
The Cooking

Like they sell those frozen Japanese beans. On your American menu I think its called the edamame like if you gone to the Chinese restaurant, the dumpling is the gyoza.

From the frozen bag you take out, and you heat it up, that is done. A fridge + freezer + another big freezer. Sometimes you just staying in the apartment never gone out

Is the dumpling considered as a food? 

The banana pancake?

The coconut creme + the lemongrass stew chicken + the cauliflower + the mean beans crystal noodles?

You need to know the home cooked fried potato fries (the war time), the straight cut. Not the curly fries.

You don't have the money, your father doesn't have the money, those.

The expense.

We have the garlic bread those ACE bread, I have to change the store now. They don't carry that. The TV, where in Canada or if the big city the Asian store in America, has a whole package of all garlic peeled. These TV you all love it so much....the olive oil + rosemerry + with the garlic bread? Or side by the cherry tomato in a different color?

You get those Babaji's cooking Channel he shaking his dressing jar, or bigger than that....= your entire garlic paste form. That is the you, or that guy everyday live on it, the ACE bread only lasting 2 or 3 days? It gets harden, you make a soup to soften that (I think you re-baked them in the oven, they soften?)

To us, here don't lack food, just how lazy never getting out of the door, seriously.

(Think for 5 mins)

(Washing my hair for 15 mins + soaking, change my pillow case, hair dry....)

sorry, opposite.

All the potato item listing.

1) The baked potato, side by the sour creme

The cheese on top, the bacon on top, the green onion on top.

Anything the potato made.

The big oven (stop)

Next page, "I want....without the green onions, anything but the sour creme or the green onions."

Its not the potato. Its.....the tomato beef soup


You need a pot (I cannot talk)...

The chocolate melted ~~~on Westlife's Mark and Nicky's mouth !

Every heart shape pouring to refrigerator and solidified. 


The soup, the cake, the cornbread, the pizza, the pasta with the veggie and the soup !!!!



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