
Is she here ? 她在這?

Our moving date me and Shane. I think her foot got stone trip.  She wants to go to 馬偕醫院,from Taipei center their brown line. The green, otter, vegetarian hospital.


If I typing something then my mother screaming at me washing the cloth again  You all none stop playing a game because you have no money you thinking the money and life is a game. I will tell you exactly how this island sunk game. You imagine what I will ever do. 

You have no reason to keep hurting me at all. Not from the first day, Tina Jojo watch !! Taipei station basement with the 21th plus chicken like China map, Mongolian cut in half. Eating it down is tasty like she syndromes is a rooster chicken!! No tongue, no brain, no facial dead cock faces. It’s a born right. I am sure no one will see it 『the debts man blood shall pay.』

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