
Do you know you going to Japan to UK next by last month? I don't think you know !!!

Including the current England flag all these military?!!!

That Costco is only 1 Costco in that middle of the brown circle line (next by is the Hola, the kitchen all colorful ceramic cookware in it.)

You call your mother + 2 butler + your room somewhere you have those whom give you a name card before, anything other than those 3 Prince, I don't think they know what they are doing, there is one UK PM coming up, just 1st day.

You have to know what you are doing, other than you 2 mood eating, or drinking the fluid yet this morning? Did you shower yourself in the morning? Some water? Some morning hotel breakfast food?  You gone to...Eastern hotel there? The breakfast....?! 

So whom is your younger brother kick the lower cabin, looks younger too. Thin and taller. Bad temper. You know whom this guy is?

You help her to build up that routine ?!!

This is where you went, they speak in Southern Taiwanese those NOT Chinese Mandarin.

How to cook the bamboo, will not be bitter. 

Westlife when they were younger, just keep traveling....so are these military


The laundry, the car wash, the table set, the ceramic shopping, the Hola, the Costco, the same food like they used to eat, or see, or smell, or imagined.

The fruit + the smoothies + the green any time they remember the same food, copy and paste.

  • So I say: the roasted red potato (or the Yukon potato)
  • The pasta
  • The bamboo soup
  • The olives (green olives)
  • The boiled broccoli, the green beans, the long grain rice, their chickpea, or lentil.

You are not moving per day, you don't need 3 meals, I don't eat 3 meals, I go to sleep. I don't even move, my entire body just fat and sit, or tie up my bed for the last 6 long years, so everyone is on the same pace. You delicate to do that?

Keep hydration, the coconut water, the osmosis water. 

Watching the TV

You going to the computer place? 光華商場 !

226 coming back to 101 信義路 on 588 has to be from left to right that direction in front of that one buildilng you enter (光華商場)

You coming out, that is your right side, it will be an island you seeing the bus stop, but toooooooo hot. You can check the 226 bus schedule inside the building, its 5 mins coming.....then you go out, there is a traffic light you need to cross the island, you can just take the taxi actually. 

Cargo your Laptop. I think they speak in Chinese.

手提電腦 (英文版) 多久可以好?

The laptop (English version) how long can this be done?

微軟的 Word, Excel 整個 office suite 最新的

Microsoft Word, Excel, the whole office suite the latest

公車時間表 226

= the bus time schedule 226


You count from the top 4th one 光華商場

光 like the light (yellow brown here)

The 5th line would be 3 red metro line, you can stop on any one of them. Its all the same metro. the exact 3 red line metro stop. You going to 101 side, or Taipei station. The same red line.

If you learn Chinese, you will be jumping these ....I think you just take the taxi. 

One stop would be the blue line. You going to W hotel? 

You keep clicking in it, you will see the latest update. the entire city bus line....if you eating too full, we take the bus. Walking a bit, eating too full.

捷運大安森林公園站               捷運大安站(信義)                  捷運信義安和站(信義)

   Forest Park Daan Park                        Daan                                 Hallo Kitty 

Number 2 exit I think. You walk in the wrong direction, you going to the night market direction number 4.

The opening store would be your phone cover store, you want to see? The cover outside your phone.

Here you have 2 exit. On the right to the police (the escalator up) 

Or left straight ahead that is the elevator, your Hallo Kitty when that elevator open, you do 10-20 steps, do you see a glass door open with inside a manager, an elevator going up. Here is your Halloy Kitty if they put a sign on the outside door, left side.

You can go to 光華商場 like later......

Your Cookies place is about 10 mins walking from here. If you want, that will be you coming out of the Hallo Kitty, right across that police station, you keep walking 10-15 mins pass the police station, you smell the air, that is foccacia, all the bank is here. At a wall you check per store one by one, not that far, I will tell you. Don't miss it the smell. The cookies hand made.

You walking it back the same metro going it down, or just take the taxi to....where you going?

Hyatt ?

Its chocolate chips. 

You are on the bus 226, you see the forest, you get off, that is 2 metro stop to Hallo kitty. Your destination train (象山 not 大安)

The sign outside when the train stop. They usually sent 2 train on the red line

1) toward 象山  (elephant mountain)

2) til 大安 ( Daan)

Why? That is the ending toward going the brown line. That is a vertical toward the north or south. Red line only left to right toward the 101 finance world stop.

So just 3 stop? Yeah!

Have you get on a bus? Front or back door has a machine, you swipe.

Then when you get off, you go behind the door the same, swipe again. But this bus things will wobble. 


No, they are highly professional, not that. Its their skill all looking like that. They can do that, so they becoming the Taipei bus driver. Only if they can do that.....right. You heard me.

When you coming out of that building PC or laptop in your hand? You look toward the right, its blazing hot the sun too bright. You gonna walking out of the building shade.

There is a traffic light, but here, you gonna see 2 islands.


                             --------------another bus line -------------toward the airport to Shanghai, not the international

                                       Bus ===========>

                            -------------island bus (left to right) 226 ------------------



                      <=== You and your laptop you walking out   <=====

You see the forest green, loads, you get off. There is your metro stop

You going it down, you go to 象山 direction, 2nd stop (信義安和), you should be looking for the Number 2 exit, you just coming out of that door, its in front of you, your phone cover.

So once you buy, you coming out, you have only right side to go straight, elevator, or another right the long escalator (to your bread and the cookies)

You are not sure you take the elevator down the same and use that escalator, the same 10 mins walking, smell, on the left those shade inside, has a bakery at the wall.

Their focaccia has at 2 oclock, they told me. You walking back to the metro to go anywhere you want. (Taipei station or 101)

If you wish to go to the Eastern Area, you go back to the Hallo kitty (across the police station)

No, you look at the police station that "standing" is the elevator across you, only one side has that. You go there to take the taxi, because the bakery that side, its toward 101, they don't stop in front of it. And you going to Eastern area, so you use those "slow" car drive lane, that will be the Hallo Kitty front.

The bakery front is also a "slow car drive lane ", the fast car drive lane would be the middle where the bus goes, or next by the bus. But you aren't sure.....so just go to the police across. Take the taxi to the Eastern area, he will take you straight about 10 mins. (Niko And....) There has the blue line metro again.

If I think you went to the cake place the plaza hotel next by, here the Niko And has a corner door, or the regular right side door, you turn right, keep walking, your Tom's World, 明曜百貨 or the bakery and your plaza hotel (reaching first), its about 5-10 mins walk.

Yeah, its all very near.

Yeah, I told you I live here~~~~

So this entire city, you just keep jumping the bus line, walking and metro line? or Taxi?

Yeah ~~~ I told you Conan Detective ( I Ching)


The taxi to go to Eastern Area

計程車 Taxi


I want to go to Eastern Area, this 忠孝 Eastern road, this "ann peace road" keep going, and turn right on 忠孝 Eastern road turn right and stop. 

計程車 Taxi


I want to go to that 3C Plaza Building

計程車 Taxi


I want to go to Taipei station front station

(its right across Cesar Hotel)

我要去微風 101 旁邊的

I want to go to Breeze next by 101

我要去 W 飯店

I want to go to W hotel

我要去 Hyatt 基隆路跟松壽路 ( 101 附近)

I want to go to Hyatt, the 基隆 road and 松壽 road ( 101 near by)

當我們在這松壽路,我想要繼續往下開到 A 11 的對面,電影院那邊公車站牌前面,那邊有一個 Home Hotel,我去跟我媽見面 ~

While we are on this  松壽路 I want to continue that this road keep going, until A11, the across, the cinema that side in front of the bus, there has a Home Hotel. I go there to meet my mother. 

Today is Saturday, does that bakery opens?

Rise Bakery

Today and tomorrow is not open, but you can see it on the right, how they look like.

I don't think they have the Chinese name. What an interesting name. 

I know the road name so I type on it, that is the same 588 that road name but 4 section that saying  + "bakery", I can find it on the map, that is easy

= 信義路四段麵包店 !

四 = 4 

麵包店 = bread bakery shop

The cookies is below down down down, all the English is written on the window glasses.

(inside the photo stream)

I think they say too fat .....

You cannot find that hallo kitty on the road....let me see, where.

I have a name card, I call for you.

Today 2:30 she opens, her name is Joanna. You spent the whole afternoon they install all those software for you in the 3C place the entire building, the install those electronic should be a big giant walk room...that is where all the branding PC. The other side of the building every escalator floor are.....the junk wizards to be including the cell phone.

They made the new building, nice and shining ~~~~~


My friends recommend me to come ~~ She just greet you just now.

You see that manager / security of the building.

You use your finger point 3 F, and you say in English "Hallo Kitty."

He knows what is the Hallo Kitty in English.

The next by you coming out the left small tiny traffic light? That is 430 entire street furniture street I keep telling him, you turn left, that entire street, is all your interior design workers and the material coming in. 


2 to 3 block, too hot, you just get the Taxi in front of the Hallo Kitty, just wave your arm, and say going straight


Straight road down til 忠孝 road, turn right and stop.

10 mins.

If you were here this morning, you should know where that is. You coming back in the same circle again and again.


Since you need to install all those....software takes 1 or 2 hours, when you get there, I go to nap~~~~?!

3 days I haven't sleep.....

You just keep asking them or write them down on the piece of paper, every software you need on the brand new laptop or desk top

Laptop 手提電腦

PC 個人電腦

Do you have a software you install all in English


I have a list of the software I wish to ask...


The price


The free one what kinds do you have?


Can I pay a small fee for some of this to be install here, just the personal use.


Then you write them the software name, asking them if they have it.


English edition

You are not going to 3C or the Hallo kitty today? You are in transit ...okay!!! Stil inside that metro ?~~~~

Next - WHERE exactly you are inside these people-to-people transit, the blue line? 

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