
The business talk - is that you bribe, or that is the business talk, like I say Hugh and Kian, one of those combine FOR THE MOVIE - Anna I say about the water pipe?

Just that, or anything else included all that differently?

You pretending to be the Baywatcher, the surveillance reason to beat and run away?

Say it....every account.

Did King and Shane talks one word....any conversation and one phone call

Did    you

         Hugh all bribing


To kill Nicky......Hugh is the serial killer

Camillia say I cannot land in Ireland she is too pretty hell ish of the Queen Crown, tell me Asia whom's power is the most....you visiting that President Xi, its no longer his.......

Any more words?



Anything else? 

The Europe is full of the wars, and full of death.....I am sure you all meant that well.

When I spent daily time to type key in per words....

Remember your hands do not stop typing.....per key in sounds like you respectful knowing per key note of that Apple phone. Its me, all world bankcrupt, when I say....34 Trump must be Water Gate the felony, its because the human must seeing the real reality in front of the current time.

They surface only the correct things.

And you all will....too.

The only correct thing....Mark is all red means. Understand?

All man kinds with the beard like Keanu Reeves, like Simon....so?! All Mankind fail. Everyone claps a mins.......its the beard full of Eben or Craig to determine the mummies.....its my world, you dare to fumble one word, when Shane's facebook its my typing hard 1000 words on top, and he dares to do one thing without one word clear.....

Including the deal one word with King.

He will be together with Ireland and any place he dares to land that Thailand King and you prince william entire family head hanging on the England Public televions wall, all together, seeing the greatest history of your per voice message, per text message, per phone line opens, including Shane's per talking, do not remember me....

The only phone number to answer...


Its your eternity becoming the whole humanity witness.


Camillia, you got the kids? Your 90s TV....you remember how you look like, you will remember if I care one life.....key in per word like your 2 kids better start....per alpheabet correctly....or the rest of your life, everyone watching you typing until you finish, so they will have a meal that day.


What it makes the precious Ireland and the England public TV precious......Middleton next letter?

Military soilder is only my command. 

Shameful life, of every shameful moment...like Westlife concert, it is my night time Me and Nicky fights....be on air...the TV monitor screen.


So answer me.....how far you all willing to get the things clear, one more word talking?

Its the Live Concert, fun fun fun......you all suppose to do 1 millions kneel, bowl, flat exaclty how it should. Every word clear.

At this time, never will be anymore time with this at all.

Tell me the girl, 2 twin do little + Hugh, hold on you....not that OU lady

Bring her out.....

Everyone willing one more....only the felony of all kinds until every humanity falls. Remember medical board your only vow, and promises. FOREVER.

Sad, gloomy, sick, FAT, the giant FAT FAT FAT, disease, die, die die die die, cancer, old, monkey, old monkey, old old old. dead dead dead.....only wilshing the whole world in ill.

Dead dead dead.

Repeat the only mantra, until every word finish typing. No meal eating.

Remember....the real crown means. Looking at it straight ahead. 

Did Shane gone to North into the palace? I know where London looks like?

Not the phone, he enters the palace? You guys are drugging the public drinking fountain !!!!

I also wonder which Shane that is....

Which Shane, which Mark all that 如假包換 ....What a newspaper says, the Ru Fake, Wrap Replace......

Do you Prince William, your butt splits in half ?

I hate EVERYTHING I ever see. 

The Middleton in the car driver behind cannot stop talking to you, to keep her places... Does 5 of you learning how she talks? Get up in front of her face, show your talent to each General officers....Tina learns how to speak ill to Hank all friends, guess what Hank did.......

Proven each other worth like the newspaper values.

There are only 3 you......+1 New faces....

3 brain dead yet? If not drugs, its 1 smoking ?! So this....new blood, will be? Just like the TV?

The father does things on purpose on himself, having you 2, he got sue yet?

You smoking none stop, Harry's brain is a hole

So George....they...without the mom soon? I tell you the money here....I got yesterday why you are 6/7 to Mark?



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You are the 111 money at.

You know you leave the palace, you gonna die?

+ you poking your 2 fingers at your own eyes back at you, whom is this "you", you looking at "me", my internal vision?

+ You and Middleton never spending time in your room?!  And....you were telling me or these 2 do little 4 arms stopping you to go to this girl, with the Hugh next by...what are that 4 hands with 2 mouth opening to say? Yeah yeah yeah, wait, ~~~That 2? That is 4 arms....


+ I say to you, how about we saying your dates on the table what you talk about.


+ I look at that 2 + Hugh, I say, You have never spending anymore time with a women in your room, this lucky girl you found, many days later on this conversation.

+ You gonna bring that girl to your room, not the Middleton's room......She also in that giant room, don't tell you, cannot talk to you. Tell me, what I think she wants to ask me?

+ Do you ever bring a girl inside your own room, inside on your own bedding? You can smell your outdoor when you were young, those laundry without cabin life with some other guys, so smelly?

+ go back back back back one of those this new girl if you found, not that one....its you standing with her in your room.

Standing.....Not the bed.

Its standing in that giant ceiling room.

That is when we finish talking.... And now.....??! Mark?

She never cooked, you never cooked, and now its joking on my monitor screen Youtube, everyday wasting my time, its on 6 out of the 7 kids.

Youtube is from America, its not from England, you all abide to? That is the American says? Or that is just a suggestion to keep wasting my time here? I give you 1 day on my channel, but its airing 3 days none stop these 6 out of 7 kids. When you telling the US, you will never leave the palace life?

So they can quit doing this on my side. My patience is very very very very extremely low low low low low low dignity. Seriously....


Your citizen is encaged inside your UK line, only that line, so none of you will be moving out, to the America....all of these things say to me, you better dare to say to me, you better all already been moving.

You joking dare to use my eyes sight here to pretend I tell lie, I tell you how the entire universe I will wrap up anythiing but lies, understand?  Don't tell me its a suggestion....don't tell me....its just being suggested. Not my channel......

When you cancel the King's Australia's tour, that means its Japan enter there to greet, they staying there UK permanently? 

You all don't bother to enter here to bow, kneel, flat and blood.....remember....nothing but blood. Not you as a person in any ETERNAL sense,...I care you exist, not you, not public, not one human in this universe.....really.

You care you be that great looking, its nothing but the Monkey and death in red label, that Camilla crown crown crowning moment, I want to see worse of everything on the TV monitor EVERY SINGLE DAY.

So many secrets these Otters and Panda says.....the cancer is the great moment to flirtious.....Middleton, why don't you all send to the dungeon jails...no more interior design

And die.

And that Harry and Meghan, supposes to be in the detention center many weeks ago....whenever I pushing pushing pushing pushing none stop.....not the battle field, someone takes him or his ship out for his....fun?!


Only the correct things I say, per degree don't waste my time and energy.

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