
What is I cannot talk about anyone, but Hugh?

You don't have what classmates in....those TV.

One of those days me seeing these Dean or Wing ferry the soul like that Harry Potter, all together doing this on the map....my head like the bird coming up and down. They think so funny those the world let them run. Sorry, let them down.

oh ~ you all don't know, or Hugh is planning that, too. Something Olivia is not a dark hair. Are you a gay, aren't you a white? Aren't you supposed to be these mini skirts and the glimmer sports car, you and Olivia to arrive these video taken you all to some grander England event venue with all the upper class, every youth couple like you all to gather? 

MY classmates its these American medical board trying to say they have the heart, how does this Harry Potter ends up to ferry the soul, again? 

Taiwan is fine, correct

Okinawa is fine, correct.

Korea is fine, right with Japan too. All of us are fine.

Hong Kong is not.

So if this you are on the boat, and this compass stays on the north, and then what?

If Harry told you he is going to China, I think he meant real.

So if you just staying til the Okinawa or leaving from Okinawa, you jump off the boat no matter what to swim back, 1 miles or 2 miles, or just immediate jump off the boat, and going up to Okinawa, or Taiwan seashore, You going in the police station, you be fine in there.

No, he is not supposed to do that.

The compass would be if you adjust your needle to the north, you looking at the compass, now? On the right side, that is 101, correct, but you don't have a boat below your feet to sailing toward the left side. That will be China, because your boat below your feet is on the water keep moving left side, that will be West to China communism coastline, and be detained there.

You want to go back to some Master degree, Hugh? Getting some classmate your age?

Some student clubs activities where your schooling would be with Olivia? With some friends in there, or your classmate, these movies or the venture means to you exactly like the Disney says. or you want to tell me you hired this 150 people + the jumper?! No....

You want to go back to the school, working hard for 2 years is the most Master Degree, and you pick a finer university, stay closer to your mother or sister. Invite your friends. helping them or listening to them the debts. But you can get in a better school, some don't have the debts. You work on your facebook, its all indoor next by your mother. There is the butler, there is the PC, or 3C you cargo all these from here back home. Your mother can hire the chef, you and Olivia still lives near where your mother looking at you.

You go to rehab for your drug addiction, or the that is the medical some stuffs, then you go to the hospital

How old are you Hugh? You are not running the whole worlds with anything you say the money, or the values at this age. You get to 50 years old and look back, your Master degree for 2 years, and your one brand new facebook or the older classmates to say some venture, you won't regret it when you are 50 years old, you are what...just 30 years old like the news says, or younger?

Is my classmate anyone inside the China line, right now? I don't even know? 

Can they get out? NO!

Taiwan people or some Japanese or Korea, is mild, but some can talk. 

You go to your England upper worlds to fight, or talk or fist to each other. I don't need you to be perfect saying what is right or what's wrong. The way you are, then that is the way you are. Your mother is waiting for you, or there is something she is on my statue here? I don't need anyone to better statue, breath your live, to spend time on your PC, not the lies. So you sit down and talk to that Olivia.

Every girl can listen, if you just acting a tiny bit min, or second length, to sit there having a conversation. You like a better life, with the happier time, not in 50 years old, you want to tell me Harry regrets, its every human without the classmates facebook they regret?

You just remember what I said.

Here is a city. When you leave, no one here will remember you because its a capital, and international. Some people step out, and step in. You are not always on the TV, so no one will see you doing that, its just one me talking here.

That mentality is a colder idea, not those 3C salesman, everyone makes you buy buy buy, so you feel the friendly atmosphere when you paid them. They are all like that here on this Taiwan island. The whole day my mother can get outside her feet to hopping everywhere to talk.

Its here, its here, they speaking the language they doing that.

You go home and make your new worlds, you already seen this part of the world, didn't I take you, and you renovate the apartment, you can going up north and witness the typhoon and coming back down, you hear about the military, even those royal where staying separate or on the leave term, all that. All the animals are stand by on that TV portal. Every SINGLE day....

You go home and turn around to your mother this time .....you done everything here, as smooth as you can run away again, but this time you sit down to tell your mother that Harry Potter classmate to that one Harry. 

Everything you wish to tell her, let her and your sisters or your father know - you don't need to be perfect in any company setting, or the whole world domination those. You sleep 3 weeks to 3 months to 3 years, getting your facebook you wish its the classmate....not you heard something and you regret every motion deeper and deeper. Your butler get 2 or 3, in 3 days can clean up anything everything you buy from Japan, or from Taiwan, one trip, its everyone inside your mother's house, sit there and family group chat.

You want to run back here, your butler, pick up all that in England, and return 1 sea cargo in 3 months, you are the brand new Taipei apartment again.

Its not a big deal, its not !!

Yeah, you can stay here until the winter, its not as cold as the Europe. You facetime her all the time. Buying the stuffs and stack up. You can drink inside your apartment, yes.

You can call your mother one phone line, 1 month unlimited mins, for 1 year those phone line? 

Yes. You tell her next day someone pack up everything and go. Lock the door, someone finish the lease and the final talk for you. One airport parting, you all be back to your mother's house. You keep Olivia near or far, or all together to the new school, finish your degree or collect your classmate, "Where you been...you getting the new friends in the graduate school, where?"

"Can I be the advisor for this club, all these freshman 19 years old or 20 years old."

You don't need to move right now, you imagine things until the winter or next year (the first winter ends), your school begins when?

I what?

... .... ....

That was a honor program smaller class. I said ....1 of us reaching to the furthest SA, correct. So not everyone required to be perfect?

.... No!

So you won't staying with Shane, they are all each other's school mates, too.

I feel just home. It is an issue, the temperature and my food!

Will it always be ...the temperature and my food?


Hugh, .....I originally from here, I speak every kind of the Chinese here or the local language, and I will tell them these Ancient Chinese or the parable from our classroom, or the calendar stuffs. But those were all from the classroom, or the known local events or things we know of. Here in Taipei, no China. We don't air their TV here.

So that part, everyone knows I am not the same as SMCH. You can try to bribe any Taiwanese, every single one of them wish to be here. Its just the mentality. SMCH pretends to read those story formats, or somehow becoming like that, but all of them know I am nature of that.

She is a vietanese....Hugh. But the rest of them, some can speak in Mandarin, that culture exists. They know she is nothing real, seriously. I can exist here fine by myself, really.

But thank you for coming and thank you for asking.

I am fine.

I can influence them?

....you scared? Yes.

Just rest your head a bit, enjoy some months until the winter. But think about it your happier life with your mother and the family reunion again.

( My TV news or the movie ...... not sure )

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