
( Vomit ) You are ...

This vampire and the wolf were originally from ?

You what? My neighbor knocking.....the birds cannot stop quacking.

( Coughing none stop )

No wonder.....why don't people file just nothing but Heaven coming will sound correct. In the last very minute, someone has to die?! Not just a TV drama anymore. oh My God.

They keep airing to me this Japan, and you get the trip to go North, too. Sometimes you take a break and think through. All of these visible people are the real celebrity, you probably keep forgetting you aren't a real celebrity, Hugh. This is one thing if you take my advice for you. I am not 100% sure you fully conscious what is the origin, or the original means, you probably no longer can, or cannot be to be with them. They will be in the England, the current time.

The news here told me, you stay in Taiwan to ride your motorcycle. That is what they tell me on the Chinese written news. But if for Westlife, Youtube whomever behind....they will tell you its in Japan.

No, I won't be a celebrity, no. 

If in the Heaven's time, I have the heavenly golden armory military, but its at Babaji's side, home at his. I got nothing this way saying it. He apparently destroyed it until we get this far.

I would be leaning at America side, that will sound like UB MD 6+2 them have no power those. They  got some umbrella on their head. The old didn't die all out, and has some more reflective situation. Unless some of them decides this origin, were they long time ago the parents from.....right now they are born a lot more as the American.

No, not necessary reasoning as the classmate ? No, they are none reasonable. They are the MD group. That would be whatever I am not doing anything with them really. 

Ireland, definitely not

Yes, I would be fine here. If you tell your Prince charmed them, maybe they can figure all out for you, and welcome you two home once again. You don't really wish these....what did you all do, not settling, and you forever hide in Asia, in front of your mother, father, aunt, uncle and all that? 

What I gonna do with my none related family? I am fine. 

Am I gonna dump that older gentleman? Nick, his name is nick. No, I won't really let him go near that Indian General, but I did tell him. A lot of things I do tell him on the first min or my mother, too. 

What you gonna do if they two die?

Irene's brother got a kid, and Irene, too. Its not as near, but my grandpa had a set-up, so we grew up with the city planning, too. The local family gets near to each other.

So its not you are dying with or without them?

I am fine.

oh you mean I hardly talking to them, those not fine?  To be honest, the last thing its I talking in Taiwanese local language, and they aren't doing that as fluent in the Taiwanese, so they are a lot more refine, too. Why don't you think how to rest or eat your dinner....your departure date and time its not this week or next week, right? 

I drive, not here.

They ....would be political at my father's side, if King's Panda none stop talking, when they will be quitting. That is not necessary a very we say, every relative is on a different side when my mother and my father first got married !

Where you gonna run to, that time?

America, probably.

You ever tell Nicky and Shane those things....whatever political since WWII?

Definitely not, of course not. 

But isn't Nicky they.....those are on the movie?

Square didn't leave the house and the uncle and his every wife are respected still in that bracket. She cooks fine, or she tears fine, those argument, but regulate the affection by all of them.

Do you ever show them those departing scene like the Sailor Moon?

Definitely not, they are handicap. The less they know, we all happy to be.

I used to probably have some friends and I got lost, it was a flower. I seen it even. You wonder where a world has no prophecy to one Bible, becoming so loudly debates over AD 2000 years, so it must be a very huge thing on the planet.

It is a sunshine world.

And that has nothing to do with Babaji?

oh, that would not be a pink sky all world, or staring at his golden all light throne, whichever those context. I am not sure which memory intertwine to look like a real body here.

And you got told, so you remember?

It could be all of the above they say, correct.

You have a system all of them as a classmates?

Feeling a lot different, correct. The origin.

Are they going to find all that out for you in the court, when you get to the court and tell people?

I am not in the court.

Right, speaking of that, and since you are so near, you think these paper like .....

I will not join the court room fight at the moment. If I change my mind, I find out the correct sequence at that time how to proceed something, so I won't be A. its the system bind classmates, B. I vanish AGAIN in the brand new sunlight, another prophecy book ALL OVER again, reborn means. I hate to be re-born, seriously, literally, starting all over from 1 year old. 

Its very humiliating one day...I know so, I felt so, in my core being so.

It would be a sunshine world that has no Buddhism, I think....imagine that.

So Sariputra will be seen as the number 1 disciple next by the Indian General, the present of the 2 people. Him and my brother.

No, no particular relation, no.

uh, I get back to my body. The current front life. How we all gonna do this, really. Like if I would speak the local Taiwanese and those motorcycle ride, those southern Taiwan people's life? Me, no. I use the airport to go to America. If before.....not me imagine these, Japan, or Singapore has those on the tourism. I don't think I will ever get any life of that anymore. 

The happy roommate, many people used to meet, to talk, to facebook, to chat. The best friends roommates, so they go on a hostel, or on tourism to eat out, all that. I thought about something before.....the Taiwan people gone to UB, and they fly to NYC. And so many classmates of the Asian population will be from NYC, or the Long Island. Its Chinese most of them. 

Not even those ABC life, they have the local Long Island parents.

Like me life, those?

LoL, travel. They travel together.

A flower means....sucking in. All these chaos, I have to be at the computer at all.

What you gonna do with Ronan?

You need to address him a little bit title, Mr. Keating. He is way too older than you.

You would be using the Jesus original name?

I do think Jesus has an original name, correct. I am way too upper than any of them, so.....correct. Not any of you using that, any word of any of that. These...okay, I see it. No, Kryon talked about it, some of those words. These are in English, or Hebrew, oh ~ That is Jesus' original name? 

Did he get a memory?

I am not sure ! I think he will be Ronan as Ronan, I believe that. He might be a very funny person, you know ! He is a super star in Ireland.

You met him?

Definitely not. 

You know you are a girl, saying you are not a real TV that inside Titled, you talk like, just not the form how you look like. And we are all the guys, and that kinds of the family background. 

Don't worry about it. Enjoy you are the youngest...that is what it means.

You would be the hair of ....

Probably its a black hair.

uh....when I get back to my correct brain, I call Shane, don't worry about it, all of these. I have many things to sort, and I probably just ask Shane what he watched the moves or the notes. I trust him. I have watched the fragments of it. He can talk out.

Are you going to look for your friends with the court room here?

Definitely not. 

Do you think your body is a girl? We are the guys and all that?

I think it might be, correct.

Breaking up, I mean.

You mean Nicky, not Shane, or all of that?

The guys in general?

Maybe Nicky, some girls believe in that or Brian.

Do you like them at all?

Definitely not that Nicky or Brian, of course not.

Do you know a girl will talk like that, like definitely not Nicky nor Brian?

I actually don't know ! I keep saying the women's leadership because that is on the TV. Anything I could put that a shield, meaning I have a brain.

Do they make you cry?

She probably be dead, no need to cry. I am not sure its they making me so many direction of this.... to really say the crying parts.

Me crying part if I like the guy, one of those? Any guy in our culture?

oh, you mean those guys inside Westlife?! You mean the celebrity ! I am probably too too too old for this, way too old, I will tell you that. Too old to feel anything about this, really. 

Do they know that part?


For 2 people to meet, or going on a date, or a dinner to eat out .....

Hugh ! 

You know how your parents talk to you when you were a kid? Those times, those years ....when you are less independent. Right now, you are WAY too independent for your both parents and the sisters. They probably exaggerating too many situation so people imagine a reality, that is not clear in the true scene to all walk of lifes, seriously.

What's that?

You are anxious to meet people and talk to people, be a nice family kid, traveling, and enjoying life a bit. Between each other. 

And you know what's next?

We will wait and see.  (I clean up and sleep)

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