
Mark from Westlife (the newspaper last year when they enter here, I think...) its the real Westlife, they describe it.

You want to learn them better as the Westlife, Prince William?

I think they are all those low air musician, the low mood to create the song sounds like their mood and be successful. The smoking, the wine, the beer, or anything in that nature.

Probably their fan clubs telling them to go to the school and finish the college after that. 

Right....The Europe is a free college. America is not. So they may not have any diplomat, just all the high school drop out. Westlife will be a lot younger than those of them I think. NSYNC came out 1995, I think I read. 98 Degree is older?! These are all American boyband. Westlife is from Ireland.

Right, I believe people like Mark better. The girls.

Every guy has a different look, the different height, all of them ....it is from the music parts, but you saying if they chase the stars. I wasn't. I just bought the CD that time. Europe it will sound a little bit different to us Taiwan than America. I don't know about from England to see that. I wasn't very sure where they all come from, I know M2M was the Norwegian. Savage Garden was the Australia, and Muji that is here. The choir. We listen to the same music genre? 

(Sleep ~~~~~~~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz )

Mark ~~!!! Not Westlife

I don't know his name is Mark. I didn't know any of them, its black hair that sings. Backstreet Boy has those all white on the CD over, outside the CD, on the top of the CD, the actual look too many of them, its black hair or lighter hair. I think I remember Brian's look.

But when you putting all the blonds, I cannot tell them difference. Now, I know that is Kian and Nicky, I don't really know them. No.

Do you mean if Mark has the sex with the girls, or the gf, or the boy, or the guys?

No, I don't know. I didn't talk to Mark.

In the 99?


oh ~ Mummies (1999) ???? They came out 1997 IOU? Or before that called IOU. 

America, I don't think they do that to their boyband, the Ireland looks like they did (this video) When America, don't put that culture like I know what the Ireland did, or I seeing Ronan all these.....????? I have never seen anything of that. The American they do the talk show, or the movie star, those are more of the celebrity on their TV. Not that many boybands you saying.....One Direction? Good Morning, America. But that is just the beginning of the show. 

( I am so drowsy.... sleeping again, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  )

Is this about sex? (birds beep)


Audrey Hepburn, in that movie the man? He is Mark?

I think that is....to train your grandmom, those Era man and the girls, how to talk, how to behave. Their culture is the girl sit there....stop moving !

That is a commercial on the TV to advertise for the chocolate. I don't think that is a Mark.


If when I was a kid, for 30 years or 40 years on, never live in your those ceiling height, my whole life doesn't require to do that. So no, that is false. And, its visible your brother and....later when you get done all that, its England = all Royal on Earth coming it down. No one goes up anymore. That is what the Middleton means with those kids. Your kids, your money included.


No, of course not. I don't know. You call Mark and ask him in person. Just ask them for an outing, or inviting them for an outing, Mark.

And then, you ask him.

( This is my morning fruits...water melon, calling Nicky, sorry Kian. What was it.....brush my teeth, dental floss my teeth, the trash bag tie up, a new trash bag....I ate the rice a bite, my dental floss, it bothers me gum or the teeth......)

If you are in his life, you mean literally, or just get to know him? In his life, he has all around he does for his work, those are his professional works environment, he is a professional. 

This is not about Mark and Brian beat up each other in Ireland TV local? 

( tilted my head.....) I have never seen that in America, I didn't know these things (tilt) will ever exist in front of my eyes, people's eyes. Sorry, the public's eyes.

Taiwan we called the multiple talent show.

Tina Jojo at....that ex-manager, her....(Red Cliff), these show. The Small S (the female host)


The first time I saw.


oh ~ (tilt my head), that is Kian ~ the whole band without Shane is on that multiple talent show, those TV show format in Asia, we called them the multiple talent....show format.

I don't really know what do they do in Ireland !!!

I think their...original, or the profesional jobs its to hold up a microphone and sing the different range of the notes, as the boybands. They would be like the church boy choir in that singing, you understand? But they called them the boyband. They are like a boy's choir. A layers of the different range of all notes from 5 different layers. That is their original ( tilt my head) real jobs.

If I didn't see the younger these video.....


Right, they should really coming out with some music background, not those jail I was told. 

2:05  That is acappalo. No music on the background. 

I think their real jobs....its to sing to be honest.

You....r real job's is not to sing. That will be the orthrodox means. 

The bird's jobs are natural to sing. Right....I don't think that is the reason they show up, its because my balcony birds they sing. They probably know, I told them that. The birds it the only creation from God, cannot shut up, love to talk, love to sing, all day all night. That is their natural endow right.

(Its just way tooooo hot outside for them. )

You want to just one lifetime watching this Duke of Westminister, Hugh guy?

His resume is splendid on the public television.

What's equal competition? Brian and Mark to chase you, Prince ....and then later you reject them both later on? Did you say you were the handicap like Tamang?

NO! There is nothing happened to Mark, you want to call his agent or Westlife? There is nothing happened to Mark. He went to the hospital !!!!!!!!!!  He cannot get out of the hospital, you reading that newspaper last year? 

Last year, his newspaper, he got very very very ill, so he went to the hospital, and then I think he went back and just staying there long long long long time. I know they gone to the European Tour, but when they say he cannot get on, that is exactly the newspaper meant. He has to go back to the hospital !!! 

I don't think I calling Mark, like I say to everyone, so I don't know one thing about Mark. No.

The proper thing for you as ....your brain right or left when you seeing these video or the songs or lyrics or the MTV like back in the 90s everyone singing in the KTV place, you ask your father to call the hospital, and deliver you all family's well wishes.

The proper things to do, sending some flower or the Easter baskets with the ribbons or the eggs the last time March, right now its the June. You doing that in front of your father's faces. You telling your father, he goes and find out where or which hospital himself, and having him deliver a well wishes and the gifts baskets. So you as the Prince William + a wife + 3 kids + a new future, you don't get near that situation other than to your father, he represent for all of you.

That is the proper things to do. You don't do that behind your father's back. As the proper manner.

No, you don't need to know where that hospital is, never ask your father when you having a conversation skill. You just wish your father to know, you knew that, but this is urgent, its his life, and his wellness. If your father asking you.... "I found out where he is", you say, "No, I don't need to know for the moment. That is fine."

Your father never mentioned, you never asked. You relate that message wishing he deliver a message for you.

Isn't you all just wish to manipulate your father for your whole life? I DON"T HAVE a father .....he is a junk so it will never be him ~~~~

No, you do what you want....I have no idea, you calling them last year? 

You calling whom last year? Will?

They are the business partner by now 25 years passing by or 27 years or 30 years since IOU? 

You show them the things they wish to see, to hear, to know about. But since my real works have too many before they show up, I need to finish all of that. BUT they happened to exist at the same year, that is the current events. AFTER the pandemic period of time.

+ the music a little bit.

+ The military don't like it, they need to focus a lot more in the real paper works those science museum. 

As the individual, I can talk without you, Will. That is what you mean you get in the middle of them and me? 

You SHOW THEM the things they know, or they wish to hear, to know, to sense, to understand.

You make a points to know they have a different module of other things they do. In your talk, or in some kinds of the communication here or with them, or behind, or on the music notes.

The facebook.

"You reading it too far"  -Super Man ( New Orlean ) Simon Cowell and Mental people.

2:42   -   You   READING    it     too     far. 


Next- Business talk, or this is individual you Will's talk, or you already ruin all of that? 

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