
England military, you left yet to Japan?

Kate, I am dreaming or all these otters starting Hugh arrival, they draw me a map he gone north, or this Taipei area. its you Kate's birth certificate, or later Meghan, or anything that Harry ever done.....to end up another chart Next Step movie. Everyone got a diagram.

This is your comfey food.


No, not that diagram.

You all having these otter evidence where you drop your key in the water and left someone at French custom for 1 Christmas, every time I coming back to my jobs I have to think. Its with the evidence I can see, I tell you that might be real.

Til June this year, this is horrific, I can tell you that. If you all leaving yet, meaning to board on the ship, its probably a day or 2 running up before the typhoon season. 

I wonder if Hugh's family they got what they need, or they all moving up without that Jumanji: Next Level, that diagram. Someone literally tell me, they buried what a giant gas things near them UK. They got the kids.

I will be in the middle holding those bouncing up or down MIDDLE. ME. 

You didn't get those food, right? Or some try those small paper bowl, something here or there the sea food in the cozy hotel room?

Do you get your sandle the summer, the beach life? Those very bulky and air light those kinds, the light color. Its good indoor with your socks on it.  Some mint ornament, or the medicinal, or the medical creme. Those are actually the English label on it. 

If you travel again from the south of France, you....only going through the Taiwan Channel going north up, you may not even stop in Taiwan, or Okinawa somewhere to get the supply, the Philippine is south. (There was these 2 otters, one of those swap the position with a fish in his mouth.)  - this is the time we talk about I can only trust what I see from the otter, so I tell you? You going through Egypt, that is a canal, or channel you define? Ours is giant to across is China. 

That is....warring idea, I ever asked you? Me, us here. Taiwan Channel to China. You know why you join a military, can you check you are not navigating the wrong side...I know you don't need to pass by here, Philippine or Okinawa is fine. We go straight up to Japan?  Yes.

Do I need those sheet?

How is the Cinderella Geography your all prince or them would be at. I am so confused. One side I see the living veil through the panda family, another side I see the animal collect themselves, next is my outside building and my own home road block at the castle, and then my food....and then and then and then....

You care about your own family, and how you all PM and Royal, whom pushing whom now to get let down, its George or I imagine I seeing that with the latest news through panda? Do you have the military doctors, or you deciding your major going home, when you going home to finish your school?  You communication, I mean about you yourself make a clear what you are saying, and then PM or through the UK Royal family to get through the PM. How is your local custom you gonna all ending up a lot more International World in Japan.

Passive and go to sleep. Just like me.

"Is a ....we walking up Japan and we will be seeing this one guy, and that is your neighbor?"

"The renter with the pink."

"Not the wife?"

"When my head is clear, I realize what I just told my mother and yesterday was our Tuesday here. Okay. When you guys ready, you won't be collecting yourself in the same area."

"Are they scamming groups?"

"They are....a Chinese word I think. The money mule.  "

"Can you report them?"

"He doesn't know he is exposing that to the whole community here walking freely with a bike....or I am not seeing my vision clear ...and telling you here. I got no immediate visual point to tell you if anything I see was true. Sometimes, I got too confused."

"And he doesn't know he got exposed? "

"I don't speak in Chinese, not that word. 'driver'."

"But its literally this money mule Google Image?"

" ... You are all the one less thing I ever worried about, to be honest with this 1 neighbor + 1 pink, or his wife always knows that. As long as my mother doesn't join that, I care about it."

'What do they use for that, outside sound?"

"The motorcycle."

"You can understand these news say, and they talk about it? "

"Yes. The actual crime, I wasn't thinking it would be right below me to show up this Apple device as a what.....the 子母畫面 and Car Play? Apple is on it, and he is not reading it. He is trying to make a point I think and by the way a fast kill. He owns this apartment."

"What you gonna do when you meeting this, we are leaving or left?"

"... these are every single day on our news. If those royal duplicates were not perrish, they would have knowing a lot a lot of this at Cambodia, they are moving it to Dubai though."

" That is not our movies, right? The geography saying to say duplicate, and they are the scamming groups, all these piles up?"

" Oh ~ ...what?"

Your movie. X. The geography, the arm strong ....they have any duplicate in it?  ( I am ....How many are these Cinderella? ) 3 things you ask me. I hear this right or I organize my thought right. 

You ask them best. I am not literally watching this movie the beginning to the end. Every news here I watch since....this is very bad to the people here, so I know about it. I was busy to ask my mother, she does what.....no I don't think she joins them. I try to ask her about if she knows about the pink. Not clear...her answer. All these food I am eating it down.... It might be something very very truly bad...all this add up. If she has a point, she knew about. He probably went to show off with her. He imagines to show off with me. 

"That is showing off?"


She is a Canadian diva, right, now Hollywood they saying that for? Entering the US market, what they do? The lady die in the sun, I said? She was from....where Nominji from, all right. West Hollywood probably. 

She SMCH....no, she uses the center around the world. Do they profit to live with the water crisis issues. Taipei, or the Miaoli they have to handle every bill legally. The police or those I say 4 countries police they have to admin that. 

Just never live with the jail, because 4 countries police over the cult, its how many her classmates were never that Flower Thousand Bones, I mean in the 90s. One of them near is our presidential candidate. The 2nd photo that one.

Their target is the real prince, at least they knowing that, none of them is the scamming group?! That should have no relation whatsoever. Never mind. I can toss that away. Those are not the most immediately thing. 

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