
💝 Ronan ~ telephone (from Babaji)

You call him Master if your seniority in Heaven is too youth age, Ronan.

I would call him Babaji, better probably.

He speaks a very very ancient language. Beautiful.

I first congratulate you as my behalf of .....sorry (the eye glasses fallen), I have come far from the remote places other than here to the opposite direction. I have so many things to vent and so many complains to be honest, but I will one by one illustrate to you. First of, I don't eat meat nor the eggs, and I don't brush my teeth that much required in hell and I don't really have enough clean water to drink because I am in Indian doing this water survey everywhere by myself. They aren't hygienic enough, but they are a lot better than their past those years. I would rather die to stay alive saying, the food and the water service to its own origin was coming from the meat sources and that is not tolerable. And therefore, I have come afar to this dirty places that no one can possibly rescue me, at all. Then you show up (you two). This is so filthy dirty at all.

Do you want to save me, Ronan?

A list of the simple recipe as follows

A plate granola crackers with some oats and some grapes (Anna's those presentation)

I want some yogurt ( the hell not allowing) never mind.

I have some personal assistant they know my itinerary and liking, I give that to the American government those time, its not today's time. 

They are all....entering, the extreme hellish region, a lot of the people. Don't talk about it, Ronan. Many things are not real to you, at all, at all. Remember that. 

Babaji is like Hugh, arguing so much with me, I sent them to the forever no more sound world, every world.

Listen, people whom actually be like me, its in the video already. All of them.

No one wants to listen, that is their problems. That is the end of the stories. 

On Earth Ronan, this is in the solar system still have these 4 billions people Babaji says. You can choose to be the most successful people, and in this one full lifetime it will never be that video, everyone hermit and stays in the meditation, orderly and be seen on the video. That choice is a freedom wise. The governmental used to don't know 1) They exist, 2) they are highly train 3) They are highly wealthy. To this one life time including the eternity on this one planet, might be just right here, right at this time, one me.

I think that is the end of this one lifetime story. You can just continue the rings scrap people's car to your enemy or the opponent, together with Shane all that. 


No, I know exactly what you guys do, everything. What you all love to do actually.

Stay out of my sight, I never say a word about why they cannot, Ronan.

Ronan, I don't take those culture of that alcohol, the substance, the smoking, or more of those blue tubes whatever everyone its all loving it ilegal things to my society. I can just say no. If Shane has something to tell me, I hear them. That is how we left the last time.

I know how Babaji are, or me is, or Zawanna them what....all that.

You are not going to access him to boss this entire world in the monitization gains, right, Ronan? You know that very very clear, right? How many times he lost his possession to exchange a clean water?

Those stories to my eyes where the all worlds outside is not anything real in their practice or in their character building, like that Zawanna or some all combine doing the worse, or doing the wrong, all that....I am not seeing the real thing, or that is the real thing.

But there is the God above that is per act of the conduct must be attained, its on the movie, so I can getting all this hurt, that is very very bad.

Ronan....these video I seeing it.

The city means millions people, and Hugh is just 1 of them.

I don't need anymore one human in front of my eyes, just my mother temporarily. The city life is the door close, no one bothers anyone, everyone knows that here.

You know glory...its right now, you sitting on it. And I don't need to be any part of all of you, all together. Not the food, not the cake, not those TV fame too heighten family all together round table to eat out.

Everyone, except 1 me. There is no more chance, finished. 30 years ago. Its all finished. 

Glory to be the whole universe come to you, you 1 person going to the crowd. They will show you their meaning, and you are a part of their life.

That's enough said. 

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