
Today is Sat, we finally no more rain ~~~

Hugh, you and Olivia can go to the taxi to the indoor 101, all that not walking on the street where the things hanging those outside street. Wait until they be checked in a several days. Its very bad in the Southern Taiwan.

Walk under the building, inside anything you see, than anything outside those pavement road.  The south they all got flood up to the first floor all the mudding water.

Next week, has 2 more days the other typhoon, Hugh !!!

Monday and Tue, its called 95 W, its a diagram.

Here news.

You want to move out of the hotel...its more comforting inside all those bedding. You can organize all that in-room, I just don't know in the end of these time, you thought about Japan or America, maybe.


⭐⭐⭐  Whom suppose to be here? 誰應該在這裡? ⭐⭐⭐

Intern?  實習?

The first typhoon like that comes by, by Monday, that is 95 W ...you are losing the typhoon since last year, it was from Nicky's wall. Those coming in they just left to go home, I guess. Now, they are venturing these metro subway, by command? Anyone intern, I am asking? They don't let me saying too many things here - why I cannot talk about the typhoon geography reason?

第一個颱風才剛過去,禮拜一就是 95 W,你們現在是失去颱風自從去年,那是 Nicky 的臉書, 那些來到這裡就回家,我猜 ! 現在,他們是去探險這捷運,用這些寫的? 所以有人來實習,我再問? 他們不讓我在這邊講太多這事情 - 為什麼我不能講這颱風的地理原因?

The military girls? 軍事的那些女生?

The cooking? 煮飯?


Do you guys gone to Google Search engine? Usually that is by default? They have those graphic design?  It means the pacific ocean is saturated, is that what it means? 

What are these cooking to do with you stand up in Taiwan somewhere apartment lock-up, for every year doing this weather, the news, the Mandarin typing, or saying things, or going outside geography these Y or K, and those Amazon you purchase just that red book or the blue books from Yogananda? I saying that too many times? 

Hugh doesn't do those jobs, he got too many other jobs. I have no one near by, so they becoming? Speaking to the Chinese, or Taiwanese? How long they stay here? That parrots birds? 

I am talking about the girls ~~~~~

Shane ~~~~ Its Shane ~~~ only him will have that kinds of the personality ~~~~

I already say that last March (the end of Feb) for 3 weeks, until my phone til when before Christmas, I got to the hospital...I AM STILL SAYING Its that Shane ~~~~

I don't need these video....

He design those choreography, not Nicky ~~~ those thin jaws, I don't know what he does for a living !!!

Right, they are all the guys in a group, every groups.

Right, they are all the guys, each has a voice.

Right, a character included. GED. 

(all the bees on my faces) 

(I have to clean up my mother's entire dishes, re-arrange these food on one single round plate, all these bubble you all generate in the water sink, per hand touch squeeze that soap bottle, and? )

The pasta yesterday and those noodles are too soggy cooked in the trash can, I don't bother eating it. 

No, you put the guys as a group, they will come out something, so are the girls if you put up those 16 or 17 years old, I remember what we were. They are 5 6 7 8~ 10 20 groups if they wanted it back in the 90s. 

No, not 1. Many, everyone. Taiwan is liberal, so should be Ireland, all the American are.

I say everyone, right. All of the members in the boybands, right.  Together ! We used to be have no boss on the top.  We live and die on our own, I say that too many times.

16 years old.

Our high school started at the sophomore year in America, we have 3 and 3 years.

Yeah, Jason Vicky, Henry Eric all they met those time. They aren't in their school activities, aren't they? ( W Two Worlds) 

"I wake up to go to the cake store to pick up an order, and get to the bookstore to buy a poster, to say how much missing you all per name, with the highligher marker to paint and to draw. I draw." 

This city we walk ! 

"Buying the body wash, or the handmade soap and the poster cards.....and order the 10 flowers from the flower shop in this same one city. I get a haircut and hair washed."

Not them, its every PM or American Presidents any Class, their kids - the girls especially. 

You all want to drop your father for the next 25-30 years, don't call, don't ask, don't talk to him unless he calling you? Before any boyband, and any more this one more Hugh staying here?  I know he got some other normal jobs, too many too.

Lisa - from Korea Black Pink


She goes to Justin Timberlake that side ...where they will be, the guys?! 

You coming in when, to keep in contact with Hugh, he goes everywhere his personality ~~~ I don't know what he talks to his family, or the in-law, or anyone else.

3310. That is Nick I know. Loving the Silent Tear.

You come in and learn and play with Hugh. Running his post office mail sent him those UPS boxes? Similar to Fedex?! Not sure which words in America uses ...UPS, right?

No, the guys are too many, so just one of them....Joey were here, he even knows what is a stingy tofu. You cannot stop 1 of them, whichever they combine. It may not come from Shane, its just....some people travel and stop by. I told you my bone doctor married to a Taiwan lady here, they are in Buffalo, NY.  None of them might have anything you have, any connection or the networks and you are a girl. They are random, but they kept inside their business to stabilize, so I say okay, like Hugh

You girls doing these for you yourself. 

No, it doesn't need to be the local Taiwanese slang those only the oral language exists. They promote that in the politics. Its until Hugh shows up, I thought about to tighten him up, just in case what he ever done, so I say something about these Taiwanese local language. No, it doesn't have any substance in the international stage, I am thinking Hugh thought to go to America?!

The motorcycle, that's why has the substance in those language.


Anything outside Taipei line zone, starting that blue line Simon's stop (anything on the left ), all going outside to the airport, already is where these culture.


Taipei outskirt (here already)

You get here before Mark from Westlife? These song or Brian means to you?


You only heard about 3rd times.....

UB hear about this since 2021 Oct 21th.


Wedding dress: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ndPRfwcCsN0

Me and Shane is too old for these, you think?

I left that school activities too long, maybe you only heard about the medical school, PCAT too for the pharmacy, you sleep those classes on the table with your bag you hold it in the library. I didn't participate those leadership in the school in America. Growing up time, they are liberal, so the school just how the students doing what they want - not everyone wants to take that responsibility. 

You have to have some business or the commercialize concepts or their major to be the business and find a way out. Eben is not a thing when he was those age the other people exists. These entire Cosmo, I figure it out all by myself when that days come. 

You make a plan and you imagine a little bit.

My TV, my news, my Lunch ~~~~~

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