
There is a movie

The whiskey sour. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

In America, we have the sour creme, the sour creme chips.

Benjamin advertising ....the lightening strike that inventor, he is famous.

How to write this in the actual lawsuit concerning of the people of ....

It could be I write it, and I say called the witness, and they are ...ABCDE. In front of the judge, we say about that account the actual scene, not necessarily writing it down, because we don't know what's going on. But if I submit, and the judge agrees he calls the witness forward, then ABCDE is at the witness account. Its not actually the defendant. I can only claim, there is the real person involved in the familiar scene, we don't know what it means. 

The Lords of Ring 1.

How do you say "chance" in English? the beginning, Charles?

I cannot watch it anymore. The ring in the water, that image. 

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(my both hand trembling holding this paper, fallen, kneel.... I understand what you did.)

That is the rescue ranger's cartoon from. 

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4 eggs + shredded cheese, 5 table spoon milk

= that will never be the red color.

蛋濁物  (黏濁物), might be just 3 words, not 4 words, it has to be egg, and...not sure its with the glue or not gluey.

The bow going in the pan at 12 oclock facing yourself, "about to fallen" in the pan ( it should be a whole sheet), but I cannot see a whole sheet.

2 your big black hat ladies hugs and cried in the Catholic Church.

You are the ceremony world.


Ronan older handcuff to the helicopter.     Wrong, its Turkish airline, there is an Earthquake and many people died.

Shane younger violently beat up Nicky, especially the head, so he is mental, like his hair red.

Meaning Dean beat up the red hair.

Definitely not !

I need someone goes back to that earlier movie. 哭 = knock knock the dog. ( The couple therapy), just added in if you have it or not. 

Is this about the guys, or the King?

You know they do those business talk, or the business shadowing the prince, or the business manner how to talk, how to present, how to look at a person up or down, and there is a deal?  You are not good doing that, why are you forcing yourself into those imagination? The guys like to become like that, so Ronan and Shane goes and train themselves to becoming like that.

You can just IQ wise get the paper correctly, not even look at the people's eye when talking or listening, and you think, or get back later in reply? You cannot talk. Me cannot talk?!

Those are highly successful people, the public media inside those news driven behind them all their life. Anyone talks to them will be related to ?? The money !


I used to live by myself ...once.  It was strange, I always have 1 additional people to handle the house. So assuming my mother is not always gonna be my mother, she has 2 other kids life, her, her conscious to stay here or going over to America to help and all that, because each of them have so many this house indoor 1) Washing the under pants 2) sewing the jacket pocket problems or the zipper problems, or sewing the sandal. 

I have to be in Taipei. You don't know the real land where they coming in and going to the city design this transportation, how they make that easy. Like one me, or one mother to be right here. So its me to be here, she goes.

This one video meal....I used to be living by myself. For myself, I won't even make a too good preparation, because just 1 me eating. I just be quiet in the room, and go to sleep. No more guys, other than the PC works. I wasn't very very accustom to that life.

This video: you can get a BIGGER pot, that is 4 people one small tiny bowl to drink the soups

        The rice cooker its by itself. 

        You grew the chive indoor, that is 20 cuts that small pieces green onion in the soup for 4.

        So the only 2 things, that is the octopod ham and the Korean omelet. 

Its not an elaborate meal, but its for sure in 30 mins, someone like 4 guys + 1 me, can immediately having something inside the stomach warm and to eat. Not to say someone brings one full chicken, and one cake. You at least that stable when someone thinks of you, its every single meal stable. Not 1 or 1 and half hour, or it was in the Youtuber's video, the whole night, they all standing there full days and til the night time has no food at all. Not even one pizza order to take out.

You mean, someone has to treat you a meal? On the table, you waiting the restaurant, you mean? 

If you what?

Can cook all that one day, can anyone get that Nicky?

They do business, they are very skillful in that all world language, the look, the coming near, the language, or the attire that you make an easy gesture that is a business preparation talk.

Yours are never gonna be a business talk?


You don't know how to hook up a dryer or a washing machine, + the cup of the detergent or the softener to use, or which part of the washing machine inside, look around, the net that has the dusts in it? 

How to clean the window rims in the Chinese New Year, or the COVID 19 door knob, the door frame, or the locket, or the front door, Chinese New Year just twice: the New Year and the Chinese New Year. 

My bathroom is every single day, I pick something to do. 

You never cook, so it doesn't require those sponge + the green part to wash the full chicken drip at the base of the oven has a piece of the iron flat surface. Its oily those. You never required to learn. They use the soap to foam at the yellow part, because the green will scratch, either that is the baking tray, or that is a piece of steel, not when heating it up, its poison. 


They usually use way over load the soap to imagine way enough the foam is the white to be seen, that is how everyone washing their sink, or every component of the kitchen oven parts that tear down. 

They all believe in foam more than the soap, correct. The pure detergent parts to lightly wipe all surface and wait....but I am the chemist.

If me and Shane really lives together, its every handle in that kitchen, he ever touches with his finger prints, will be wipe, including that closet door, just look at it, near the handle parts. I got so sensitive the front door too. It bothers me.

He needs to come home every single time, wash the hands, wash the face, take a shower, and go to nap, or eat, or drink the water I hand it to him or take his vitamin C. Too cold maybe.

When you should take the vitamin C again?

Every time you see a human, you can take the vitamin C.

He knows or they know might be....that is one lifetime?

Not very pushing it....but lightly told, here and maybe....I don't remember.

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