
I talk?

You start to realize what it says?! You think I know what happened to you, outside you inside you because we are side by side, I have a movie, that kinds of saying, together we rotton the life every movie is the bad indicator, that kinds? So together I could tell ....I just public decline when I realize its all of you were on the screen, and I am the last one be told. I wasn't even looking at it.  Too busy with a piles of stuffs.

You mean I was late to comment? 

2) {The Youtube songs, and the movie clicks, the subscribers numbers that damaged your reputation and at the same time making it money with that story, and all that. That kind?!

You care about it a lot. }}}}}         okay.   √ 

I think you all have some issues you wasn't talking about it until I talk about it, right?

You freak out about these youtubers on cooking, because they can be like a numbers of the chefs and you never met in your life you will never get near, and they are in the same space and time making the money somewhere else, smile-ing and being successful, all that.

What do I think? I ever think that kinds.

I think you all have some issues, right. /////////////

In the school, in life, and in general people social skills and all that. Miss school, to vola outside the school, and when people getting near to the school, you freak out, that is what you mean? That kind? 

Piss off.

Every boyband's interviews, Westlife. How can you possibly to go to MY NSYNC boybands to see the interviews, all that?

Or this is I am getting married to ( in that direction), there is a romance with Shane.

I hardly talk about it. So many other things, and none of you want to put that efforts to the most important things in life its only my direction. And I am so modest at it ....just keep writing, wordy, painting no more, but it is on the website and writing in the literacy, in your life, inside this one lifetime.....we are 2 times direction apart.

Where is Shane, that will be our chat daily life conversation you think? Behind behind?

Other than the food, the water, the warm water, Shane ~~~ the cup, washing it the mouth touches...no, my cups, so yours, too.

1) No one required that.  1)a its not the only direction turn.   1)b Modest means away from the laws, no one knows. That is not the legal standard. 1)c The personal belief.

If Shane comes here.....Yes?

Will he meet my family? Skype.

Can my mother meeting them, with you? No. She goes on her own. They eat the meat, the big meat, the salty meat, and the spicy meat. She usually declines when we grew up but I wrap her up pretty to go. I won't be going with her at all. 

Are they going to get together? Not I know of.

So those TV will never happen? ....Not really.

Shane got told, Nicky got told? I have saying it.

How simple your life to be? I want a life, I can get any life, you mean?

What you gonna do at your own birthday party or Shane's birthday party, no one from your side came? 30 years I have no birthday party, I think I had that in the grade 1 or 2. My mother did do those kids' some party shown.

And he is a celebrity?  And I am just....a civilian, meaning a fan of him rush to get to Heaven, "You want to go, Shane?!!!" Trying to convince him, why a certain ABCDEFG they are real, Shane ~~~ ~~ Love you, bye !  Hurry to go, you know what I mean?

Is that legal the court room find out, you believe there is Heaven inside the TV telling you where to go, or your every map the building structure all combine?

I am not going now, but....you mean what does Shane and me alone will talk about. 2 best friend, love you~~ other than the food, the water, the dish plate. The gf bf?~ I probably in person talk like a in person. Just not right now. 

He does the business and you do the writing? Does that pay?

We are not together, so it hasn't paid yet. 

So let's say your theory would be based upon: the spiritual merits in the meditation on the Mon-Fri and on the weekend, and the kids on your every family side needs their parents, getting old like ours, but rather to choose, chosen a lifestyle of Friday & Sat one extra piece of the clothing near where you say, and it must be the same like the college life with the mommy,

+ the BTX System data sheet meaning the occupation and the money

+ To make it the Heaven standard or the medical insurance cost in your living environment where is not like the US.

Through what you see...what you mean the Heaven here you go, because you are right?! 

The esoteric teaching and exoteric teaching. You know I starting speaking an ancient language, here is just the ancient Chinese.

( Earthquake )

Can you go to the legal court to make a law, that is legal only that, so everyone gets to heaven?

The second one is the only one legal. 

Everything else?

I am not sure.


What about the cooking?


I think just being decent, and many guys can benefit or wishing each other well when they meet. All the love story, and people like to get to those life, I believe.

But those are not Heaven.

Mason, like a certain structural because you keep seeing them higher known world. If just 2 people romance other than a structure in the society, and they go to Heaven. That has nothing to do with each other. 2 people in that space, and one day, they physically or the Heaven descend, or something that is the Heaven definition. I don't know.

So it will never be a structure?

Heaven will know what that is overall structure, but that isn't the (2), the only thing legal.

So you cannot claim any of this to the legal court or you will?

Its already done. That system scale is the only thing legal. Meaning they sent in a bill, long time ago, and the real legal all worlds already know that. Its in the laws.

But that is not the heaven standard.

Its legal. You just talking about my family, how I seeing them when you using my perspective in every cross moving title, not even the content, all that.

But you are not making that the only legal standard across the society.

Of course not. Its already legal !!!  


In 40 years, are those income inside the bank, for real, those are the system data means?


But that is not us here...those are the freedom to do. You becoming successful, then only you know your own bank.


You and Shane talk about it?

Not the way you say it. 

What do you say to him?

Everyone lies, unless you open their bank statement like Tina does, you will never find out the lies.

And that is the system data?

Correct, but I didn't use those words to him.

But you taken them all for now?

I am a part of the rulership, so a lot of this....its not Babaji's the only will. I can do anything I want, so I say, Ronan stays put....in front of you. Not these...but I think in those, some of them have the issues. If that is the instance manifestation, the Heaven armory will immediately sort.

That is not how it sounds to us.


Its you and Shane not talking about, or this is you talking about?


A lot of that will be...any sounding of it, you allow to do anything you want?

Almost, correct.

Because its Ronan's issue?

Right. His service to humanity, that is not an actual word for anyone he ever knew, or he had too little influence on anything to...."Service to Humanity". All walks of life, and come down a lot more than his attitude or his statues to every soul that God intend, but correct...the system data is his winning bet.

You are forcing him on that or?

Karma if someone is not modest, he can be instantly crash down like the Jupiter's those imagination weight, right through his psychi or his should blade behind him, crash him to die.

The System Data or the Mastership?

No, I didn't really forcing him to, he can pick a wife and settle down. No more service to humanity.

You are not saying anything to us, how you sound like to Ronan, he is a celebrity. Not the monk, not the priesthood, not the Bible, not the parable story inside the Bible, not even Daniel 10 days vegetarian inside the Bible, or the Moses story, or the exile, or the exodus. You saying anything and everything to everyone else, except him. You give him a sheet in America.


But there are the worse degree of everything else, he is not required to do.

I get Shane in. And we are 2 people, he will be not too near, and either he imagine that Shane's position in Ireland, or finally he likes something, including he knows or not knowing, anything from America, other than me and Shane. He has 4 more Westlife, included. He just control that music world as...without every other 1000 industry worlds, that's it.

So that is not what you say here, 2 of you. Shane agrees just him and you?

We didn't really talk about why to get together, but that planning, he have heard.

You talking anyone behind you anything you know of, or they say, on Ronan?

Definitely not. Of course not.

You are not talking to them at all?

They talk to me, correct. 

So it will never be you asking, "Master this master that."

Of course not. 

But that is not the dogs say?

I am no more fantasy or illusion like the TV tells you.

Some parable stories, you read, you heard, you learn in the past, you know how it sounds to us?


That is not you ever said as the story lessons, or the King of Maya's traps those said.

Right. Definitely not. The informatic era its just the product and the service sale sale sale. Eat, drink, sleep, go for a walk, and looking at the sky. Human too many worlds. Its just 2 of us, none of those required to share any human on this existence of any sphere.

Are you 2 gonna remain as the strangers in the real life?

Probably saying hi and goodbye so many times on the phone, some conversation like he heard, he understands. Its everything he understands.

Its not everything you understand?

Of course not. 

Pope those are not your route

Definitely not. Ronan has a name in the past, he can write and still talk fine in English. You and the other people might really like about him. The friendly of whom he becoming this life. That part didn't need to change that much, I think he does meditate, some parts of those insert didn't really require to imagine....the 3 Worlds Laws. That is when you say the goblin in the movie, or the King of Maya, or a certain pathway, the path. If its just a happy life, he has a name from before.

But you are not watching the movies to decipher all of that per line for HIM, Ronan.

Of course not.

The spirituality?

No, he already got the name. He is on Earth, near, too near to something all around here and Shane is pressing my side, so I say YOU Shane here. So that natural road path, Ronan has to rule them if he just stays in the music worlds. As long as he is kept the upper world, sunshine happy day happy in, the daily conversation with the business, or the business sort. That is the Heaven's accordance will. Only that.

Not monk.

Of course not.

If its the sunshine outside world?

The same, the similar office, the statistic on his desk those idea, to say the money or the daily or here, I think he knows how he runs this world all that. Same. An office as long as its grounded. Just the upper world, the happy life, the happy things. He finishes his works, he goes home and sleep.

No sermon

Definitely not. Anything but that.

You got told or shown, so you only deliver that?


Nothing else?

Its not near me, I don't need anything of that, but the same description. I check on him every once a while, he stays where he is and doing nothing but those scene. He is fine.

You know why?

I don't need to know why. 

Does the human needs to know all that....WHY?

Its Heaven's will or Babaji's will, you never asking why, but if I told the public opens, for sure the human wishing him well and will find out. For them and for him.

So you only only only ever ever does....its those will, not the why?


Because only you and another person's life. Daily bread meets the drink, all that sweat on your eye brow...

The Bible verse, NO!  Shane is not so near about these, I have so many other things. I ...still think he meant if there is the Heaven he will go. So to be together, that is eternity together, maybe he didn't think of it. I think of it after.

You can only be busy at the things in front of you, that you comprehend, but none of that is us our life here or whatever the TV

Of course not.

You have no furniture and no human.



You are scared, so you find the human....and that is Westlife?

I ask Shane first, maybe he knows so much more. There is a plan, that is not a lot of the people Heaven can handle more than that... I got told, or I got shown, I go near. 

They know that?

NO! I wrote that, yes, some of it. 

But you are not sure Shane would be, so you wait til the last min if he ever shows up?


But not Ronan.

Of course not.

Babaji says maybe I take Ronan ....to that. I am not sure. That place....cannot go in there. Inside. We just temporarily there, maybe.

What is this medicinal pot with a lid on it? 

Maybe he uses the panini machine and the slow cooker is fine. He is a celebrity, his program is his office and his table desk those are fine.  Be happy one lifetime.

I go to sleep, my weekend ~~

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