
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mission impossible - Fallout ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Another hour and ten mins. 

No, when you see Shane or Brian (Backstreet Boy ) disappear …you scream. You don’t care about what the movie says. You collaborate with the record company ! You find out …why, or I leave that conversation ? It’s outside my building mid-night (?) and not everyone holding on the Nvidia external wall. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Nvidia exceeding Apple News. 3 weeks ago. 

Oh~ the paramedic, the air transfer. Your entire England upper world moves away, he has no more jobs other than carried himself.  

  • The small my left hand those cooking bubble things, that’s a clinic surgery. Here is not much we had some the health coverage. 
  • Then you have the plastic beauty for your neck or skin, those mod? If it becoming those round coming out? Those are the plastic beauty clinic. They are the bad news to Toronto, my money last time that …fort Erie things. 
  • Then if you have those regular hospital the heart, the hip, the theoat knod, that’s the operation.
  • The stomach ache is the hospital, or the bone for the ankle sprain 

You get up 6 oclock, my house mom, register morning number 1 or number 3. High tech click click click. She has no computer, the ipad or the phone. You can hire the Asian speaking the English and Chinese. (The upper house ). You get to the taxi 10 mins, and you walk in, you both sit until 9 o’clock - you are number 1 on the high tech monitor - the giant 1. A very loud sound too. You sit far away can see and hear it. It’s in front of your face. 

ER, that would be your doing ? My mothers head ?

She didn’t use the high tech (the app from the phone), she went to the ER. The same taxi ten mins. It would be at the ER side though. We have the hospital building all around there. 

Westlife - picture in my head.  https://youtu.be/PkfJZdVIiCc?si=AVMTvCiVbI3dB-b0

Women’s internal medicine or the head mental, it’s that hospital I gone to and return every 2 months. It’s up on the hill top. The gays 2018 we had that laws pass after Square they got married. But if you just mean the bandage, the iodine    3: 33      You use your scissor cut…those 紗布, and put it on someone with a tape. The medical use tape. They sell alkaline washing the wound solution. You getting the pharmacy store right in the hospital. Unless it’s a roll up things… you all at least know what you did to yourself the small tiny things. 

Those mod? Tale more vitamins C, B and multi-vitamin. 

You use your finger nail see if that’s just a skin to scrap it down, it won’t get more solid. 


Next movie: Pokémon Detective Pichachu,

Sleep 20 mins… Got up.  “How do I eat this casserole ?” (Oven heated… Fork~~). I don’t join any of this right ?

You are the leadership side by side idea, that kind? In comparison ? I watch this …. SO MANY TIMEs ( biting my …marinated Tofu) there is no taste on this tofu inside the green hot pepper. 

The hologram, right. That’s not Jonathon. 

They are not the real doctors, whom have to analyze, knowing a lot of the cases. They are guessing and everyday to get rid of 9-5, that’s not reading the cases. Anything these otters do included. At least they for sure are not the Pokémon to say the movie’s resemblance. Discern their faces, their voice, their mood, their expression, their habitats, their momentum, all that. 

  • To write a clear calligraphy in the pen or in the pencil 
  • A summary, a bullet point, a brief, a line margin notes remind you. To memory recall.
  • Tell the microphone guy, sit down and drinks, an ice pack, made from the fridge.
  • 2 kids beverages, 2 glasses, 2 towels on their sweat, 2 man’s shirts, I …happen to shop. Net, it’s man and woman. It’s made by the cotton on the man’s wear, that’s why. A bag to run a shirt.
  • 2 boxes tissues boxes, 2 bowl soupy pasta, not too salty but you hydrated. The bathroom is that way VIP. I watch you 2 stuffs, your best pal, you 2 together bathroom. 
  • The ice cream (2), the posticle (2), the frozen pizza microwave, still hungry ? Just 5 mins each, can I put that in now? Your 2 bathroom back. VIP microwave. Anything else, the raw bell pepper in the cup and washed raw veggie. It’s all washed. 2 cups plastic.
  • You 2 finish eating, want to tell me clearly things I write in English. I write fine looking words when I want to, talk. One eat, one talk. I need to put 2 different name files. 
  • She is a leadership, what she is capable ? Type it later ? I will copy 5 of this each, 2+ her+1 your Secretary. I keep one. You tell her go home and type it up in the computer ? You all work like that ?
  • Avenger ?
  • No, Jonathon and me don’t work like that. He never asked me to work other than I work on my own without any of them, the otters, not the Pokémon. 
  • No, I never work in the APO.
  • No, not CAC. The writing it’s Courtney for Ayo and Wendy. I haven’t had a real leadership for a very long time. File-ing a paper and writing in English is not a leadership required. Just listening in English and comprehensive what you are saying. 
  • Can you describe where you coming from the airport, this morning ?
  • Can you give me a name and a location to where you remember earlier a counter scene ?
  • Meeting or passing or something you heard you were in a rush. Just talk, that’s fine. I write them down. Want to drink more? There is a whole dozen kids beverages. Do you remember what he or she wears? Anyone next by ?
  • You go home reading it, you can re-think and wrote more details when you go indoor. Months later. 

That’s how you all work? The paramedics? 

Next - Shazam! Fury of the Gods,

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