
台語,這寫的是中文 Taiwanese, this is written in Chinese

可能是 Ronan 再問誰話                 

還有美國 (居禮夫人,叫做 Nicky 救我的 居里夫人的丈夫死在馬車的後面,輾下來)  - 昨天我看到的 ! 

聽起來像英文名字, Isisah's 的女朋友

Might be Ronan is question someone.

And America (Mrs Currie, called Nicky save me, the Currie's husband dead behind the horse carriadge coming it down behind, pace over ) - yesterday I saw it.

But it sounds more like Carla, Isisah's gf.

Carla in Pitch Perfect

電影的那的紅頭髮 ( 絕對音感還是什麼 Pitch Perfect 歌喉讚 )



大概迪恩他們  Dean they are



Taipei is still a city, has those artisan bread, than those sour dough looking in the regular grocery store.   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kbCCZbmyRUg

Probably they meant the girls to go on the television? Not me, I have no idea what those things are. (The make-up)   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gOTBmK32GMo

They have no chef, they keep airing they need to cook, those Royal human:  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ApV_Pa9deD8

Any meat is very very dirty, so that kitchen sink its the meat process or the cutting board or that knife, or the all around mops. It can be replaced by those SMCH cult human their soy meat, or another Buddhism under, someone smuggling those mince soy meat in a plastic bag. In North America, you have to drive very very very hard. Those are you seeing a human, they hand it to you between the Asian, even Nick can acquire those time, but those are all too far away driving by now the age. 

You have to use a lot of the water to rinse all around, and seriously disinfect any of those commercial kitchen. Even you yourself one personal space, you cooking for yourself or that house you keep that water facet sink clean "under" all that grounded pipe line, still....the meat is very very bacteria filled. 



The shoes too tall for their height, you go down. The shoes are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very dirty. Any tooth brush can brush once of a year, your time. My mother does that for both me and her shoes. The sneaker. The lower pants too. Very dirty. Their mouth or the eyes need to be wipe all the time. The baby wiper.

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