
Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

hahahaha........ that is the last name means. Wil Son

That is the Steel Man (Super Man), that same lady looks like Taiwan Youtuber, that Elizabeth.

That was when they were younger....

No, I know where London is. East England. No, I say Shane goes to the North castle door in. Right, I say that, walking in. Sorry, not the phone. I am so mad....I type 1000 words, he plays fool. Now, since you say.....oh I c. Its not the vision. London....its at the south East, warmer.

The vision is more like the momentum you go with it. Your entire body is the vision, you are the energy forward with it. I hate it. No, if I describe to you, I remember its he goes north, I know it looks like he walking in North towards, but its more like the map with short leg gimmie, he go straight up North into that black door castle behind - How do you animate a gimmie short leg up to north, and in short words, he entering the castle door, King called him.

But Ireland its not straight up. London is not straight up, East.

oh ~ I just so angry.

No, I don't know if that is Scotland. I think they are in London. In their location supposes to be, not Scotland.

   That entire 2 or 3 lines, how to make a vision, looking.     Vanished.  Behind its the England map.  I keep saying England?    Yeah, I keep saying England? The vision...England. 

What is the gimmie? The Christmas ornament, but its a map, running up the short legs.

This Shane....is very very often short legs, same as Kian. He jumps his steps 1 and 2 jump, and he is gone ! Short....gimmie.  Maybe in my dream, I was shorter, folded to meditate, so shorter means. The house with the cotton, you put the gimmie all around, with the lights on the desk, the Christmas display. Not on the tree. On the table all the cottons like the snow.

This is not Thranduil told Legolas, you go to North (after they final war) to find a ranger, and Legolas is Thranduil's son? Shane would be......The singing, this is about the singing?

Is this your father thinks, we are all very short shorty?

I will tell you that, your father will tell you that.

What you should be doing, as the prince, as the crown prince...not my brother does that too...you will be the England King, that is the Great Britain King? 

Its.....NOT to make the friends with any of us.  NEVER my YOUTUBE those.

So 2 posts ago ? (?)

I was on the progression to tell you, through your father.....the moment we talk like that, somehow my vision shift I got mad. It was, you use your father as the middle man, as he to go and relate that well wishing message. So only your father will know where he sent that message to, landing on whom's desk. The correct conversation would be you Prince William to tell your father,

"Can you represent me this time, to send Mark a message through your finding. No, I don't need to know where or how, things happened in everyone's family life all that. I got enough on my plate. So if you can do this represent for me....you find the Westlife or the hospital, some gifts some nice card, you greeting him as the Royal family overall....that shall do the best part from all of us."

You want to say that loud?

  1. Sad is your nature
  2. You seeing the sad and permissive on life.
  3. You itch your way to push your agenda - its to kill.
  4. You roar to someone near you, it can be Riley or Middleton, and they cannot get near you = you have an agenda, you always up to something.
  5. You are similar to that Tamang, that is why that is Tom Hank's face.
  6. You wish not just to be friend with either direction of SA. You can only hold one SA.
  7. The Ireland SA or American SA.
  8. You wish they are the combine SA, its actually only the leadership is their band leadership. It always like this.
  9. You have an agenda, what's that, the permissive side of life on re-write.
  10. OU language.

Movie: Da Vinci Code, has this Roman Catholic. 

The secret cult, the secret society. You believe the satanic practices. I tell you the day I drew that Tamang's faces out, I knew every plots in his brain.....

You seeing so many people and you can carry that conversation out more and more, and that should be your only agenda, its to keep going that trajectory. Its not everyone leaves you. Its not someone together it will be always be together or fall off, here or real, or not there, all that. whatever between me and Kian or me and Nicky. You don't need to close gate, you just walking more focus straight ahead. You never think that walking down your isle its when these applause noise wane down a little bit. The walkway. 

I don't really know.

When you are home, you go to sleep, you go to bath, you to wash your hands, your face, get your warm towel on your neck, on your face. Make yourself feeling good. You seeing too many people, those trait of you, should leave you a bit. Any trait of you whatever you putting these thinking inside your brain, one person alone walking in that giant room, to do your only thinking. Don't stay up too late, to do those thinking, go to sleep all the time. Just keep taken some medicine, tell someone, or say something to someone, and be restful. Don't think about those movie all the time, you think you got scared? You alone by yourself? All those good vs evil, evil vs good? The white and the dark? And you seeing the darken side of you yourself?

No, this world is good. You just tell the police, everything is solved.  You know yourself, of course I know you yourself. Listen, someone seeing anything of that, will stop you. I will stop you...whatever this things if someone saying to me. Someone will watch you that side, with or without me. Is that what you thinking? Something you try, something you poke the wall? Touch and see? If that is the magic? 

Okay, we talk about your ice cup drink. You know that. You go to the party, you know about people like the prince thing, and ...you didn't tell that person to stop drinking that cup. The boy or the girl, those innocent face like I say. You got scared when I say that to you, or you found out you yourself having those negative thinking, or thought about.

Or these movies, or Harry Potter all that. You are passive, and you are on that side, no one go and tell you no, don't drink, don't smoke and you get to the habit, you know all of that trait. You know its not good. And one day, you seeing something more collaboration people coming out ....you try to tell me Kian or Nicky smoking free, that is what you mean. They think they aim the heaven's price too high, all that? So you start to believe we got some faces to look like the nice people, except that Simon or that Keanu. For some reason you know that.

Middleton to a certain thing, she will tell you NO! She does that on the TV, I can see that.

But you went to read something, or find something, or ask someone.....in sometime in your life, to only you talk to yourself, or you only think in yourself room, alone all the time. I tell you NO the thousand times, you tell the police. There is nothing evil going on.

When you are outside, we watching you.....you seeing all these faces, you trust that someone will look after you, and you put that story 2 and 2 together....side by side, tell me what's that? That is not true. They will always watch you. Not like that.  No, you got scared. No, you know what is the things you got scared, so you don't always say that. You need to keep in for yourself. No, you keep yourself alive, and you run off to tell the police, and tell your guard all the time. 

You are always with your guard, or anyone looks like the police. You need to trust the police, you want to go and ask someone very very very clear on this one?

Trust the police.

No, not those Dark Lords stuffs. NO!  I know you have those swaying dark thinking, or night thinking, or seeing all these movie, you go to sleep, you go to rest, you go to bathing, you put some warm towel on your nose bridge, on your forehead. Quit all those substance. When you feeling a lot more warmer, you go to sleep, you go to bed, you sleep on the massage chair, you just go to sleep. That is the only thing you do. Bathing, 4 limbs soaking, washing your face, washing your hands put in the warm water all the time. Warm your nose bridge, warm your forehead with the towel. All the time. Go home the first things, take a shower, put something lighter, warm tea, the warm water, the bed, you go to close your eyes for napping, any time you coming out of the car and tired. That is normal.

Every closure of that car, you go to sleep, that is not impolite. GO TO SLEEP. All the time. Any thing darkness, you go to sleep, you wake up and we talk about it. Just go to sleep, go to rest, warm your face, wash your face, wash your finger, get your doctor seeing all the time. Start telling that to your doctors. Me and Shane is not fading it out. You can tell your doctors, in that palace. We are not going away yet. So you hold on us, you go and tell that doctor....you thought about the world and dark things, and you went online to research. You wish the good people stay. You say that to him. That palace doctor. Me and Shane still here this week, this month, this year. Go and open up your mouth. No, he doesn't tell us, no. 

Will we got told? NO! 

I go to sleep.

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