
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Shazam! Fury of the Gods

A lot of the team works lessons.

Wing I did work lab. Dean doesn’t do those hand kitchen jobs. 

Toby, in Dr Bing’s lab. 

I cannot recommend Dean so many years …UB dental program gives those dental cares to the UB students discount, twice I went. The first time was perfect. Second time, it’s a rough human between that Justin’s and Dean’s tempament and look. Very hurtful to my mouth or the teeth. That person’s personality and his hand jobs. I don’t think it’s targeting at you. It’s a UB dental south campus discount program to that UB ID card you go in. 

Imagine the local parents to go and find out …

Yes, they can, it’s all Buffalo all around can use the UB dental program. Right, Dean was in FL, I would have never never never think, they do their evaluation all the way to FL to be honest. Wing was near by he was working in the Wagmans pharmacy. Me and him in the same program. A certain UB building on the map.

Are they serious to cook ?

If they are the business partners… 

Including with Ronan.

Why with Ronan ?

They are in the same age, the same time the boy’s groups 25 -30 years ago.


Oh ~~

But, they are the guy’s worlds making their business…not just the photogenic reason you make them realize you know what they are reading in front of them?

And if you don’t make them realize what they are reading in front of them?

You just a fan club to express some venting things not bossing them with the movie content to suit your own purpose.

Something possible to eat down with a taste - the instant noodles (boiled)

I am not sure what for. If it’s one person …like a Hugh + his wife ? It just one Hugh? Western worlds your fridge dry food? Meaning with some guys, he is a nice and young guy….you …if if if just deliver for sure 

  • Editable, cooked, not raw meat
  • Cooked meal, boiled, hygienic
  • It’s a carbohydrate the standard diet 
  • Every meal he shows up

Because he doesn’t look significant to you, if were, so there is no food on the table. If you make a cake, that’s not a food. And if you make a burnt cake, he just smiles and he is a youth, so he doesn’t scream and yell type. He watches those mild movies to have a Kian. 

Maybe not any of that, to say try. 

I thought we finish that UK-US ligation. It’s US to UK now on cooking, it’s Trump’s family. 

You know, it happened every time. My facebook was my facebook. They don’t go and belong to each other’s facebook. You go initially talking to each other sounds like seeing each other’s family tree?

Here Uber it’s one lifetime finding the youth guy carrying those gallons or litter waters to my elevator and they carry up. Me and my money. So let’s say Westlife one of them me, it’s we going out to eat or home, I make the egg salad this video sent in. Not a whole lot, but one boxes eggs not to be spoiled ? We have no pressure staying home cooking. 

Kian and Nicky never seen a cook food or the stable 3 meals looking at it. In America you must use the car and cargo or make every 2 weeks. With Shane we both stable, no more Kian no more Nicky, we walking fine ? So others carrying those grocery right at our front door, it’s our city service.  

But any of these guys have ever ran out a clear meal ? A cereal box and a milk? 

There are those Cherry tomato, we sell like that. Washed and cut in half. The egg salad with the boiled potato ? That’s one container, so in the fridge. At the lunch times, you take that out is that cold or lukewarm (then use the oven 5 mins), and you cut that washed cherry tomato next by one a big white plate. A toast bread or 2. Some fruits cuts. You say a brunch.

Because in Asia not all that Western food. I have to make them, like 3 or 4 times a week, eating at home, or taste at home…you make a lot. You organize per weekly. You doing that or you just doing one meal?

Are you confident, a clean washed white rice going in any kind of the rice cooker branding, coming out it’s a gaunrantee white rice, not sticky soggy ?

A pasta cooked is a real pasta, not a raw pasta? Those very confident things ?

Build up that list, per food to build one person you eat, that one meal? Not other joins to see a 4 table ?

We buy outside …I never cooked the 4 people’s meal. My ex bf cooked for them, they never see me cooking now I remembered that time. 

Well, you ever make the frozen food ? Take out and baked ? It’s not a live show. 

+ some salad + some tea. We going out to eat ?

They enter the living room, sit and chat ? Our city is small. The taxi.  It’s often we go out to eat. 

The finger food idea !! Just a paper plate can throw away, you got nervous ? Some people waiting some others ? In America you drive together ? If it’s a home meal, you have to cook. We don’t here.

I go and rest and clean up. You all might have this COVID 19 and how each be with one and another ?

Just talk about it ?

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