. The education equip in every society to grow the kids up and input in those measurement to gear toward the IT (High Tech), the modern medicine (beauty treatment or fitness or wellness) and the laws (You all like your next by seeing what the politician talks about or the nation lean towards, all that)

I just happened to be in the students activities all by myself, so I already know all of that. They are all fine.

No, I don't think there is anything complicated. It might be becoming very simple, to be honest.

Cooking these....



No. I am in Taiwan, away from America for 25 years I told you that. I eat the garbage until I gone back, that time I decide so at the moment I don't even think about it. I saying that for a reason, I don't care about the reason, just like that. Here in Asia, I just boiled the vegetable, or all the utensil here, none stop. 

There are a lot of the things are not a super big deal, definitely not. I just do what I feel like, right. I don't go and imagine what?! 

I tell people what I should be doing, if I forgot, they remind me. These otters do that.

Right, I always change at the last min, I sleep home, so I keep sleeping. 

Where you all suppose to be going, and why you going there to imagine "cooking"? I don't know. I can cook here, but I just eat whatever my mother bought or the downstair.

I tell the guys, its only the boiled vegetable, most of those talking everyone can hear that.

Never those fat meals or too many those....I don't care about the family style, nor cooking for 10 ideas, the heart not in it... plus in it. Its only the vegetable, and not the can beans, I know what the people only eats with the cheese. The boiled green beans. No one ever sees it the vegetable.  I am not sure you can get rid of the guys just those saying, but I might just be very successful for saying that out loud, and get rid of all of them. Its the overseas, its the green vegetables. 

Its far away from home. 

Why is it, my recipe has to be on this post?

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