
The conversation


  • Tina, my father away from my mother.
  • Using the legal court to force Anna me.
  • My mother and sad me, running away. The current girl her mother yelling at her often.
  • The sad me means the warm approaching is not too many laughter those, will fail surely. 
He have checked the local court.  “Can we find someone at the legal top…”. “2 of us?”

“If you cannot get her out of her mother, we cannot do anything approaching !”

His wife initiated

“I want to move to where my works the nearest...you are not doing anything inside the house anyway.” -(1)

‘No, not the school district near the bank, I don’t like too crowded people.” 仁愛國中,台欣  - (2)

[ hurried to move to the entire paper works (?) the near by, next and next lane to strangle people neck at that parking lot trees near the General ]  -(3)

Phone at those upper the (3), loads to rent cheaper.

I cannot understand (1)(2)  (3).    (3) is the correct but (1) was should, and (2) for some reason was the conversation in between. 

T at, across the dentist, that 2 cases. The Canada Prince island, Liu Champion and plastic surgeon 2018.

(The elevator starting )

His pink. I think it’s always about his ex gf with him or the current.   She doesn’t know much but he says, “Sometimes people have to take care of what’s their own very life.” The new found school girl. That piss her off. 

He is highly calculative


The kid just step off with the mask. The purple and the eye glasses.  It’s calculative with the noise outside on the top, and he sent him out. Smaller sound, I ran down.  He thinks I sleeps in my room to hurt the head, it’s this room.  He starts to shaking …or the kid. It’s right now right below to the school. 

He steps steps steps steps down at the neighbor below in a walking manner about 1 min. 7:27 stop exactly at 7:28.

The 2nd floor, the girl, a Secretary and her mother getting old.

That’s my mask before my mother bought. 


Read it to my mother yesterday 

He knows Square’s restaurant, the cousin 8 years ago.  He started this gf 2 years ago? This black bow on the blonde I met her and another guy 8 years ago. Not a word say, the night market front. 

He needs to delete, the animals, the bf.

When I met them, they aren’t together yet.  Inside and the outside looks a bit different, not sure the same girl. 

8:00 knock the wall. To go out. The water facet - hint.

Tell my mother to slow down, restful, and focus this very sharp human needs a next win. Not going too happily. Rest, sleep, know and focus his next winning bet, the immediate next do. 

He wants wants wants a life like that 3 guys, 2 F 2 girls, young or me. Everyone got someone, a group life, even that 2. Not his age. He wants to show off, from his chest the huge energy wants to come out money money money after COVID 19  a very happy life if he can, he doesn’t want to tap the facet water licking his tongue’s life anymore.

Did you check that mask was my mask purple before exactly ? The COVID 19.


He wants a dignity life, everyone listens to his words and follow the command life !

No one really listens to him all around, younger and younger.


Next - new gf

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