

威力彩 - 最新一期中獎號碼  民國114年02月24日 (期別:114000016)

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The wife is         the virgin blood, second teacher, third ME     2 = vomit

                          2F       3F       4F       5F       6F         

7F         8F

A first lady school?  His wife is very tall. The gun and appearance team the First Lady high school? HERE?

 The otter    https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SG3YJQ_UpXg  Its to aim at Kate.

The baseball is the date? The Small Egg or the Big Egg.  The 2nd floor. 

You know this year is Snake Chinese Horoscope year. A king in the palace story......

I seen this Hollywood ladies. She has some resemblance, its not those students. I think something the vocational school, those. But correct, they have a bond connection. He wrote her letter, a physical letter makes her feel sweet.

Try "happy, peaceful, vegan new year to   all  and  all will be well"

"to all."

           1             2           3      4     5     6F  7F   8      9 elevator, no one is using it.

He asked her to go touching those door locks next by us, maybe those or where about. He checked it all the door locks here.

We-to-Japan is 3 hours and 3 mins.

13 hours 23 minutes on the 5th of January.  I enter the original universe.


30 alphabets. It is strange, I seeing a group of them going. 

Then a whole airplane only 3 is not. What if? The whole airplane went crashing to the mountain. You believe what I saw?

The plan would be 4 grandparents. The notes before....until QI, y  (yeah) 爺




She is this guy's younger gf. about 21 and 61, I have no idea how old he is.

She was told by him almost a small gentle lecture, she don't just go to my mother and expose her in the night market with a fat giant guy. Near by her, was those gangster, young looking nice hair guy short, the money mule. He the younger guy told her the same thing. She knows at least 2 those tall, nice looking, scamming or the gang guys around her, those gangs. Or that is few people she as his young gf knows.

She gone in the 7-11, those dumpling place in the end is where no people walking there, because I hardly going there, she buying the cigarert and asking my mother, if how many daughters she had, and where she never knew I going somewhere, maybe she should join them the next time to see where I am about.  oh, she rehearsal this so many times in her brain or the meeting scene at the night market, or this is in the 7-11 (?). Every time is the same line, the same talk, the same....tones  }

No, they have met these indoor light, she knows where these night market walkway. Those light are the day light. She does staying near these younger guys outdoor most time, but the human eyes is not always outdoor. 

Anyway, when they met that one time, my mother's thought was, she just doing nothing but this Westlife guys on her talks. What's coming out of her thought.

This gf knows I go to metro that route a lot so this game is not easy to play,
 and she doesn't go to Taipei station. My mother gone with me there. She has a blonde wig, or some hair style, my mother sees....you know how you buying a box the cigarette at the front, the cashier turn around to grab it in 7-11.

If....that should be the Eastern Area, my mother did say or what did she say? 

No, she says that is not prosper anymore, but what did she says. 

No, these 2 places are not immediately at the police station, that is what it means. 

The birds are picking the cloth, the IT putting this down right base. The white jacket is the lotto. No, he is up to something downstair, right below, too.

She is those usually stays in the day light near the motorcycle these younger guy's looking no eye glasses. Only he 洪 this neighbor he has the eye glasses. They all smoking that type and most of them don't have the eye glasses. They have those gang's look, the act and the behavior.

About right. The face





Ariana those and combine as....



The pet shop. All those pet shop glooming places.

The motorcycle people


" So you gonna partner with her...."  poking.....  Kate's chicken things (?)

"The organization thing, you should not get personal.... you know how many times I have to say this. While other people having a (family), it will never be you and me knowing, they got their own life pace how they do things around the house, if we got exposed because you and me, it will affecting not just their own personal choice of life, whatever the girl and her mother or her older bf included. You met him, right?  "

"No !".

"How do you know she has an older bf?"

"Her mother told me. Look at this...."


"Yep I told you. When people having a family overall structure, not even her daughter knowing any side from that side he got a family before or now. That is none of her business."

(We got it from some other sources. )

"Her computer?"


"She knows about this?"


"You sure?" "A person like her don't know about this? This is the whole family overall get together."

"Her mother says she doesn't get together with them too often. That is probably just mis-understanding. He meditates all the time like her."

"You sure taken this it will convince her? I hardly think she is that type of the personality to be honest...doing something behind someone's back, and this guy doesn't even tell her, how big his family structure was."

"I think her mother telling her something about life, that is when WE (the family of 4), the choice is not always on us, you understand that?"

Religion practice

"I don't think she goes with her that often to that."

"She stays at home, but I think she does do something with them, look at her...."

"That is being religious means?"

"No !"

"Are we going after them, if we show her this?"

"No! Her mother says she doesn't care about it."

"Can we just look up online to see if these are true?"

"No! We are the money mule. We don't do things....$#!$#!$#!$#!$#@"

News: they broke up

His father made them broke up a darker corner somewhere to talk. The above conversation might be 2 years ago. Last year maybe....?

"You know, people always know what you do behind, she may not consciously know, but she can tell things are not going well. "

(I have these outside birds.....hey ! What are they 2 walking towards? The crying part those.... )

I seeing those conversation, fine. I usually have to lay down.

I cannot use my facebook yet. No, he goes with that to hit my head in-room. Someone knows he does that, so its....it can be retrieve, just not right now. You read his pink issue, how to deform someone's faces.

That time, what she wants to do was pull me out of this attention house a little bit toward their motorcycle, because they cannot be seen inside those indoor light, and I always be inside those underground tunnel anywhere inside the structural builidng.

That will be at least 2 years ago, and the longer I staying with my mother  - he meant that my mother will build my trust with her mother the time passes they do talk, they had these following conversation, and then so she proposed that, she can find a way how to take me out of this environment a little bit, those plans. He says, her schedule is watching the movie in the afternoon, and she doesn't go out at night time, 

"Is that right?"

"No, we usually don't meet those people's face, if you want me to?"

( Many years I have those schedule.)

Alex asked, "What makes you think she gonna drop her mother to go with you or your groups of the friends, you sure this gonna work?"

"Not really, but I can try, we never see her in this area a lot, her foot range is very far, we cannot really be there (the Taipei Station) and she walks a lot. Almost everywhere people seeing that....  ( inside the tunnel or the outside station those places people can walk.) Those are favor to us, unless she turns into those small avenue lanes, we can talk to her, or we try. Me and !@#@#@#!  "

"Have you done that, what does her mother say?"

(shrugged her shoulder)

"I don't think she has a particular interests to know what we do with her, or means we lie to her, or we do lying to both of them, if I know what else they people do to her. I haven't got those communication responses back yet. So I don't really know."

The younger guy next by Alex's ex gf.

"You know people like him, might screw it up all of us life, you know?" near the motorcycle sitting there to smoke.

She pushes his elbow, "I don't think he is like that. Don't be jealous."

"I just don't think he knows what he is doing." Smoking ash...steps step step.

"You met her?" "No."

"Its his father told him that, we broke up. "

"Right, the family like that always has the excuse going back to the family, as the guy, we know that, but ....."

blah blah blah blah blah...

Before - the photo.

"You sure this is her photo, I cannot really tell that is her."

"Do you follow her from the door here?"

"No. She doesn't really come this way, and when this person does get here, I am not sure this is the same blonde people you describe this....look. You sure, you asked her mother?"


She did hand my mother a card that one time in 7-11?!

"I just don't think we waste so much time on Alex's new gf."

(She and him often waiting outdoor near the motorcycle within all these conversation. )


"We don't even meet the person."

"A lot of us have to........"

"I just don't think that is a very good idea, we go far with this, just by the description of it, they got their life on their own, and he lives right under them, he must know its worth to pursue or not, and he is not super clear with us, on all of them, or just with one her. Maybe he is frighten, and not telling us, after all, none of us knowing what exactly she does, and he talks very seldom with all of us on whom they are, or whom she mingle with. From us, we hardly see a person there, and he puts so much works on her, that is amazing /strange. why we outside seeing that, or knowing what exactly had happened to all of us around, all around us here."

"I told him the same thing, seldom we talk about this anymore after this. I think he got some other plans, not really to do with her or her mother, because.....its a renter's issue, and they screw it up a lot in that houses, and he just doesn't say. I think that is whom he is."

"oh yeah? You know him better."

"You think we go back there? Any time soon?"


"I can see we are not very far from it, according all you or him said to be honest. She doesn't go near to the people because she knows we are all very bad, and her mother knows her like that, that is why she stays there, not her sister or sibling all of that, not even her relative has anything to say about her, those kinds. Or else we might be notified, and kidnap them as if and tell them that. But...." (sigh) "I don't even think they got a relative !"

"I think she stopped them from coming to her mother, maybe they had a quarrel, you know, every family has their past up or down, all of that, and we never know what their kids doing, or what their public utility do to them, I heard they were from somewhere too noisy, but she doesn't want to go and engaged those conversation too quickly or what if we all screw it up, I have no idea."

"I just don't think this is a very good idea, we all get too near to them life, this far we think of. He doesn't know what he is doing, or he seldom saying what he supposes to do, beat the crap of them, he will be let out, but at least they know we have the attention on them, so they pay 100% attention what we do, and arrive where we suppose to wish them to show up those places, just not where they are all busy inside their mind, or their own life, and commute in this traffic tunnel, no one goes there, its not cool, its not windy, its not romantic, and these indoor lights,....anyway. We cannot be seen, or be spot shed her own security with her mother, and what about him? We know anything about him?"

"No, he is one of us, Alex."

(  her best friend's name is Alex? )


He thought about what information to say, or be sent to....or someone dead 2 people chamber motorcycle, or someone higher, or some conversation,....he was on the phone someone else discussion. He thinks...while looking at this social news from the TV.

Meditate, meditation, sensation, some birds, the psychi, or something

?????????????  He thought about something to say, or imagine something....????

That 3 guy's financial stuffs.

Best friend Alex

"I think some of those handicap people did see her, at the Eastern Area, not too often, but a girl like her doesn't seem to go near this handicap or those animal pet shop ideas. At least being a girl while exhibiting those trait, people will feel more warmly and cuddling the romantic feeling emitting from her, being kind, or being genuine, one of those, you seeing /you see....."


5:51 (current time, or 5:52) knocking the wall, when I close the browser down, my back head.

Whole day, no elevator.  He cannot run about play. 

I think he wants to imply the shower time.

So...the birds meant the Unbrella King, walking towards that on the corner roof I can see. Its a perpendicular pedestrian walking towards the night market down there. The birds did.

So this is to hint....(the elevator very shallow they did, today. Not up here.)

These the wall hints, are to get out?! To those money mule ~~ the motorcycle crowd.

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