
I already understand a lot of things when I first got informed. It’s none of your business.- well, they say …

Hugh, don’t go (outside still raining none stop. Another raining holiday - I didn’t know you don’t know what the typhoon made of: the water and the dust)

That’s his throne Zawanna says per words here I type, anything sound like me? You didn’t tell them where  🦅 you sits bending knee or her and his correct title or Throne is a forever everyone knows he or me or Babaji. It’s not you think how we describe our jobs in description but you will come in terms more and more. 

The rest of you none concern you all …me Anna talking those. Why don’t you go outside the house where your family, the middle school, the high school, or anyone more the friends or the cousins or the near or far the communication to associate with the real faces of the people seeing in front of you, buddy together and hang out ? Yeah your family included, they are not going to stay on that age disease free forever. 

You make like 5 hours more per weekly on those hang out than hanging here. Not in room, scribble those Sitesell idea, or a business concept or John Hopkin those science museum, no. Go out more. Go out to eat, fitness together, gather the Bible groups or the yoga studio or dancing what do you always do before with your friends and you invite your parents to stay the outdoor activities more.  Just stay in the norm conversation - get to know them more, what’s going on inside their life?

You are not going to pretend a camera life with all of them, they will tell you “of course not”. You participate now more and more with them. Your head putting those thought clusters at your forehead to play a big running left and right stuffs. You have a fix salary and finally stable, so now you spent more money and time with them in picnic, in the living room talking, in the home chore carrying a pot or the jar water, watching them, or sit there they are on the phone. Engaged to those conversation like you seeing those family get together to eat. And your phone …when you go home. 

You have a political event til the end of this year and next year seeing it on the TV? That is the family time. We are in a different timezone and some continent we have our own small world their city planning things, or the politics too. (From our news), but none of us required to speak in English to say the public opinionated views such as me and my mother. We talk about the typhoon because that is right in front of us, and Hugh is here with Olivia. They go back to England, then that is where they dealt upon their new world PM.

Just go back to your family all around, spending a lot more time with them, your friends to join their local these TV political things you are interested or just simply carried a simple English conversation dialogue with the TV news, it doesn't need to be always on the political, the sports, or the church. Your parents watch, or your classmate, or some facebook hang out friends, you go tea, eat out, join some carnival, going on a date, talking, hanging out, associating.

You go on traveling ....with them. I heard those things people like to go somewhere to eat, to buddy, to venture, to vocation together in FL or in NYC, all of these sight seeing places on the tourism, or you all go to Europe. 

No, I am not being with Mark. 


Don't keep talking about these things, not about Kerry those or anything with any word in it. Be smart to wishing them well inside their very life. Your life is not their priority, or they make it so they don't have a life. Put more focus on your family, your friends, your facebook, or your near by those Line app, or What's up App, or the Facebook Chat message box. Spent the time correctly with them, and don't talk about these things here anymore.

No, not otter these they pulling other people (the whale toy), just go on your daily how you used to hang out. When Mat becoming a correct doctor, then at 9-5 those doctors office paper desk, you process those paper works as your profession. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ihH4prbhoKg

UB has some other people they are not in your program, they can process on their own things when they like. ( and the birds say hi, too) 

You talk to these people, inside the video those bakery, to find out the bread or the pizza special? A counter to lean to ask, to see the menu above their head, to talk and illustrate in English, anything to write it down, to talk, to push that bell ring? You going with your mother, or someone near by, you talk for them? You and your friend's order? The very very simple things, and go and make everything a lot more smooth for everyone's nerves crack it down?

"That was a nice pizza crust machine you got, that makes the process easier? "

"oh ~ that is a pasta machine, they are the same. Right."

"So do you have any special on this week, or this month you put on the order menu?"

Or you want to clean your room? A day outside drying all the sheet, or buying these home supply, and telling your parents about, or your mother? Asking, or talking, or inquiring? How to organize, like that Korean Youtuber girls, did all that? Your laundry, you living alone? Do you ask your mother, she done her laundry, she drinks enough, takes the vitamin at all?


Put more efforts in those conversation, "Do you done your sheets, your winter blankets are they feather, your feet cold? You want to move here?"

"You check your mail? Your physical mails? When is mine birthday....!!!! Your mail box !!!"

"uh uh...nay, the last time I say this very clear....we say...."

"I have asked the near by all vendors all around here, their shipping rate all that...."

"Do you always get nervous when you do that talk? Any talk? How long you usually rehearssal this per classroom? "

You used to have your friends, where?

Where you go and hang out? The drinking bar, or sit there waiting, those things, alone? What did you do in your life, you know how to social great in America? Not one person office space like me Anna's determined life on the internet?  You got married and have the kids, so the kids' life, to go on picnic, or go on touring or planning a vocational spot, or somewhere the museum that weekend, you taken all your lunch boxes next by to go to the near by Park to hang out?

You live in the car driving and planning the traffic life. I live in the subway we called that the metro life. You like those drinking bar light no one can see your faces? Those yellow light interior design, so why don't you save enough money and to go to the home depot and learning some of these things with your parents, or asking them, or what things you all do inside that drinking bar table?

No one talks to Jonathon, all separated apart, so do you have some other your own life friends, other than these Aqua? You have other momentum of life, other than the TV saying about you or someone else's life? 

You like to eat anything different away from your parents, you have to learn the recipes, and cook it at home? The meat, the chicken, the beef, the package reading and the recipe buying a pot and finish washing at it if it got burn? 

No, you don't have to be a vegetarian if you don't want to. But those diet is fat.

He looks like 7 Heaven ? Zawanna says it not. 

You all care about these looks, you do the plastic !


The mindset I should not share anything from my monitor? oh ~~~The last one hour, I have no food, no videos, everything I see.....its for these mind set. (My mother cooked the fat wet pasta again. ) The fridge has the take out.....this Zawanna none stop saying no nononononononono....since last night. I can only lay there and sleep. So angry.

Show off and I gonna lose the guys?  All right, anything else?

Talk - Voice Memo



  • The medical program, some other people finding the jobs. America is in debts.
  • All these video (here on the blog), everyone talks about the Asian. You jealous at. You care about your expense.
  • The maturity to be a MD for the medical students through that medical interviews, you are not careful, people watching over this entire situation.
  • Your middle school friends (or the high school), no one knows what's on your Line App.
  • I show Kian and Nicky to my mother at that lunch time right to her.
  • She never knew I will be talk about the boy, the meat diet, not even my brother would or my sister would.
  • Per liter air you breathing wrong, you will be going to hell. You didn't know the standard.
  • My mood happy, so then I say this. I try this, I try. The far away interface ...
  • If you are the rural human, the middle school friends to hug, or cuddle together if found to be favor........(2:40)

You and her or him needs to go to the furthest away from ANY leadership in any name right now, the UB group activities, to the furthest away of the swimming pool, I never talk to Shane.....how much I miss this scene of the past leadership life.

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