

So that building has one ground floor everything everyone is standing there....you can ask every brand of the same PC or Laptop. Every brand, but you just asking one of them about the software.

The software 軟體 

The other building where you have those very pack up per booth, next by, and escalator going up, these are very narrower than the other GRAND looking almost like the car display those more roomy and higher ceiling.

The booth here are all clean, correct. Its not packed.

If you walking back and forth, you waiting for your PC to install....

That building you can see all kinds of the cell phone or the older phone to purchase, or anything your phone or the laptop wrong, you ask them. 

電話 = the phone

Yeah, you can walk around, today is Sat, are they packed with the people?  The computer games I think its on their booth flyer glue on the top, the side, the buttom, you just look at it. 

oh ~ you jump on the bus for real?

430 furniture street, you screamed. That is the future or the current time? That small tiny street? Yeah, but you need to walk left on that block about 1 block pass the Family Mart, you will start to see every indoor furniture store. 

The lady Joanna is 2:30. 

The furniture store inside should have the air-con, they suppose to start at 12:00. By now, some of them have the air-con. All the way the end, its the vegetarian dumpling....its a vegetarian place. What do they called it.....wait. You need to walk about 2 full block. The end of it and come back. About 10 mins going and 10 mins back. 



The top article 【捷運   信義   安和站】

That is your MRT stop name.    "   Metro     588     Ann Peace Stop"

家具 = furniture


I just want to see some of the Europe furniture

Vegetarian  =

They have soup  = 他們有湯

The vegetarian beef soup = 素食牛肉湯

Tofu sour veggie = 酸菜豆腐湯

But they are just a 6 inche round container with a plastic bag. Do you want the dumpling? The vegetarian? Look like that 101 dumpling bamboo those. But this is the vegetarian, only 10 in one bamboo, one order. How many do you want?

素蒸餃  2 籠

Two bamboo (20)  Vegetarian dumpling cage.

You can change that number 2 or you get 3? You want the sauce you ask them.


Can you take the spicy sauce to-go?

Do you want one of those round white things inside? Like the dumpling? Its exactly the same filling inside? 

That is called the  雪菜包 (2)

Its the same filling. 

On that left, its 7-11, going about how many store, supposed to be 3C electronic (your washer and dryer on the second floor, and the keyboard too)

Its very very air-con, too.

No, you just come back to walk another 10 mins back to the furniture, and back to that road turn right, you will see the elevator, on your right, that glasses manager inside that elevator

3F - Hallo Kitty

Mountain full, you cannot walk in there, starting at the door.

Your height = the mountain full, I thought I told you that.

What do you have the 7-11, one session on the right side below, also all vegetarian, too. Those are the frozen to-go food. The microwave, the isle are the instant noodles or the American potato chips. 

The recipe just 統一發票 that is fine.

Those are the open freezer idea, right.

The real freezer, that is the real microwave chicken drums stuffs. (Korean flavor)

The ice cream freezer, might be a different place.

I say "freezer"

The fridge.....I am not sure, the drinks those are the fridge, every tea kinds looking. 

Tea = 茶

No, on the second floor. You can go to my 6 Star to see their Panasonic Dryers or Washer. Those....have a bachelor, the strange design, its, you wash at the below, how many things a guy can wash, the top is the dryer? It looks strange to me. 

They got those shining keyboard at the corner. You want it? You purchase it now. Because your laptop you thought about it.....that 3C plaza building stuffs.

No, not the giant store, no. 

Look alike color? The black keys but........suppose to be shining like the label? 

These are the night market outside, right.

Once you get to the Hallo kitty, you want to keep walking coming out? On the left, you will go about 10 mins, they are building in front of the post office. Giant space, that entire square footage, they make one apartment 27 floors. Very giant. Not yet. Behind there, you will reach 2 bubble tea the first block walking end, they are diagonal to each other.

One is Thai tea with the bubble 台式奶茶 + 珍珠, 我想要兩杯 半冰半糖

I want 2 cups, half ice, half sugar.

Diagonal is called  WooTea五桐號 

You say =   珍珠奶茶,真的鮮奶 + 珍珠,我想要兩杯 半冰半糖

The bubble tea, the real milk + bubble, I want 2 cups, half ice, half sugar.

The post office front, that is the ATM. They have the family mart + the pharmacy next by the post office.

Next round that corner its the Italian thin pizza, you 2 want to sit in there with the bubble tea, its the thin pizza. Pretending you live there 27 Floor one of them. 

You go to the pharmacy market

Do you have the eye creme 15 NT, small

你有沒有眼藥膏 15 塊錢的那種,小小的

Do you have this 斯斯 flu medicine, or coughing medicine, and running nose medicine? Can I see the back of the ingredient?

你有沒有斯斯感冒,斯斯咳嗽 ,或是斯斯流鼻涕藥? 我可不可以看後面的藥的成分

Where is your pain killer patch, the sports one

你有沒有貼布, 運動用的

Do you have 青草油? 4, 2 each long bar.

你有沒有青草油? 4 , 兩個人兩條

My Ipad broken, the news say you are at the pharmacy....is she the vegetarian, its right across the full meal round table you and the commanders combine to eat the family meal table, right across this Italian thin pizza. That is all Asian family meal, the round big table those big vegetarian elaborate design meal on the table. The menu is right outside with the photo. 


The news say you have a fan club, or that is...the square footage saying 213 坪 Adam's birthday.

You want to go to those women's orchestra those flag team, its in the memorial hall. Its on the news. On the weekend, they are there practices. 中正紀念堂 

The medical health. This street goes to your grand hotel next by that Niko And...but its the same pathway to go to the regular hospital. But I think it might be very noisy, when you decide to find out that time.  But both of you don't need to carry the grocery TOO far dragging, its right there, you take the elevator up, and down.

They open at 5:30.

Across, that is the cake place, the post office - diagonal, you can sit inside, the air-con.

No, you go inside, click that diagonal door, inside, the air-con.


Right, next by, that is another Real Estate.

If you rest here, you can turn around the opposite direction from post office to go all the way the end about 10-15 mins walk to Star-Buck, that is the Amazing road, I wonder if you prefer the Star Bucks. Here is the big road, you ask any taxi to go anywhere you want.

If she is a vegetarian, you have about like 2 mins, or 30 second from that star buck, a very classy vegetarian is called 小小樹人

Its a milk cheese vegetarian, the giant big, for you and the 20 commanders all inside. The giant big.

Inside looks like. The same Amazing Road.


They start at 5 oclock.

Does the cake place open? They say 3 oclock.

So you keep walking to the Star Buck, or you ask the taxi in front of it, they can find their way back to that Niko And, that direction. (At the post office that side its one straight line 10 -15 mins waiting your traffic weekend time, its straight)

You will pass....the general residence. That giant tree in the Japan cartoon.

龍貓 probably just 10 mins walking. or 5 mins, do you buy those keyboard?

There is a 7-11 before, you can seat in there, that is a bigger 7-11. RN Erin, next by, remember? You get to 7-11 before that corner, you can put 10 people on it, with your luggage. 

No, that opens, the Star Buck. 

You put your luggage on the couch, relax on the couch, the giant couch.

You tell her to wait there, its just 30 second to get there, here on your right its Shanghai restaurant. You and them drive in with the car for the velvet parking. At least you knowing that. 

小小樹人 is a giant word, to your taller height, look up.

That is a giant word, a small lane to cross, 2 step up. (2 step cross, 2 step up)

You can see from the outside window, you 2 sleep on that couch, waiting until 5?

Right, the Amazing road, is giant long, diagonal, that is the blue teacher and the red hair teacher in Sakura Card (90s) you use your eyes to see, or Iphone focus, that is the corner of the elementary school.

Congratulation, you arrive the Amazing Road. Inside the windows, you can see it.

2 sides here are all the banks. Your side, and across. Right, the middle are those giant tress....right those Trees in the movies, right.

These roads are with the car to go up the highway.......you don't drive. I drive...or I guessing....you will be going somewhere with these road design like that.

"Say hi ~~~ birds!!!"

Shut up, shut up, shut up~~~~~

From here do they go to where that Niko And...yes, I think you called the taxi, he will go straight pass the bank circle and that circle its round turn to that 忠孝東路? He will turn right, the same turn right, and you just go straight that hotel, you tell the taxi, not at the corner to stop, you drive another 30 seconds, you don't need to walk. The plaza hotel there, that is where you were this morning?

Where are you luggage?

If its the Hyatt, no, he turn right on 


============== 仁愛

============== 信義 ( 588)

How the car can turn, its on the right, that way.

If its W, he keeps going straight, and turn on the blue line that road to the right.

If its the Taipei station, he turn to the left, on.....not sure which road, some of these road is one direction to 101. 

You are not driving here. These are the Conan the road name folktale those folk song.....

Right, if that is the Caser', the first road turn left, straight down, you will be right across to the Caser's hotel (right at the Taipei station)

So the taxi just straight and right

or straight and left?

Yes. Except Hyatt I think.

I think the taxi can go to that diagonal road to turn left, then he turn right on 588 to get to the fast speed lane, and when he approach to that diagonal road, he turns left your Hyatt is on the right.

Right, you can still keep going on that diagonal road to W, correct.

But you talking about this giant road, some Taxi is better at this turn or fast lane or slow lane, there is a difference in the city.

The fast lane has no motorcycle, the slow lane is where the taxi let the pedestrian down. 

Oh the Shangri la? On your left that Star buck, you need about 10 mins walking.

There is a shopping mall next by. The City Super kitchen small tiny plates those and the pancake machine, or the pets leash.... on the B1 or Muji (eating building), they are connected pathway.

Then the City Super Supermarket, is at B2 the eating place.

You have a Root here on the B1, from Canada, that Roots, not Ruth from America.

No, that is not the hotel, you go to next by.

The water fountain, those escalator once, that is muji on your right, going in. If one more escalator down B2, that is the eating area.

But if before you arrive the water foundtain, that buffet or chef on the wall, that is your hotel to stay, the bakery is that door next by the chef giant photo, or the buffet giant photo. The small door, going in, you keep passing that, there is your hotel sign in counter.

遠企 That is we calling that. You don't call that 香格里拉 = Shangri la. 

Matrix one kiss lady....her silk its on those 4F or 5F floor, on the shopping mall. Her name exactly. You check the directory.


Let me see....

Maybe you like the electronic at 5F, all the washer and dryer....that kind.

CRY is Conan. Rolf is her german ex husband's name.


On the first floor, there is a counter, you asking them if they have the floor plan?


No, still a lot of the walking per floor plan, you checking per name, still a lot of the walking. You already walk a lot. 

I think it might be the 4th, I keep curving going in, there is a mirror, there is this VIP waiting resting room, and the cafe carts behind, putting there, and you touching things around there on the shelf....a lamp, and next by, that is where the glass panel of the front store. Blocking you, you cannot go in, its a glasses all blocking.

Saying Persephone

You can try to knock that window, glasses to see, there is no door.

When you finish the 5F, those electronic, coming out, the elevator on your left straight down to B2, you sit and you eat. The things you buy, no, you can just eat what you buy, they don't care about it. It designs like that. 

Frank name would be 法蘭克

If you seeing the crystal colorful art. Dragon, those bright or Art color.

Next by its the Copenhagen, on the wall, you walking, the tree behind, its a solid wall.

Copenhagen. The black wall. You will hear a sound of the store ring.

Frank, Copenhagen, and....one more, I think that is Red River Manga, Titto's name.

They are at the corner near the escaltor. Frank would be the clearest, crystal all light shining there.

Frank is 琉璃工廠

Copenhagen is amber (dinosaur making the mosquito - Jurassic Park (90s) )

And Titto would be....you seeing the similar things.

Made into....Sample, like that. Each stood. 







You can check per item, whom stood there petrified. 

No, I waited. (Lake House says)

Just wait. The Chinese says "Until the sunrise."

Its pouring rain. Stay in the air-con, nice air-con in B2.




Flower Thousand Bone - Cannot Say


I check it, its all business world, or those committee world, not those clothing human.

As long as you have the brain, you copy paste every textbook out page 1 to page 100, on Earth, just similar to outside, your brain is functional normal, you can make your living and stay alive. You only need to stay alive. With the money, you can always stay alive.

The laws, the medicine, the IT.

With a little bit spirituality, or gradually, but focus on the senior care, like feeling well, feeling good, feeling teeth are fine, all that.

I still feel horror correct.....if the movie was daunting....one time I say, I need to stop, I stop. 

Right now, I guessing they are sarcastic or they training the girl.  My body used to got too shocked every frame, too much process, I understand everything including the physical structure. 

You look per column up to down. Me, Tina, Pang.

 Me                                   Tina                         Pang

straight down                    her column              His column

column                              Her                           His

Are you staying here tonight?

You tomorrow morning, you waited until that "hotel" part, of the first floor near the elevator, you have the schedule "time", like 8 is 2 circle.

Right now you are looking at this oval shape all ground. You look at your line below, that is one oval around the light black tiles.

Its 1-5 F

You walk like Prince of Persia, per circle / oval surrounds, its round around and around, keep circulating around up to 5F, and they stop at the stair, right, you look at it.

Its where you get 10 tickets special - All You Can Eat. 

Your correct entering location.....

There is  LAC where you eat next by. You sit on the brown round circulating hard wood to your butt red wood furniture chair?

Your vitamin C, L-lysine, Fish oil omega 3 6, 9.

You take 2000 mg vitamin C + 1 L-lysine 800 mg after you finish your 10 dumpling or that drink from City Super.


Its too hot outside, you walking too much, too.

There is a near by Star Bucks, that is for Amazing Road all that company people, Monday they opens. No, not the one you walk 10 mins, no. 

They hidden that too. Its inside the lane. Here is those big black car going through, the car garage is hidden behind. 3310 Pillow Up Book, that drama.....that Kingship, that big gate place on the Bank road ( you are on the Bank Avenue)

I think...L might be a wall. You looking at the 9 oclock.

(Stop.... you screaming often~~~) 

You go back to the hotel, or wait your luggage here, you go to the room and sleep, take a shower, rest your stomach just ate for a couple hour, and go to sleep.

B complex, you have to check, I think they have so many different kinds of the B complex, the women we need that for our nerves.

Mia C Bon, they sell a good German multi-vitamin.

Japan formula ( near by, next to 7-11) let's say the Taiwan older set up pharmacy, They have a different groups to this "daily intake" the multi-vitamin. German is everything. Japan branding is the B something and something....we are smaller figure.

Look at the road you are screaming.....wait til you walk on it, the birds never stop screaming, you scream every single seconds of it.

Don't worry about it, I put some weight, my back bones, or my collar shoulder bones hurt.

The stress, I used to say. Today my collar shoulder bone here front hurts.

I lay down 10 mins I think. My left shoulder bones hurt.

I think Shane is in Japan, he eats Mc Donald, the otter intch his way in on his right hand biting in.......And you are the dog barking with this microphone again (I scream)

A  professor say if you buying this in Europe is 300 dollars, in Taiwan is 30 dollar (the market)

So.....you need to find your food here? That dog just leaking his tea there, that is not the food and singing. 

They are not quitting doing this. 

PC games: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I3NxgwGGNEs

Clean the house and cooking ! 



I will tell you, I don't feel like to cook anymore, not right now. Right now, this year. I finish this year, I figure it out next year. Rest, and go to sleep.

If you don't go to sleep....my left toe that left horn nail, I keep taking it out.....I trim so many time, its inside, has to scoop it up. It never happens with me.

Is this the Taipei Station ?

I want to go to sleep~~~~~~~~

You want to eat those beef noodles?!!! From Taiwan ~~~~~!!!

The soup and those noodles ~~~!!!

The pig and the dogs with the birds on the top.


Do you like those pig parts, those......its in Eastern Area....


Wait, they close it, already. Too fat, too far.....let me check. That is on your second floor, Tina is 2nd dish. You look at the chef on the wall, and you will find that restaurant. My grandpa eating that, and got the cancer and died. 

They say you getting a motorcycle to go those eating places....all these ads near by. 

I need to check my left foot. All day.

You go to the second floor, the 2nd dish, I think its one of those restaurant counting from the left 1 and 2 and the 2nd menu with the Award winning, on it. And you trace back to the chef. When I selected it, I knew why....right now I forgot.

Go to sleep. Next - Shane ~~~ Happy Birthday ~~~ We finish the DAY ~~~~~~

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